What are the Minimal Growth Requirements for Different Auxotroph E.coli Cells?

  • Thread starter biochemist
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In summary, the conversation is about the minimal growth requirements for different auxotroph E.coli cells and how to deduce them. The examples given include E.coli leu trp val bio, E.coli leu(am) trp(ts) supF, E.coli ilv trp leu(am) supF(ts)/F'val, and E.coli delta(ara-leu) (lamda cI(ts)). It is suggested to find out the meaning of the different mutations and components in order to understand the minimal conditions needed for growth.
  • #1
I'm quite confused about the minimal growth requirements for different auxotroph E.coli cells. How can I deduce the minimal conditions for these? e.g.

E.coli leu trp val bio

E.coli leu(am) trp(ts) supF

E.coli ilv trp leu(am) supF(ts)/F'val

E.coli delta(ara-leu) (lamda cI(ts))
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by biochemist
E.coli leu trp val bio
This one is simple you need to add leucine, Tryptophan, Valine and biotin.

E.coli leu(am) trp(ts) supF
E.coli ilv trp leu(am) supF(ts)/F'val
Find what am, ts, ivl and supF is and you will get to know what the mutation are and what is required to do.

E.coli delta(ara-leu) (lamda cI(ts))
Here learn what delta means and what is the area between ara and leu, and what is lamda cI.
  • #3

The minimal growth requirements for E.coli cells can vary depending on their auxotrophic mutations. Auxotrophs are cells that are unable to synthesize certain essential nutrients, and therefore require them to be provided in their growth media.

To deduce the minimal conditions for different E.coli auxotrophs, we need to consider the specific mutations present in each strain and their corresponding nutritional requirements.

For example, the first strain listed, E.coli leu trp val bio, has mutations in the genes responsible for synthesizing the amino acids leucine, tryptophan, valine, and biotin. Therefore, in order for this strain to grow, its medium must contain these essential nutrients.

Similarly, the second strain, E.coli leu(am) trp(ts) supF, has a temperature-sensitive mutation in the tryptophan gene, and therefore requires tryptophan in its growth medium under restrictive temperatures.

The third strain, E.coli ilv trp leu(am) supF(ts)/F'val, has mutations in the genes responsible for synthesizing the amino acids isoleucine, tryptophan, and leucine, as well as a temperature-sensitive mutation in the supF gene. This strain would require all three amino acids and supF factor in its growth medium under restrictive temperatures.

Finally, the fourth strain, E.coli delta(ara-leu) (lamda cI(ts)), has a deletion mutation in the ara-leu region and a temperature-sensitive mutation in the lamda cI gene. This strain would require a growth medium without arabinose and leucine, and under restrictive temperatures, the lamda cI gene would need to be provided in the medium.

In summary, the minimal growth requirements for these E.coli auxotrophs can be deduced by considering their specific mutations and the corresponding essential nutrients they require. It is important to carefully select and provide the necessary nutrients in the growth medium to ensure optimal growth and survival of these strains.

FAQ: What are the Minimal Growth Requirements for Different Auxotroph E.coli Cells?

What are the minimum requirements for growth of E.coli?

The minimum requirements for growth of E.coli are a carbon source, nitrogen source, phosphorus source, sulfur source, trace elements, and water. These components are necessary for the synthesis of essential biomolecules and the maintenance of cellular processes.

What is the optimal temperature for growth of E.coli?

The optimal temperature for growth of E.coli is 37°C, which is the normal body temperature of humans. E.coli is a mesophilic bacterium, meaning it thrives in moderate temperatures.

What is the pH range for growth of E.coli?

E.coli can grow in a pH range of 4.4 to 9.0, with the optimal pH for growth being 7.0. This is because E.coli is a neutralophile, meaning it prefers a neutral environment.

What type of environment is required for E.coli growth?

E.coli requires an aerobic environment, meaning it needs oxygen to grow and survive. It also requires a moist environment, as it cannot survive in dry conditions.

What are the essential nutrients for E.coli growth?

E.coli requires essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, and minerals for growth. These nutrients are necessary for the synthesis of cell components and energy production.

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