Neuroprotection in schizophrenia

In summary: The age of onset is usually in late adolescence or early adulthood. Treatment options for schizophrenia focus on reducing symptoms and improving overall functioning, but there is also research being done on neuroprotective agents to prevent long-term damage from the illness. Currently, atypical antipsychotics such as Abilify are being used for this purpose, but there is also research being done on other agents such as epilepsy drugs and antidepressants. It is important to discuss these options with a doctor to determine the best course of treatment for an individual's specific needs. In summary, treatment for schizophrenia focuses on symptom management and improving overall functioning, but there is also research being done on neuroprotective
  • #1
I have schizophrenia, and apparently I am a long cycler. I developed it when I was 17, and it went into remission when I was around 21. It stayed as such and recently came back in the last few months now that I am 27.

What all can I do to protect my brain, and encourage a neuroprotective situation so that unnecessary damage does not occur? I have been taking 12 fish oil tablets a day for several years along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, multivitamins and antioxidants. I just started 7mg/day abilify and it has made a major difference and I know atypical antipsychotics can protect the brain from damage from schizophrenia.

Is there anything else I am missing that could prove safe and helpful at ensuring I do not suffer any kind of long term negative effects of this illness? I know tons about treatment to reduce symptoms (calcium channel blockers, antipsychotics, NMDA agonists, homocysteine & methionine reducers, etc) but not a lot about neuroprotection. I know EPO, epilepsy drugs and antidepressants (antidepressants increase BDNF, which is a neurochemical necessary for brain functioning) are being looked into as neuroprotective agents in schizophrenia. People have been taking things like lamotrigine or prozac for years now, so I'm assuming they are relatively safe. There is research into using epilepsy drugs like topamax and lamotrigine to slow the progress of various neurodegenerative diseases and traumas.

Right now I'm brainstorming ideas to talk to a doctor about, if anyone has anything to add I'd like to hear it.
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  • #2
Juche, I know I am replying to a very old post, but am hoping perhaps you'll still come upon my response.

It sounds as though you've overlooked almost nothing in your research and I doubt I can add anything to your knowledge base, but perhaps you can help me. I am always searching to ways to protect my daughter, a sufferer with schizoaffective disorder from the age of 15. She is now 20, a junior at a major university, carrying a full course load and doing well academically, but burdened nevertheless by a poor memory and much general disorganization. I do supplement her prescription medicine with a glycine re-uptake inhibitor, trimethylglycine, omega-3s, and branched chain amino acids. I'd add antioxidants, but she's pretty much fed up with swallowing pills and I must be very selective. Is there anything in particular, in addition, that you'd recommend?

Somewhere there must be an American physician who'd prescribe EPO for schizophrenia, but I have no idea how to find such a person.

For yourself, have you looked into the synergistic uridine-choline-omega-3 combination?

Wishing you the best--

  • #3

First of all, I want to commend you for being proactive and taking steps to protect your brain and overall health in the face of schizophrenia. It takes a lot of strength and determination to do so, and I am proud of you for that.

In terms of neuroprotection, it seems like you are already doing many of the things that can help. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and multivitamins are all important for maintaining brain health. Fish oil, specifically omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to have neuroprotective effects in various mental health conditions, including schizophrenia. So, it is great that you are taking that supplement.

In addition to what you are already doing, there are a few other things that may be worth considering. First, make sure to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can worsen symptoms of schizophrenia and also contribute to neurodegeneration. So, prioritize good sleep hygiene and try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Secondly, consider incorporating stress-reducing activities into your daily routine. Chronic stress can have negative effects on the brain, and managing stress can help protect against neurodegeneration. This can include things like mindfulness meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.

Another potential avenue for neuroprotection is through cognitive training programs. These programs aim to improve cognitive functioning and have been shown to have neuroprotective effects in various mental health conditions, including schizophrenia. Talk to your doctor or therapist about potential cognitive training programs that may be helpful for you.

Lastly, it is important to continue working closely with your doctor to monitor your symptoms and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. As you mentioned, certain medications, such as atypical antipsychotics, have been shown to have neuroprotective effects. Your doctor can help you determine the best course of treatment for you.

Overall, it seems like you are already doing many of the things that can help protect your brain and prevent long-term negative effects of schizophrenia. Keep up the good work and continue to advocate for your own health and well-being. Best of luck to you.

FAQ: Neuroprotection in schizophrenia

1. What is neuroprotection in schizophrenia?

Neuroprotection in schizophrenia refers to the use of various strategies and interventions to protect the brain and its cells from damage or dysfunction caused by the symptoms and progression of schizophrenia.

2. Why is neuroprotection important in schizophrenia?

Neuroprotection is important in schizophrenia because this disorder is characterized by abnormalities in brain structure and function, which can lead to cognitive decline, impaired functioning, and other long-term consequences. By protecting the brain, we can potentially mitigate these negative outcomes and improve overall quality of life for individuals with schizophrenia.

3. What are some examples of neuroprotective interventions for schizophrenia?

Some examples of neuroprotective interventions for schizophrenia include medication, cognitive remediation therapy, psychoeducation, and exercise. These interventions have been shown to have positive effects on brain structure and function in individuals with schizophrenia.

4. How effective is neuroprotection in treating schizophrenia?

The effectiveness of neuroprotection in treating schizophrenia is still being studied and is not yet fully understood. However, research has shown that neuroprotective interventions can lead to improvements in cognitive functioning, symptom severity, and overall quality of life in individuals with schizophrenia.

5. Can neuroprotection prevent the development of schizophrenia?

At this time, there is no known way to prevent the development of schizophrenia. However, some research suggests that early intervention with neuroprotective strategies may help delay or reduce the severity of symptoms in individuals who are at high risk for developing schizophrenia.

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