Neutron Stars: Strong Force, Density & Black Holes

In summary, neutron stars are held together by gravity rather than the strong force. The strong force only prevents the star from collapsing into a black hole. This is due to degeneracy pressure, specifically electron and neutron degeneracy pressure, which counteracts the force of gravity. The strong force does not act in a repulsive manner, but rather helps maintain a stable density for the star. This is different from the behavior of bosonic forces, which are not attractive and can only be occupied by certain quantum states.
  • #1
Is a neutron star held together mainly by the strong force? Are they dense enough so that this is the case, or is gravity the only thing to consider? What about black holes?
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  • #2
No, it's held together by gravity. The nuclear strong force is pretty much what prevents it from collapsing into a black hole.
  • #3
huh, now that doesn't make much sense to me. Doesn't the strong force act on any mass, and not care about charge? Therefore, it acts the same way as gravity (bosonic, is that the right word?), but just in a shorter range (10^-15 meters I think). So to me, if the neutron star becomes dense enough so that the strong force would take effect, then the core would pull together and the outside would come crashing into it to make a super dense conglomeration maybe even turning into a black hole...? This way of looking at it simply makes more sense to me.

I just don't see why it would prevent gravity from pulling everything together too much. If it acted in a way as to repel each neutron from the others, then it would prevent gravity from pulling them closer than 10^-15 meters apart, so that if matter was constantly being put into the system, the whole star would have a maximum density for a while until the strong force couldn't repel things enough to overcome gravity and the core would collapse. But this is not how it works as far as i understand.
  • #4
Jonny_trigonometry said:
I just don't see why it would prevent gravity from pulling everything together too much. If it acted in a way as to repel each neutron from the others, then it would prevent gravity from pulling them closer than 10^-15 meters apart, so that if matter was constantly being put into the system, the whole star would have a maximum density for a while until the strong force couldn't repel things enough to overcome gravity and the core would collapse. But this is not how it works as far as i understand.
It is called degeneracy pressure. Electron degeneracy pressure keeps a White Dwarf from collapsing further. Add more mass, and this pressure is "overwhelmed" by gravity and it could collapse to a Neutron star. Then, we have neutron degeneracy pressure. Add more mass and we can collapse to a black hole.
The "Bosonic" fources you refer to are not attractive to where particles can occupy states as described (or excluded) by the Pauli exclusion principle; certain quantum states.
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FAQ: Neutron Stars: Strong Force, Density & Black Holes

1. What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a highly dense and compact celestial object that is created when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity. This collapse causes the star's core to become so dense that protons and electrons combine to form neutrons, resulting in a neutron star.

2. What is the strong force and how does it relate to neutron stars?

The strong force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together. In neutron stars, the strong force is responsible for counteracting the immense gravitational force, preventing the star from collapsing further and maintaining its stability.

3. How dense are neutron stars?

Neutron stars are incredibly dense, with a typical mass of 1.4 times that of our Sun packed into a sphere with a diameter of only 10 to 20 kilometers. This results in an average density of about 10^17 kg/m^3, making them one of the densest objects in the universe.

4. Do all neutron stars eventually become black holes?

No, not all neutron stars become black holes. The ultimate fate of a neutron star depends on its mass. If the neutron star has a mass greater than about three times that of our Sun, it may continue to collapse into a black hole. However, if its mass is less than this critical value, it will remain a neutron star.

5. Can anything escape the intense gravity of a neutron star?

Neutron stars have incredibly strong gravitational forces, which makes it difficult for anything to escape. However, some particles, such as neutrinos, can escape the surface of a neutron star. Additionally, some forms of high-energy radiation, such as X-rays, can also escape the star's gravity, but they are heavily distorted in the process.

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