Solving Impedance Matching Problem Connecting TTL Output to Spartan2 FPGA

In summary, if you want to connect a comparator chip's output (TTL) to Spartan2 FPGA board, can i directly do it, do i need to consider the impedance match? when i directly connect them, I will see the transition on the edge of the waveform stored (after FPGA processing, i save the output of FPGA and plot on matlab) but when i terminate some resistors between them, these transition will become less( up to resistor's value), then let's say i found 1 kohm will sort out this problem, but only sometimes, not always, the other time the transition will appear again! i have no idea about this problem, could someone give me a clue
  • #1
if i want to connect a comparator chip's output (TTL) to Spartan2 FPGA board, can i directly do it, do i need to consider the impedance match? when i directly connect them, I will see the transition on the edge of the waveform stored (after FPGA processing, i save the output of FPGA and plot on matlab) but when i terminate some resistors between them, these transition will become less( up to resistor's value), then let's say i found 1 kohm will sort out this problem, but only sometimes, not always, the other time the transition will appear again! i have no idea about this problem, could someone give me a clue. Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
I don't know what you mean by "transition," but I gather it's some kind of effect you're looking to avoid.

The Spartan II FPGA inputs can be configured for a wide variety of signalling standards, TTL included. Make sure the inputs are configured properly, and you should have no problem directly connecting a TTL device to it. The impedance of any reasonably good output driver is very low, and the impedance of any reasonably good input is very high. Obviously, you don't want to match them!

- Warren
  • #3
Firstly I recommend following chroot's advice and insure your IOB is really TTL by checking the ISE par pad report.

Next I recommend measuring the voltage difference between the chip grounds. Especially if they are on different evaluation boards or bread boards. They could easily be off by 100s of mV causing the output of the part to near the thresholds VOLmax or VOHmin of the FPGA. While you are there, run your system and measure the power voltages. While the system is running insure you have stable (measure the AC voltage) valid (measure the DC voltage) levels.

If you have clean power and are using a TTL IOB then you may have transmission line problems. The severity of impedances mismatches and the slew of other problem which arise at higher frequencies are all related to the rise time of the signal. Therefore the best and easiest way to make them go away is to add a low pass filter (using resistors and capacitors in the standard way) to the output of the driver and slow the rise time down (i.e. remove the high frequencies of the signal).

Choosing the time constant is the hard part. Basically the bigger you can make the time constant the less noise you will see on the signal. I'd go with 25% of the sample time and look at the signal. If it is still experiencing enough noise to cause a false sampling I would increase rise time by increasing the sample time (aka lower the sample rate).

Of course there are other options, terminations, etc, but they are much more difficult to get right. So it will boil down to how important is the high sample rate really...
  • #4
Oh ya. Is the output of this comparator synchronous? If it is asynchronous, which I bet it is, and you are not synchronizing the output after taking a large number of samples, the probability of synchronization failures occurring is very high.
This article covers the subject in enough detail to get something working...

FAQ: Solving Impedance Matching Problem Connecting TTL Output to Spartan2 FPGA

1. What is an impedance matching problem?

An impedance matching problem occurs when there is a mismatch in the electrical properties (impedance) of two connected components. This can lead to signal distortion and loss of data.

2. Why is there an impedance matching problem when connecting a TTL output to a Spartan2 FPGA?

TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) is a type of digital signal that operates at a specific voltage and has a certain impedance. The Spartan2 FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) also has its own impedance. When these two components are connected, there may be a mismatch in impedance, causing an impedance matching problem.

3. How does impedance matching affect the performance of the circuit?

An impedance matching problem can lead to signal reflections and distortions, which can result in errors and loss of data. It can also cause the circuit to consume more power and operate at a slower speed.

4. What are the solutions to solving an impedance matching problem?

There are a few solutions to solving an impedance matching problem, such as using a buffer or voltage level shifter to match the impedance between the two components. Another solution is to use a matching circuit, such as a resistor or capacitor, to adjust the impedance of one component to match the other.

5. How can I ensure proper impedance matching when connecting a TTL output to a Spartan2 FPGA?

To ensure proper impedance matching, it is important to carefully select and design the circuit components, such as the cables and connectors, to have matching impedance values. It is also recommended to use a simulation tool to verify the impedance matching before implementing the circuit.

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