Energy of light ( wave or particle)

In summary, the energy of light can be calculated in two ways: as a wave using the formula 1/2εE^2 dV or as a particle using the formula nhf, where n is the number of photons in the volume dV. These two energies are related through the Hamiltonian of free radiation, but they come from different theories and are not exactly the same.
  • #1
How can we calculate the energy of light?
IF we consider it as a wave then energy is 1/2εE^2 or rather it is the energy density
IF we multiply it by small volume dV we get energy in that volume as 1/2εE^2 dV

But if we consider as a particle its energy is hf. Let's say there are n photons in volume dV
So energy will be nhf

So both the energies will be different or same? Should be same but i don't know - I'm still a beginner in quantum physics-related studies
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  • #2
E = hc/f is the accepted formula.
  • #3
I'm pretty sure E = hf not hc/f ( f is frequency)

Well my question was - energy of light considering it as a wave is 1/2εE^2 dV
And energy of light considering it as a particle is nhf ( n is number of photons in dV volume)
So both of them are equal or not?
  • #4
E = nhf is proper value of the Hamiltonian of free radiation, which is based on the formula [itex] E = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon_0 E^2 + \frac{1}{2\mu_0}B^2[/itex]. So there is a connection. But strictly, they are formulae from different theories and are not the same.
  • #5
Of course they are the same. They come from different theories, but the theories must agree.

The classical Hamiltonian is H = ½∫(E2 + B2) d3x. In the radiation gauge Φ = 0 and ∇·A = 0 this can be written as H = ½∫(A·2 + (∇ x A)2) d3x. Transform to momentum space using A(x,t) = ∫(2ω)ε(k,λ)[a(k,λ)e-ik·x + a*(k,λ)eik·x] d3k where ε(k,λ) are the two transverse polarization vectors. Put this expression in for A and you get H = ∫ω ∑a*(k,λ)a(k,λ) d3k. This is still classical.

But in quantum mechanics, a*(k,λ)a(k,λ) is ħ times the number operator N(k,λ) that tells you how many photons you have. So H = ∫ħω ∑ N(k,λ) d3k, which is basically ħω times the number of photons present in each mode.
  • #6
Jano L. said:
E = nhf is proper value of the Hamiltonian of free radiation, which is based on the formula [itex] E = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon_0 E^2 + \frac{1}{2\mu_0}B^2[/itex]. So there is a connection. But strictly, they are formulae from different theories and are not the same.

E = hc/f comes from the De-Broglie's relation while E=hf is of photoelectric effect.

FAQ: Energy of light ( wave or particle)

1. What is the difference between light as a wave and light as a particle?

The concept of light as a wave and light as a particle is known as wave-particle duality. In simple terms, light can behave both as a wave and as a particle depending on the experimental setup. As a wave, light exhibits characteristics such as interference and diffraction, while as a particle, it exhibits characteristics such as energy and momentum.

2. What is the energy of a single photon of light?

The energy of a single photon of light is dependent on the frequency of the light. It can be calculated using the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the light. This means that higher frequency light, such as gamma rays, have more energy per photon than lower frequency light, such as radio waves.

3. How is the energy of light related to its wavelength?

The energy of light is inversely proportional to its wavelength. This means that as the wavelength of light increases, its energy decreases. This relationship is described by the equation E = hc/λ, where E is the energy of the light, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of the light.

4. Can light lose or gain energy?

Yes, light can lose or gain energy through interactions with matter. For example, when light is absorbed by an atom, it can transfer its energy to the electrons in the atom, causing them to move to a higher energy state. When these electrons return to their original state, they release the energy as light. This process is known as emission. Light can also lose energy through scattering, where it changes direction due to interactions with particles in its path.

5. How is the energy of light measured?

The energy of light can be measured using various methods, depending on the specific properties of light being measured. For example, the energy of a single photon can be measured using devices such as photomultiplier tubes or photodiodes. The energy of a beam of light can be measured using techniques such as calorimetry or spectrometry, which measure the amount of heat or the spectrum of light, respectively. Additionally, the energy of light can also be indirectly measured by observing its effects, such as the movement of charged particles in a magnetic field.

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