Fluid flow around a sphere, what's the net force?

The integral expression represents the net force in the z-direction due to the pressure and viscous stresses acting on the surface of the sphere. In summary, the net force on a submerged sphere due to fluid flow in the z-direction can be represented by the integral expression Fz = ∫(-P'cosθ + σrrcosθ - σrθsinθ)dA.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A sphere of radius ##a## is submerged in a fluid which is flowing in the z-hat direction. There is some associated viscosity in the fluid which will exert a force on the sphere. Use symmetry to argue that the net force will be in the z-direction. Show that it will have the form

$$ F_z = \oint \left( -P' \cos{\theta} + \sigma_{rr} \cos{\theta} - \sigma_{r \theta} \sin{\theta} \right) \; dA $$

Homework Equations

We are told earlier that it satisfies the Navier-Stokes equation

$$ - \nabla P' + \eta \nabla^2 v = 0 $$

with the boundary conditions that ## v = 0 ## at ##r=a##. Also, it satisfies ## {\bf v} = v_0 \hat{z} ## very far from the sphere.

##\sigma## is the stress tensor

Also, we earlier defined fluid force as

$$ F_i = \oint \sigma_{ij} dA_j $$

The Attempt at a Solution

So, clearly as the fluid moves around the face of the sphere, the components in y-hat cancel while the z-hat components add, and this argument applies all the way around the azimuthal coordinate to x-hat and back. So, I get that the force is only in z-hat, but I don't get the form of the integral expression. Why is there a pressure term, and what are the sin and cos terms doing next to the stress tensor components? I'm not great with tensor notation, so maybe I'm missing it. Could someone clarify what that expression means so that I can better derive it?
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  • #2
Shmi said:

Homework Statement

A sphere of radius ##a## is submerged in a fluid which is flowing in the z-hat direction. There is some associated viscosity in the fluid which will exert a force on the sphere. Use symmetry to argue that the net force will be in the z-direction. Show that it will have the form

$$ F_z = \oint \left( -P' \cos{\theta} + \sigma_{rr} \cos{\theta} - \sigma_{r \theta} \sin{\theta} \right) \; dA $$

Homework Equations

We are told earlier that it satisfies the Navier-Stokes equation

$$ - \nabla P' + \eta \nabla^2 v = 0 $$

with the boundary conditions that ## v = 0 ## at ##r=a##. Also, it satisfies ## {\bf v} = v_0 \hat{z} ## very far from the sphere.

##\sigma## is the stress tensor

Also, we earlier defined fluid force as

$$ F_i = \oint \sigma_{ij} dA_j $$

The Attempt at a Solution

So, clearly as the fluid moves around the face of the sphere, the components in y-hat cancel while the z-hat components add, and this argument applies all the way around the azimuthal coordinate to x-hat and back. So, I get that the force is only in z-hat, but I don't get the form of the integral expression. Why is there a pressure term, and what are the sin and cos terms doing next to the stress tensor components? I'm not great with tensor notation, so maybe I'm missing it. Could someone clarify what that expression means so that I can better derive it?
P' is the pressure distribution at the surface of the sphere and acts normal to the sphere surface, and σrr and σ are the viscous portions of the stress, normal and tangential to the surface, respectively. The sines and cosines give the components of these stresses in the flow direction.

FAQ: Fluid flow around a sphere, what's the net force?

1. What causes fluid flow around a sphere?

The fluid flow around a sphere is caused by the difference in pressure between the front and back of the sphere. This pressure difference creates a drag force that causes the fluid to flow around the sphere.

2. How is the net force on a sphere determined?

The net force on a sphere is determined by the sum of the drag force and the lift force. The drag force is caused by the pressure difference and the lift force is caused by the difference in flow velocity above and below the sphere.

3. How does the size of the sphere affect the net force?

The size of the sphere affects the net force by changing the surface area of the sphere that is in contact with the fluid. A larger sphere will have a larger surface area and therefore experience a greater drag force.

4. Does the density of the fluid affect the net force?

Yes, the density of the fluid does affect the net force. A denser fluid will create a greater drag force on the sphere due to a higher pressure difference between the front and back of the sphere.

5. What is the significance of the net force on a sphere in fluid flow?

The net force on a sphere is significant because it determines the motion of the sphere in the fluid. If the net force is greater than zero, the sphere will experience a drag force and move in the direction of the flow. If the net force is equal to zero, the sphere will experience no motion in the fluid.

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