Hooke's Law: Mass vs. Length Data Analysis

In summary, to determine if a spring is obeying Hooke's Law, you can use the equation F = kx and plug in the values for mass and displacement. The equilibrium position is when the force is zero, which in this case is at 15.7 cm. By graphing the mass against extension, you can determine if the spring follows a linear relationship and the gradient of the line will be equal to the elastic constant, k.
  • #1
If I'm given a set of data such as...

Mass(kg) Spring Length(cm)
0.0 15.7
1.0 16.5
2.0 17.8
3.0 19.3
and so on...

How do I determine whether or not the spring is obeying Hooke's law?
I'm not sure what k is equal too.
And is 15.7 the equilibrium?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
F = kx. If the force is zero, then the displacement should be zero, so you should take 15.7 cm as your equilibrium position. From there, it is simply seeing how well the force scales linearly with displacement. The force here being provided by the attached masses.
  • #3
You are hanging the mass from the spring vertically? If so, the equation is


Where y_{0} is the point of equilibrium. g= 9.8 m/sec^2 (gravitational constant), m is the mass
, and y is the measured length of the spring.

If the force is zero, i.e., the mass is in equilibrium,

Plug in the possible values for m and and y and if the equations are consistent(with y_{0}, and k being the unknowns), then hook's law is obeyed.
  • #4
From the data, draw a graph of mass of spring (horizontal axis) against extension (vertical).
If it is a straight line then Hooke's Law is obeyed. The gradient is equal to the elastic constant, k.

FAQ: Hooke's Law: Mass vs. Length Data Analysis

1. What is Hooke's Law?

Hooke's Law is a principle in physics that states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position. In simpler terms, this means that the amount a spring stretches or compresses is directly related to the force applied to it.

2. How is mass related to the length of a spring according to Hooke's Law?

According to Hooke's Law, the mass of an object attached to a spring will affect the length of the spring. As the mass increases, the spring will stretch or compress more to maintain equilibrium. This relationship can be represented by the equation F = -kx, where F is the force applied to the spring, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement of the spring.

3. How is data analysis used to study Hooke's Law?

Data analysis is used to study Hooke's Law by collecting and analyzing data on the relationship between mass and length of a spring. This can be done by conducting experiments where the mass attached to a spring is varied and the resulting length of the spring is measured. The data can then be plotted on a graph to determine if it follows a linear relationship, as predicted by Hooke's Law.

4. What are some common sources of error in Hooke's Law experiments?

Some common sources of error in Hooke's Law experiments include variations in the spring constant, inaccuracies in measuring the length of the spring, and external forces such as air resistance or friction affecting the results. It is important to control these variables as much as possible to ensure accurate data and conclusions.

5. What are some real-world applications of Hooke's Law?

Hooke's Law has many real-world applications, such as in the design of suspension systems for vehicles, the construction of buildings and bridges, and the design of medical devices like prosthetics and orthodontic appliances. It is also used in the study of earthquakes and the behavior of materials under stress.

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