Can We Discuss the Arts in an Academic Context?

  • Thread starter eNtRopY
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In summary, there is a suggestion to add a section for the discussion of the arts, specifically music, independent film, and graphic art in an academic context. However, this topic has not been taken seriously on the General Forum board. There is a suggestion to follow the format used by sciforums, where there is a subforum for art, music, and culture under the Life or PF Community section. Some members propose creating a sticky thread in the General Discussion forum instead. There is also a suggestion to create a subforum for general humanities and arts, where topics such as art, art history, history, archeology, anthropology, artistic film, literature, geography, and culture can be discussed. Some members are in favor of
  • #1
I would like to see a section for the discussion of the arts. I would like to discuss music, independent film, and graphic art in an academic context. Everytime I try to do so on the General Forum board, it is not taken seriously.


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  • #2
a worthy proposal! it has my vote.

may i suggest the format the sciforums uses? under Life (in our case PF Community) there is, along with Free Thought (our General Discussion), an Art, Music, and Culture forum (or something to that effect).
  • #3
Independent films! Those are my favorites! I used to go every single week to the Institute of Art where they used to show the movies.. too bad I am moving out of the area :(

Maybe a sticky thread can be made in the General Discussion forum to discuss such a thing?
  • #4
Kinda getting away from the science theme of these forums, wouldn't you say? But if there is enough interest, then I would recommend including it as a subforum to the general discussion forum (like how politics and religion are subforums).

also, keep this topic in mind...(too many forums?)
  • #5
Yeah, I think they should become a sub-forum but not a regular forum.
  • #6
I agree with Phobos on this one. Maybe a subforum...
  • #7
Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not sure at this point adding culture forums meets with the best interests and direction of the forums.
  • #8
How about a general humanities and arts forum where we can post threads addressing issues in the areas of: art, art history, history, archeology, anthropology, artistic film, literature, geography and culture?

  • #9
I reckon a subforum would be cool, its very rare for something in the General Discusion forum to be taken seriously.
  • #10
Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I'd like to throw my hat into the ring.

I agree that some sort of humanities forum would be a welcome addition to PF. I can understand how you would be sensitive to diluting PF's focus or somesuch, but I don't see how humanities would detract from physics discussions any more (or less) than political discussions. I think a humanities subforum under general discussion would be nice and cozy. Just my 2 cents.
  • #11
Greetings !

I agree with Greg on this one, this is after all
a scientific forum and has the appropriate members. :wink:
We don't want inappropriate members, do we...:wink:

Entropy, maybe you can try some arts' forum when you
wan'na discuss such stuff, I don't think you'll get
more replies with higher quality here if there was a
specific art forum. In fact, I believe you'd probably
get less replies than in the general forum, from the
current members at least.

Live long and prosper.
  • #12
Drag, the way I see it a humanities forum would be for people who are already here and other people who are interested in physics. I doubt people are going to flock to to discuss art, especially if it's just a sub-forum. And really, every argument you've had against it is just as applicable to the political forum.
  • #13
Originally posted by hypnagogue
And really, every argument you've had against it is just as applicable to the political forum.
Well, if you come to mention it - the Poltics Forum,
in my personal opinion, SHOULD in fact also be removed.
I realize that some of these "political" energies do need
to get released somewhere, but I think PF may not be the
right place for it. I mean, I personally found myself on
a number of occasions totally pissed off at people I'd ussualy
enjoy a discussion with on another forum because when
it came to politics their apparent level of ignorance and
stupidity on certain subjects actually aggrovated me (and
normally I'm a very calm person :wink:).

How about removing the Politics Forum and puting an Art
sub-forum there instead ? :smile:

Live long and prosper.

FAQ: Can We Discuss the Arts in an Academic Context?

1. What is the definition of "arts" in an academic context?

The term "arts" in an academic context typically refers to the study and creation of various forms of creative expression, such as visual arts, performing arts, music, literature, and film. It also encompasses the history, theory, and criticism of these art forms.

2. How do the arts fit into an academic curriculum?

The arts are an integral part of an academic curriculum as they help students develop critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. They also provide a means for self-expression and cultural understanding, making them essential for a well-rounded education.

3. What are the benefits of discussing the arts in an academic context?

Discussing the arts in an academic context allows students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for various art forms. It also helps them develop analytical and interpretive skills, as well as the ability to think critically about societal and cultural issues depicted in art.

4. How do the arts contribute to academic success?

Studies have shown that incorporating the arts into an academic curriculum can improve students' academic performance and overall well-being. The arts can enhance cognitive abilities, promote creativity and self-expression, and encourage students to think outside the box.

5. Are there any challenges in discussing the arts in an academic context?

One challenge in discussing the arts in an academic context is the perception that they are not as important as other subjects, such as math or science. This can lead to a lack of funding and support for arts education. Additionally, some may argue that the arts are subjective, making it difficult to assess and evaluate students' understanding and progress in this area.

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