Probability - Applications Normal Distribution - Analysis of Data

In summary, a student is struggling with a difficult maths assignment and is looking for guidance on how to approach it. They provide background information on a simplified SAI allocation system and the approximate percentage breakdown for OP results in the state. The student asks for help in achieving the best possible OP results for their cohort of 15 students. They mention the use of normal distribution formula and are looking for guidance on how to divide their students into different groups based on the percentage breakdown. They also mention that they only want to be pointed in the right direction and are not expecting someone to give them the answer.
  • #1
hey I am 16, grade 12 in australia, struggling on the hardest question on the current maths assignment.

i was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction?

i really have no idea where to start. and no one i seem to ask has any useful info.

Homework Statement

Background knowledge:

In a very simplified SAI allocation system, the top student is awarded 400, the bottom student is awarded 200 and the remainder of the cohort is given a whole number score beetween these values (reflecting their position in the cohort).

Across the state, OP's (overall positions) are awarded according to the following approximate percentage breakdown. the top 2% of students receive an OP of 1; the next 19% receive an OP 2-6; the next 73% receive an OP 7-21; the next 5% receive an OP 22-24; and the final 1% receive an OP 25.

Consider a cohort of 15 students. investigate possible SAI allocations with the gloal of achieving the best possible OP results for your cohort.

Homework Equations

Normal Distribution Formula :



i don't expect anyone to give me the answer i just want to be pointed in the right direction

thanks in advance!

~Dru Arnfield

Physics news on
  • #2
What is SAI?

The most crucial information is the data for your cohort of 15 students. If this group is typical of all the students in the state, their scores will be distributed normally, with mean 300 and with a standard deviation comparable to that of the overall population of students. On the other hand, if the cohort consists of students who score higher on this test (and are therefore not reflective of the overall student population), they will get the higher OPs.

Since you are not given any information about the cohort of 15 students, I suppose that the best you can do is to assume that they are a small sample that reflects the attributes of the larger population.

For starters, what I would do is to divide up the interval [200, 400] into subintervals that correspond to the percentage groupings.
Top 2%: [396, 400]
Next 19%: [360, 395]
and so on for all 5 groups.

Of your 15 students, how many could go into each group? 2% of 15 = .3 student, so none, but 19% of 15 = 2.85 students, and that's close to 3, so conceivably 3 students could be in the top 20% without taking anything away from the other 80%.

Does that give you an idea of how you might tackle this problem? That's the best I can come up with given the limited data this problem provides.

FAQ: Probability - Applications Normal Distribution - Analysis of Data

What is the normal distribution?

The normal distribution is a probability distribution that is commonly used to analyze data in various fields. It is characterized by a bell-shaped curve and is symmetric around the mean. It is also known as the Gaussian distribution.

How is the normal distribution used in data analysis?

The normal distribution is used to model many real-world phenomena and is particularly useful in data analysis. It allows us to make predictions about the likelihood of certain outcomes and to calculate probabilities for different values of a variable.

What applications does the normal distribution have?

The normal distribution has a wide range of applications in various fields such as finance, economics, psychology, and engineering. It is used to model natural phenomena such as heights, weights, and test scores, as well as man-made systems like stock prices and product demand.

How can the normal distribution be applied in scientific research?

The normal distribution can be used in scientific research to analyze and interpret data. It can be used to determine the probability of obtaining certain results, to compare groups or conditions, and to make predictions about future outcomes.

What is the role of standard deviation in the normal distribution?

Standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data around the mean in a normal distribution. It is used to calculate the likelihood of obtaining a certain value within a range of values. It is also used to compare different data sets and to identify outliers.
