Physics Graduates and Job Employment

In summary, the individual is unsure about job opportunities in the field of pure physics and is considering applying to engineering programs for better job prospects. They are interested in pursuing a career in physics but want to increase their chances of employment after graduation. They do not want to be a research lackey or a high school physics teacher. They are also interested in knowing if there are any other job paths for someone with a pure physics degree and which type of engineering program would have the most physics integrated into it. The conversation also touches on the possibility of pursuing a PhD in physics and the potential job opportunities in industries outside of academia. The conversation ends with a joke about string theorists possibly going into fields like accounting or computer science.
  • #1
We're going to be starting our university applications fairly soon at my school, and I'm still a little bit uncertain about job opportunities in the field of pure physics. Right now I'm planning on applying to several schools for different types of engineering because from the information I've received it's a lot easier to get a job after you graduate with an engineering degree instead of a pure science. Physics is really what I'd like to do, but I want the greatest chance of employment after I graduate. I definitely don't want to be some research lackey , and I don't think I want to teach high school physics like my teacher does (I believe he studied astrophysics). Basically what I'm getting at is, are there any other real job paths for someone coming out of a pure physics program?

P.S. -- What type of engineering program would have the most physics integrated into it? (I realize this question is a little vague but give it a shot)

Physics news on
  • #2
JohnSimpson said:
We're going to be starting our university applications fairly soon at my school, and I'm still a little bit uncertain about job opportunities in the field of pure physics. Right now I'm planning on applying to several schools for different types of engineering because from the information I've received it's a lot easier to get a job after you graduate with an engineering degree instead of a pure science. Physics is really what I'd like to do, but I want the greatest chance of employment after I graduate. I definitely don't want to be some research lackey , and I don't think I want to teach high school physics like my teacher does (I believe he studied astrophysics). Basically what I'm getting at is, are there any other real job paths for someone coming out of a pure physics program?
P.S. -- What type of engineering program would have the most physics integrated into it? (I realize this question is a little vague but give it a shot)

electrical and mechanical engineering are both very common engineering fields that have tons of applied physics...civil engineering or industrial engineering not so much.
  • #3
Are you willing to go to graduate school for a PhD? As a general rule, I don't think physics PhD's have employment trouble.
  • #4
If your ultimate career goal is a non-academic one, I'm sure that at one point in time (regardless of whether you want to pursue graduate level studies or not), you are going to have to lean towards the applied physics side (aka. engineering). I can't think of an industry that would want people to sit around and admire the beauty of theory or prove numbers without tangible results.
  • #5
mezarashi said:
I can't think of an industry that would want people to sit around and admire the beauty of theory or prove numbers without tangible results.

And what kind of physicists do this exactly?
  • #6
What do you actually want to do with your physics knowledge if not teach, research, or engineer?
  • #8
I was under the impression that most people who get a pure physics education do so with the intention of going to grad school. If you want a job involving physics and you don't want to be a research lacky or high school teacher, that's probably what you're going to have to do. As for engineers, I'm not sure how it works for them, whether they go to grad school or not.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how true it is, but I've heard stories about physics graduates going into things like accounting or computer science--probably because their math and problem-solving skills are to be desired.
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  • #9
inha said:
And what kind of physicists do this exactly?

String Theorists.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

FAQ: Physics Graduates and Job Employment

1. What types of jobs can I get with a physics degree?

Physics graduates can pursue a wide range of careers, including research and development in private industries, teaching at various levels, and working in government agencies. Some common job titles for physics graduates include research scientist, data analyst, engineer, and physics teacher.

2. Are there job opportunities outside of traditional physics fields?

Yes, physics graduates can also find employment in fields such as finance, consulting, and healthcare. The problem-solving and analytical skills gained from a physics degree are highly valued in many industries.

3. Do I need a graduate degree to find a job in physics?

While a graduate degree can open up more opportunities and higher salaries, there are also job opportunities for physics graduates with just a bachelor's degree. It ultimately depends on the specific job and employer requirements.

4. How important is practical experience in finding a job as a physics graduate?

Practical experience, such as internships or research projects, can greatly enhance a physics graduate's job prospects. It not only provides valuable hands-on experience but also demonstrates a strong work ethic and practical skills to potential employers.

5. What skills do employers look for in physics graduates?

Employers often look for a combination of technical skills, such as data analysis and programming, as well as soft skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. Physics graduates are also expected to have a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to apply them to real-world problems.

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