E8 and Catastrophe Theory(Bifurcation) - help

  • Thread starter MTd2
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In summary, the conversation discusses the ADE classification of catastrophes, which corresponds to the A, D, and E series of Lie groups. The E8 catastrophe is considered exceptional and not corresponding to any other group. The stable polynomial and behavior of the other E series catastrophes are also mentioned, with sources provided for further information.
  • #1
Gold Member
I've been looking to what kind of bifurcation E8 corresponds to, but I didn´t find anythng. The only place I've found anything was on wikipedia, but it doesn't say anything. Can anyone help me?

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  • #2
MTd2 said:
I've been looking to what kind of bifurcation E8 corresponds to, but I didn´t find anythng. The only place I've found anything was on wikipedia, but it doesn't say anything. Can anyone help me?


Hi MTd2! Are you any relation of R2d2? :smile:

As I expect you found, the A,D,E classification of catastrophes by names beginning with A D and E makes the As correspond to the A series of Lie groups, the Ds to the D series, and the Es to the E series … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADE_classification

In turn, the A series of Lie groups correspond to SU groups, and the B series to SL groups.

There are also C and D series of Lie groups (not connected with catastrophes), and finally the E F and G series, officially known as "exceptional" cases … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Lie_group#Infinite_series

so I guess the E8 catastrophe has to be categorised as exceptional, and not corresponding to anything other than itself. :redface:
  • #3
Well, people used to call me R2D2 at college! But that's because I use a wheelchair! :biggrin::biggrin: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Now, seriously, I am asking somthing a little bit different. According to this list provided in the wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catastrophe_theory):

Vladimir Arnold gave the catastrophes the ADE classification, due to a deep connection with simple Lie groups.

* A0 - a non-singular point: V = x.
* A1 - a local extrema, either a stable minimum or unstable maximum V = \pm x^2 + a x.
* A2 - the fold
* A3 - the cusp
* A4 - the swallowtail
* A5 - the butterfly
* Ak - an infinite sequence of one variable forms V=x^{k+1}+\cdots
* D4- - the elliptical umbilic
* D4+ - the hyperbolic umbilic
* D5 - the parabolic umbilic
* Dk - an infinite sequence of further umbilic forms
* E6 - the symbolic umbilic V = x3 + y4 + axy2 + bxy + cx + dy + ey2
* E7
* E8

There is just one exceptional explained, but I couldn't find the other 2. I'd like to know what is the stable polynomial of the other 2 Es as well as its sketched behavior.
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  • #4
I don't know too much about this myself, but I found http://www.math.purdue.edu/~agabriel/dynkin.pdf" which gives the singularities corresponding to E6, E7, E8 (for analytic functions C^3->C). You probably want to check the source cited there (particularly [1] by Arnold) for more info.
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  • #5
Yes, but I've seen that on several places. Note for example the tetrahedral formula
x^4 + y^3 + z^2, is more complete on wikipedia, because it has the full stable form with 5 control parameters. I said above that this one was explained, well, sorry. It wasn't, except for expliciting the 5 parameters.

But there is nothing for the other groups. And I checked Arnold's book, in the end, and it is just explained in a very sketchy way the icosahedron/dodecahedron group. I'd like something more complete.
  • #6
The codimension 6 singularity


has a universal unfolding ("stable form")


The codimension 7 singularity


has a universal unfolding


Also note that [1] in the link I gave is not Arnold's book but an article in Functional Analysis and Applications.
  • #7
Yes, but I can't get that article.
  • #8
This is also contained in http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~michor/catastrophes.pdf" (written by one of my profs in the year I was born). Check out p. 39 and 46.
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  • #9
Hmm, Thank you! :biggrin:

FAQ: E8 and Catastrophe Theory(Bifurcation) - help

1. What is E8 and Catastrophe Theory (Bifurcation)?

E8 and Catastrophe Theory, also known as Bifurcation Theory, is a branch of mathematics and physics that studies the sudden changes in behavior or structure of a system as a result of small changes in its parameters.

2. What is the significance of E8 and Catastrophe Theory in science?

E8 and Catastrophe Theory has been applied in various fields such as biology, economics, and engineering to understand and predict complex systems. It has also been used to explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes, climate change, and population dynamics.

3. What is a bifurcation in E8 and Catastrophe Theory?

A bifurcation in E8 and Catastrophe Theory refers to the sudden change in behavior or structure of a system as a result of a small change in its parameters. It can lead to the emergence of new states or patterns in the system, and can help explain the complexity and unpredictability of certain phenomena.

4. How is E8 and Catastrophe Theory related to chaos theory?

Chaos theory and E8 and Catastrophe Theory are closely related as they both study the behavior of complex systems. However, chaos theory focuses on the unpredictable behavior of systems, while E8 and Catastrophe Theory specifically looks at the sudden changes in behavior as a result of small changes in parameters.

5. What are some real-world applications of E8 and Catastrophe Theory?

E8 and Catastrophe Theory has been applied in various fields such as economics, biology, and physics. Some specific applications include understanding the behavior of stock markets, predicting the spread of diseases, and analyzing the dynamics of chemical reactions. It has also been used to study the behavior of natural systems such as weather patterns and animal populations.

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