How Do Cepheid Variable Stars Illuminate Distance Calculations in Astronomy?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the luminosity of a Cepheid variable star in the nearby galaxy M31, first using a period-luminosity relation table and then using the inverse square law of light. It also mentions the need to convert between solar luminosities and ergs/sec. The conversation also includes a hint about thinking for oneself and a connection to the formula for surface area of a sphere.
  • #1
Here are a few more questions that I really need help on, thanks!

3. A Cepheid variable star is observed in the nearby galaxy M31. Its period of variation
is measured to be 40 days. Using the period - luminosity relation given in the table
below, what is the luminosity of the Cepheid in solar luminosities?
Period Luminosity
(days) (solar luminosities)
2.5 645
4.0 1120
6.3 2000
10.0 3550
15.8 6310
25.1 11500
40.0 20900
63.1 38000

4. For the Cepheid in M31, what is its luminosity in ergs/sec? (Recall that the solar
luminosity is 3.85 x 1033 ergs/sec.)

5. The Cepheid in M31 has its apparent brightness measured at 1.06 x 10-12 ergs/sec/cm2.
The inverse square law of light may be written as
b = L ÷ 4 pi r^2
Where b is the apparent brightness, L is the luminosity and r is the distance.
How far away is the Cepheid in centimeters? Convert your answer to parsecs by
knowing that one parsec contains 3.09 x 1018 centimeters.
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  • #2
My biggest problem with these is that I'm totally lost. My professor assigns these problems, but our book and his notes don't show how to do them.
  • #3
What? You mean your professor actually expects you to think for yourself? How evil of him.

Okay, that bit of sarcasm off my chest, in problem 3 you are given a table:
(days) (solar luminosities)
2.5 645
4.0 1120
6.3 2000
10.0 3550
15.8 6310
25.1 11500
40.0 20900
63.1 38000

and asked to determine the "luminosity" if "days"= 40. This is purely a test of how you can read a table? (emphasis mine.)

Once you know the number of "solar luminosities" you are told that each solar luminosity is 3.85 x 1033 ergs/sec. Okay, convert your solar lumnosities to ergs/sec. (Hint: if you knew each hamburger cost $1.50, how would you find the cost of 6 hamburgers?)

Finally you are given a formula: b = L ÷ 4 pi r^2
You know b (apparent brightness) is 1.06 x 10-12 ergs/sec/cm2.
You know L (luminosity) from problem 3 and you know (I hope!) that pi is approximately 3.1416. Plug them into the equation and solve for r.

By the way, do you recognize 4 pi r^2 as the formula for surface area of a sphere? In other words, that formula says that after the light has gone a distance r, the light, L, has spread out over the surface of that sphere giving the apparent brightness, b, for someone at one point on that sphere.
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FAQ: How Do Cepheid Variable Stars Illuminate Distance Calculations in Astronomy?

What is the definition of "luminosity of a star"?

The luminosity of a star is the total amount of energy that it emits per unit time. It is measured in watts and is an indication of the star's intrinsic brightness.

How is the luminosity of a star measured?

The luminosity of a star is typically measured by comparing its brightness to a standard candle, such as the Sun. This is done by using instruments that can detect and measure the intensity of the star's light.

What factors affect the luminosity of a star?

The luminosity of a star is primarily determined by its mass and temperature. A larger mass and higher temperature generally result in a higher luminosity. Other factors such as chemical composition and age can also play a role.

How is the luminosity of a star related to its size?

Generally, the larger the star, the higher its luminosity. This is because larger stars have a larger surface area from which to emit light, and they also tend to have higher temperatures due to their larger mass. However, there are exceptions to this relationship, such as red giant stars, which are relatively large but have lower luminosities than smaller, hotter stars.

What is the difference between luminosity and apparent brightness?

Luminosity is a measure of a star's intrinsic brightness, while apparent brightness is a measure of how bright the star appears from Earth. Apparent brightness is affected by both the luminosity of the star and its distance from Earth.
