Where am I going wrong? Thermo derivation

Then dA=dU-TdS-SdT. You can rewrite this in terms of intensive properties: dA=d(U/N)-Td(S/N)-SdT. Then use the Maxwell relation for d(U/N) and d(S/N) to get your desired equation. In summary, the fundamental equations of thermodynamics for an open system containing a one-component fluid in terms of intensive internal energy U = U/N, intensive Helmholtz free energy A, intensive Gibbs free energy G, and intensive enthalpy H can be derived by using the Maxwell relations for d(U/N) and d(S/N). The equations are: A = U - TS, G = U + pV - TS, and H = U + pV.
  • #1
Derive the fundamental equations of thermodynamics for an open system containing a onecomponent fluid in terms of the intensive internal energy U = U/N, the intensive Helmholtz free energy A, the intensive Gibbs free energy G, and the intensive enthalpy H. For each of the equations write the one associated Maxwell relation. Hint: The starting point should be
U = −pV + TS + μ. U = (U/N) etc..

Right, so I can do it in therms of U, however I'm stuck on A and some others.. my working below:

For A:

A=-ST - pV + μ

dA = d(A/N) = (1/N)dA + Ad(1/N)

= (1/N)(-SdT - pdV + μdN) + d(1/N)(-ST - pV + μ)

Recognising that: dV(underlined) = NdV + NVd(1/N) .. I'm guessing I need to eliminate dV? I'm not sure why though... :S

dA = (1/N)[-SdT - p(NdV + nVd(1/N)) + μdN] + [-STd(1/N) - pVd(1/N) + μd(1/N)]

= -SdT - pdV + (μ/N)dN + μd(1/N) - STd(1/N)

I can't get the last 3 terms in bold to disappear.. help! Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Its meant to go down to dA = -SdT - pdVMany thanks
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  • #2
Your definition of A is off: A=U-TS.

FAQ: Where am I going wrong? Thermo derivation

1. What is the purpose of a Thermo derivation?

A Thermo derivation is a mathematical process used to derive thermodynamic equations from basic principles and assumptions. It helps to understand the underlying principles behind thermodynamic processes and can be used to solve complex problems.

2. How do I know if I am making a mistake in my Thermo derivation?

If your Thermo derivation leads to a result that contradicts known physical laws or principles, or if it does not match experimental data, then you may have made a mistake. It is important to carefully check each step of the derivation to ensure accuracy.

3. What are some common errors in Thermo derivations?

Some common errors in Thermo derivations include incorrect assumptions, mathematical mistakes, and overlooking important variables or terms. It is also important to pay attention to units and ensure that they are consistent throughout the derivation.

4. How can I improve my Thermo derivation skills?

Practicing and reviewing Thermo derivations regularly can help improve your skills. It is also helpful to seek feedback from peers or mentors, and to learn from your mistakes. Additionally, understanding the underlying physical principles and concepts is crucial for successful Thermo derivations.

5. Are there any resources available to help with Thermo derivations?

Yes, there are many resources available to help with Thermo derivations, including textbooks, online tutorials and videos, and practice problems. It is also useful to attend lectures or workshops on thermodynamics and to seek assistance from professors or tutors.
