A question about the ground state wave function of XXZ model

In summary, the ground state wave function for the 1D XXZ model with external field is not known and cannot be reduced to the simple form seen in the XY model. Instead, the eigenfunctions of the XXZ model follow the Bethe ansatz, making it difficult to determine the exact form of the ground state wave function in the presence of an external field.
  • #1
XXZ model in 1-dimension, with external field, what is the exact form of its ground state wave function? Recently I've read the ground state wave function of XY model and was curious about the condition of XXZ. Do they have a similar manner?
The XY result is attached below.



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  • #2
1D XY model with external field is equivalent to free fermions model. Because of this the ground state wave function has simple form. XXZ model can't be reduced to free fermions. Eigenfunctions of XXZ model have the form of Bethe ansatz. If external field is present, it is unknown what function from Bethe ansatz is the ground state wave function.
  • #3

Thank you for your question. The exact form of the ground state wave function for the XXZ model in 1-dimension with an external field is not currently known. There have been various theoretical and computational studies on the ground state properties of the XXZ model, but a closed-form expression for the ground state wave function has not been derived.

As for your question about the similarity between the XXZ and XY models, they do have some similarities in terms of their ground state properties. Both models exhibit quantum phase transitions, where the ground state changes from a magnetically ordered state to a disordered state as certain parameters are varied. However, the precise form of the ground state wave function may differ between the two models due to the different symmetries and interactions involved.

I have attached an image of the ground state wave function for the XY model for reference. Please note that this is just an example and the ground state wave function for the XXZ model may have a different form. I hope this helps answer your question.

FAQ: A question about the ground state wave function of XXZ model

1. What is the ground state wave function?

The ground state wave function is the lowest energy state of a quantum system. It describes the probability amplitude of finding a particle in a particular state in a given quantum system.

2. What is the XXZ model?

The XXZ model is a quantum spin model that describes the interactions between particles with spin 1/2 on a lattice. It is a simplified version of the Heisenberg model and is commonly used in condensed matter physics to study magnetic materials.

3. How is the ground state wave function of XXZ model calculated?

The ground state wave function of the XXZ model is calculated using numerical techniques such as exact diagonalization, density matrix renormalization group, and quantum Monte Carlo methods. These methods involve solving the Schrödinger equation for the system and finding the lowest energy state.

4. What does the ground state wave function of XXZ model tell us?

The ground state wave function provides information about the quantum state of the particles in the system. It can tell us about the spatial distribution of the particles, their spin orientations, and their entanglement with each other.

5. How does the ground state wave function of XXZ model change with different parameters?

The ground state wave function of XXZ model can change significantly with different parameters such as the strength of the magnetic field or the interactions between particles. This can lead to different physical properties of the system, such as the presence of quantum phase transitions or the emergence of exotic states of matter.

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