Electric fields and net charge

In summary, when a sphere has a net charge of zero, it experiences no electric field. However, when a positively charged rod is brought near the sphere, the electrons on the surface experience a field and move towards it. The net charge of the sphere remains zero due to the same number of electrons and positive charges cancelling out. Additionally, if a charged object is in several electric fields and the forces cancel out, it can be considered to not experience an electric field. However, the charges within the object may still experience a force as a result of being in the presence of the fields.
  • #1
If a sphere has a net charge of zero, then it experiences no electric field right? But if you bring a + charged rod it, the electrons experience a field and all move towards it. But the net charge for the sphere is still zero since same number and electrons cancelling out. So do we say the electric field of the sphere is still zero when the electrons clearly experience a field?

Also if an charged object is in several electric fields, but the forces cancel out (static equilbrium), do we still say that object experiences an electric field?

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  • #2
The E field inside the sphere is still zero when placed in an external field , The induced surface charges will make it cancel inside . But the polarized conducting sphere will alter the E field outside . On your second question We would say it doesn't experience an E field, It would be like being inside a hollow spherical conducting charged sphere .
  • #3
caljuice said:
If a sphere has a net charge of zero, then it experiences no electric field right? But if you bring a + charged rod it, the electrons experience a field and all move towards it. But the net charge for the sphere is still zero since same number and electrons cancelling out. So do we say the electric field of the sphere is still zero when the electrons clearly experience a field?

Also if an charged object is in several electric fields, but the forces cancel out (static equilbrium), do we still say that object experiences an electric field?


Charge is relative, not absolute.
  • #4
Assuming that it's a conducting sphere, when you bring the positively charged rod near the sphere, negative charges will accumulate on the surface of the sphere facing toward the rod, and positive charges will accumulate on the surface of the sphere facing away from the rod. Outside the sphere but near it, on the side facing the rod, an electric field vector E will point toward the sphere, and on the side facing away from the rod an electric field vector will point away from the sphere.

Your phrase about whether the sphere "experiences an electric field" is unusual and I don't know what it means. Do you mean "experience a force" as a result of being in the place where there is a field? The charges within in the sphere do experience such a force, and that is why they have moved to the locations on the surface where they have moved to.
  • #5

I would like to clarify the concepts of electric fields and net charge. The electric field is a physical quantity that describes the force experienced by a charged particle in the presence of other charged particles. It is not dependent on the net charge of an object, but rather on the distribution of charges within the object.

In the scenario described, the sphere may have a net charge of zero, but it still has an electric field. This is because the positive charge from the rod causes a redistribution of electrons within the sphere, resulting in an electric field. However, the net charge of the sphere remains zero due to the equal number of positive and negative charges.

In the case of an object in static equilibrium, where the forces from multiple electric fields cancel out, we can still say that the object experiences an electric field. This is because the presence of the electric fields still affects the distribution of charges within the object, even though the net force is zero.

It is important to note that the concept of electric fields and net charge are related but distinct. The net charge of an object is the sum of all the positive and negative charges within it, while the electric field is a measure of the forces acting on a charged particle within the object's vicinity. Both concepts are necessary to fully understand the behavior of charged objects in the presence of other charged objects.

FAQ: Electric fields and net charge

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical field that surrounds a charged particle and exerts force on other charged particles within that field. It can be described as the region in which an electric force is exerted on charged particles.

How is an electric field created?

An electric field is created by any object that has a net electric charge. This can be achieved through the transfer of electrons, such as in a battery, or through the separation of charges, such as in a capacitor. The strength of an electric field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

What is net charge?

Net charge refers to the overall electric charge of an object. It is determined by the number of protons and electrons an object has. If an object has an equal number of protons and electrons, it has a net charge of zero and is considered electrically neutral. If an object has an excess of either protons or electrons, it is considered to have a net charge and is either positively or negatively charged.

How does the net charge affect the electric field?

The net charge of an object affects the strength and direction of the electric field it creates. Objects with a larger net charge will have a stronger electric field, while objects with opposite charges will create an electric field that pulls them towards each other.

Can electric fields be shielded or blocked?

Yes, electric fields can be shielded or blocked by certain materials. Conductors, such as metal, can block electric fields by redistributing the charges on their surface. Insulators, on the other hand, do not allow the flow of electric charges and can prevent electric fields from passing through them.
