Predicting Everything with Hypothetical Scanner

  • Thread starter josh
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a scanner that can predict the future by scanning the entire universe down to the smallest atom. This idea is based on the belief that the universe is deterministic and that knowing the position and velocity of everything can lead to predicting the future. However, the principles of Quantum Mechanics, such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the collapse of the wavefunction, make this idea impossible.
  • #1
If hypotheticaly speaking you bult a scaner that could scan an enclosed and secure are and the scaner could scan everything down to the smallest atom couldn't it predict exactoly what will happen and when the reason
I am posting it here is because the scaner would have to be able to detect the Gaonoes I think they are called that are in the atoms and there are even smaller and exetera but if you could and then expand the area the scan could do to citys states countrys planets you could predict everything and everything that will happen and when it could tell tou when the universe started and ends and everything else like how black wholes work with all the info it would have gathered
I think that it sucks everytrhing around it into a submicroscopic level and once all the black wholes combine and there is nothing left to suck in all the super condesed matter would all chemicaly react in one blast thus my BIG BANG THiery

hope you have some interesting things to say by the way I am 15 yeaaaay
Physics news on
  • #2
Gee, that sure is a long sentence. You might consider a period here and there...

Well, Isaac Newton believed in a 'clock-work' universe which is deterministic. He believed that it was possible to know the future of the universe if one knew the position and the velocity of everything in the universe. He wasn't aware of the implications of Quantum Mechanics, however.

A fundamental principle of QM is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Basically, this states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high precision.

According to this principle, the more you know about a particles momentum and velocity, the less you can know about where it is.
  • #3
Also one of the other fundamental aspects of Quantum Mechanics is once an isolated system has been measured by someone, the wavefunction describing all the states collapses to that corresponding to the state that has been measured. A short time after this the wavefunction is then restored to its earlier format making any predictions of properties later on mere probabilities of all possible outcomes. Thus, the original measurement becomes obsolete for the purpose of predicting future properties.

FAQ: Predicting Everything with Hypothetical Scanner

1. How does the Hypothetical Scanner work?

The Hypothetical Scanner uses advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to make predictions about future events based on hypothetical scenarios.

2. Can the Hypothetical Scanner accurately predict everything?

While the Hypothetical Scanner has a high success rate, it is not able to predict everything with 100% accuracy. Its predictions are based on hypothetical scenarios and cannot account for all variables and factors that may affect the outcome.

3. What kind of data does the Hypothetical Scanner use?

The Hypothetical Scanner uses a wide range of data, including historical data, current trends, and hypothetical scenarios, to make predictions. It also takes into account external factors such as economic, social, and political events.

4. How reliable are the predictions made by the Hypothetical Scanner?

The reliability of the predictions made by the Hypothetical Scanner depends on the accuracy of the data and scenarios used. It also relies on the expertise and knowledge of the scientists and researchers who program and analyze the data.

5. Can the Hypothetical Scanner be used for practical purposes?

Yes, the Hypothetical Scanner can be used for practical purposes such as risk assessment, decision-making, and planning for potential future events. However, it should not be solely relied upon and should be used in conjunction with other sources of information and analysis.

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