Exploring Electron: What's Waving?

  • Thread starter xMonty
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In summary: This point is not deterministic and is indeterminate until a measurement is made. Before measurement, the particle is described by the wavefunction, which is a superposition of all the possible states the particle can be in. After measurement, the wavefunction collapses to a single state, which corresponds to the position of the particle.In summary, quantum particles are not waves and do not physically "wave." The wavefunction is a mathematical tool used to determine the probability distribution of a particle's position, but it does not represent a physical wave. The particle itself is always detected at a specific point, but its position is indeterminate until a measurement is made. The wavefunction collapses upon measurement, determining the particle's specific state.
  • #1
Ever since 10th grade when i got to know that electron is *also* a wave i have been wondering if electron is a wave then "whats waving?"

When i asked my physics teacher this he threw me out of class (almost :) )

I understand in case of photon i guess the electromagnetic field is waving but what's waving in case of other stuff (electron and other brothers)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If by waving you mean the Wavefunction of the electron, then the interpetration for the wavefunction of the electron is probability density.

To be more accurate, if [tex]\psi(x,t)[/tex] is the qunatum amplitude (a function obtained by Schrodinger's Equation) of the electron, at any given point x (might be one-dimensional or three-dimensional) at any time t, then the function [tex]P(x,t)=|\psi(x,t)|^{2}[/tex] is the probability density of finding the electron in a point x at time t.

(Notice that [tex]\psi[/tex] is a complex number, while the probability density is a real number)

So in quantum mechanics, waving is interepted as "being situated at an indefinite position" - as long as you don't directly measure its position, from your point of view the electron exists simultanousley at a certain region of space rather than in a specific point.
  • #3
elibj123 said:
If by waving you mean the Wavefunction of the electron, then the interpetration for the wavefunction of the electron is probability density.

To be more accurate, if [tex]\psi(x,t)[/tex] is the qunatum amplitude (a function obtained by Schrodinger's Equation) of the electron, at any given point x (might be one-dimensional or three-dimensional) at any time t, then the function [tex]P(x,t)=|\psi(x,t)|^{2}[/tex] is the probability density of finding the electron in a point x at time t.

(Notice that [tex]\psi[/tex] is a complex number, while the probability density is a real number)

So in quantum mechanics, waving is interepted as "being situated at an indefinite position" - as long as you don't directly measure its position, from your point of view the electron exists simultanousley at a certain region of space rather than in a specific point.

According to my understanding waves are produced when something is waving... like a bunch of people *oscilating* to produce a mexican wave at the football stadium or the water waves where the water moves up and down to create a wave, in that sense what is waving when we say an electron is waving.

i understand that the mathematical formalism suggest that the probability density is waving (going up and down) but what is the physical manifestation of probabilty density how do you define it physically
  • #4
xMonty said:
According to my understanding waves are produced when something is waving... like a bunch of people *oscilating* to produce a mexican wave at the football stadium or the water waves where the water moves up and down to create a wave, in that sense what is waving when we say an electron is waving.

i understand that the mathematical formalism suggest that the probability density is waving (going up and down) but what is the physical manifestation of probabilty density how do you define it physically

There are a number of elements of quantum theory for which the physical representation is unknown. This is one of them. The Pauli exclusion principle and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, as well as virtual particles, are parts of the quantum formalism which have no clear classical analog. That should not be considered a true weakness of the theory however. Of course it would be desirable to have a picture or model. That is why the so-called interpretations of quantum mechanics were developed. There is no one satisfactory interpretation at this point, it is just your personal preference.

So the answer to what is waving is: whatever you want it to be. Or nothing. The key is that the mathematical formalism is taken seriously, and that you consider your model as a convenient approximation used for discussion purposes. But don't confuse your model with reality as that becomes problematic eventually.
  • #5
xMonty said:
Ever since 10th grade when i got to know that electron is *also* a wave i have been wondering if electron is a wave then "whats waving?"

When i asked my physics teacher this he threw me out of class (almost :) )

I understand in case of photon i guess the electromagnetic field is waving but what's waving in case of other stuff (electron and other brothers)

Quantum particles, such as electrons and photons, are not waves. But, if we perform an experiment to determine the position of the particle, we obtain its "wavefunction" by solving Schrodinger's equation in the position representation. This wavefunction squared is a probability density, from which we can determine the probability distribution of all possible positions that can result when position is measured. (This is the Born interpretation, the only interpretation that has near universal acceptance.) It is this probability density that often has maxima and minima familiar to us from wave interference.

But, there is nothing "waving" here! Although we have a wavefunction, it does not describe a continuum that vibrates when the wavefunction is present. These are probability waves, not mechanical waves or electromagnetic waves. They are not real and are not observable.

Also, this wavefunction is not the particle. Nor does it describe the behavior of the particle.Yet, it is not uncommon to confuse the particle with the wavefunction; it is incorrect to say, "the electron is a wave".

Further, an electron, or any quantum particle, never "exists simultanousley at a certain region of space rather than in a specific point." A quantum particle is, indeed, always detected at a specific point.

FAQ: Exploring Electron: What's Waving?

1. What is an electron?

An electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge and is found in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus of an atom. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of matter.

2. How does an electron move?

An electron moves through a process called quantum tunneling, which allows it to pass through barriers that would normally be impassable. It can also move through electrical fields or by absorbing and emitting photons.

3. What is the wave-particle duality of an electron?

The wave-particle duality is the concept that an electron can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. This means that it can behave as a wave, with properties such as frequency and wavelength, but also as a particle with properties such as mass and charge.

4. How are electrons important in chemistry?

Electrons play a crucial role in chemical reactions as they are involved in the formation and breaking of chemical bonds. The arrangement of electrons in an atom's electron cloud also determines its chemical properties and reactivity.

5. How do scientists study electrons?

Scientists study electrons using various techniques such as electron microscopy, spectroscopy, and particle accelerators. These techniques allow them to observe and manipulate electrons to better understand their properties and behavior.

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