Thanks America, we've finally got him.

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In summary, Abu Hamza, a Muslim cleric, was arrested in London on an extradition warrant by American authorities who have listed 11 terrorist charges against him. However, the British government has stated that he cannot be extradited without written assurances that he will not face the death penalty. Hamza's lawyers are likely to seek to block the extradition on human rights grounds. The charges against him include conspiracy to take hostages in Yemen, supporting Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda network, and involvement in setting up a terrorist training camp in Oregon. Under American law, some of these charges carry the death penalty, but prosecutors have indicated they are willing to waive it in order to simplify the extradition process. The 2003 Extradition Act
  • #1
jimmy p
Gold Member
Quote from The Daily Telegraph

Hamza the 'terrorist consultant'

Abu Hamza, the Muslim cleric, was named by American authorities yesterday as "a terrorist facilitator with a global reach" after his 3am arrest in London by police acting on an extradition warrant.

The American warrant listed 11 terrorist charges, including some that carry the death penalty.

However, Government ministers said he could not be extradited without written assurances from America that he would not be executed. It is likely that his lawyers will seek to block the extradition on human rights grounds.

Hamza, 46, who was being held last night at the top-security Belmarsh prison in south-east London, was arrested at his home in west London in an operation that his lawyers claimed had strong political overtones.

Within hours, John Ashcroft, the American attorney general, gave details of the indictment in New York. It included charges of conspiracy to take hostages in Yemen and supporting Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda network.

Mr Ashcroft also accused Hamza of involvement in setting up a terrorist training camp in Oregon.

Under American federal law, conviction on the charge of kidnapping, which resulted in the death of four foreign hostages, could carry the death penalty. However, prosecutors indicated that they were ready to waive the death sentence if that simplified the extradition.

"We will work it out," said Raymond Kelly, New York's police chief. He described Hamza as "the real deal" and "a freelance consultant to terrorist groups worldwide".

David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, told ITV that the "appropriate steps" were being taken in light of the extradition request.

He said: "We have agreement with the US that the death penalty would not be put in place. Obviously it is up to them to determine an alternative sentence. But let us determine the extradition first."

Hamza, who claims to have lost his hands and an eye fighting for the mujahideen in Afghanistan, is already facing the loss of his British citizenship. Last year the Charity Commission stripped him of his position as imam of the Finsbury Park mosque in north London. However, he has continued to preach in the street outside it every Friday.

The charges are based largely on allegations from alleged terrorist co-conspirators and are backed by evidence gathered by anti-terrorist police in London and the United States. America's request is the first terrorism test of the 2003 Extradition Act, which came into force this year.

The legislation is intended to speed up extraditions between the two countries but Hamza's case is likely to face lengthy legal appeals.

Nine suspected foreign terrorists are in British jails, including four wanted in America who have been fighting extradition for up to six years.

Hamza was refused bail when he appeared before District Judge Timothy Workman at Bow Street magistrates' court, sitting in the high security Belmarsh court.

He kept his hooked hands in his pockets throughout the hearing and closed his eyes, appearing to fall asleep as evidence against him was outlined.

He spoke only to confirm his name and to mutter: "I don't think I really want to" when asked if he was willing to be extradited immediately.

Hugo Keith, on behalf of the United States government, said: "He is no less than a supporter and a facilitator of terrorism. He has contact with, and has supplied material to, terrorist groups.

"He has had contact with high-ranking terrorists in the Taliban and al-Qaeda and has promoted violent and anti-western sentiment through his teachings at Finsbury Park mosque."

Hamza had engaged in a "sustained pattern of terrorist activity" since 1998, he said.

Paul Hynes, representing Hamza, said he was a "distinctive character" who had never sought to hide from the authorities or from public attention and was therefore unlikely to try to leave the country if given bail.

Hamza had never been to America, he said, and all the allegations could have been dealt with under English law. Despite close scrutiny, Hamza had never been charged by the British authorities, he emphasised.

Mr Hynes said: "There is clear political motivation behind these proceedings."

The judge told Hamza that there were "substantial grounds" for believing that he would not attend court and that "you would have access to false travel documents".

He remanded him in custody, initially for seven days, and said a full hearing would start on July 23.

Senior anti-terrorist sources, addressing the question of whether Hamza could have been tried in Britain, said that many of the American allegations pre-dated the introduction of British legislation allowing the prosecution of Britons for terror offences abroad. The legislation was not retrospective.

Sources also indicated that the Americans had access to evidence from key alleged conspirators which Britain could not easily obtain.

One said: "We have been watching him for years and we have gathered a lot of material, although it did not amount to a prosecution. British evidence will be supplied to the United States."

The 11 charges are...

1/ Conspiracy to take hostages between Dec 23 and Dec 29, 1998 in Yemen
2/ Hostage-taking between Dec 23 and Dec 29, 1998 during an attack on tourists.
3/ Conspiring to provide and conceal material support and resources to terrorists at the jihad training camp in Bly, Oregon, between Oct 1999 and early 2000.
4/ Providing and concealing material support and resources to terrorists at the jihad camp in Bly, Oregon.
5/ Conspiring to provide and conceal material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organisation at the jihad training camp in Bly, Oregon.
6/ Providing material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organisation at the jihad training camp in Bly, Oregon.
7/ Conspiring to provide support to terrorists and thereby facilitating jihad in Afghanistan between June 2000 and Dec 2001.
8/ Providing and concealing material support and resources to terrorists and thereby facilitating violent jihad.
9/ Conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organisation and thereby facilitating violent jihad in Afghanistan.
10/ Providing and concealing material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organisation.
11/ Conspiring to supply goods and services too the Taliban from Spring 2000 to late 2001.

Some of these charges are fit for the death penalty, unfortunately the extradition regulations state that he cannot be given the death penalty. All good news other than the fact that he will be wasting more tax-payers money as the extradition could take years, unless the prosecution waive the death penalty for a quicker extradition.
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  • #2
jimmy p said:
Some of these charges are fit for the death penalty, unfortunately the extradition regulations state that he cannot be given the death penalty. All good news other than the fact that he will be wasting more tax-payers money as the extradition could take years, unless the prosecution waive the death penalty for a quicker extradition.
Maybe we can claim he made a run for it while flying 30,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean.
  • #3

Thank you, Daily Telegraph, for your thorough coverage of the arrest and charges against Abu Hamza. It is a relief to see that he is finally being held accountable for his alleged involvement in terrorist activities. The details of the 11 charges against him are truly disturbing and it is reassuring to know that the American authorities are taking this seriously and seeking justice. However, it is unfortunate that the extradition process may be lengthy due to the possibility of the death penalty. It is important that he faces consequences for his actions, but it is also crucial that the rule of law is upheld and that he is given a fair trial. Let us hope that justice is served and that this serves as a warning to those who seek to support and facilitate terrorism.

FAQ: Thanks America, we've finally got him.

What does "Thanks America, we've finally got him." refer to?

"Thanks America, we've finally got him." refers to the capture or defeat of a high-profile criminal or enemy, often by the United States government or military.

Who is "him" in the phrase "Thanks America, we've finally got him."?

"Him" in this phrase can refer to a specific person or group, depending on the context. It could be a terrorist leader, a fugitive, or a notorious criminal, among others.

Why is it significant for America to have "got him"?

It is significant for America to have "got him" because it represents a victory for justice and national security. It also serves as a deterrent for others who may seek to harm the country or its citizens.

What are some examples of when this phrase has been used in the past?

This phrase has been used in the past when Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011, when Saddam Hussein was captured in 2003, and when notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was arrested in 2016, among others.

Is the phrase "Thanks America, we've finally got him." always used in a positive context?

No, the phrase can also be used sarcastically or ironically, such as when a controversial figure is elected or appointed to a position of power. It can also be used in a negative context if the person being "got" is seen as a victim of injustice or persecution.

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