Interstellar travel is impossible, moore's law is finite, the heat dea

In summary: Alpha Centauri would take 165,000 years so it would need to be a completely self sustaining system. Perhaps robotic with embryonic passengers..
  • #1
Yeah, all of those things, multipled by five thousand, and there we have the current cosmic predicament for human beings.

Is there any way in which we can do something about this? Or will Schopenhauer have the last laugh?
Space news on
  • #2
We can do science.I don't think heat death (more like a "cold death" due to the expanding universe) is avoidable, and the available calculation rate is finite (but extremely large), but interstellar travel could be possible.
  • #4
Denisovich said:
Yeah, all of those things, multipled by five thousand, and there we have the current cosmic predicament for human beings.

Is there any way in which we can do something about this? Or will Schopenhauer have the last laugh?

No one knows what the future holds. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
  • #5
Interstellar travel is not impossible, just rather impractical for humans.
  • #6
Astronuc said:
Interstellar travel is not impossible, just rather impractical for humans.

I agree, I am very pessimistic about human interstellar travel ever being possible. Perhaps it will take something the size of a large asteroid to carry life into orbit around a close stellar neighbor.
Alpha Centauri would take 165,000 years so it would need to be a completely self sustaining system. Perhaps robotic with embryonic passengers..
We could also wait for another star to come closer to the sun.

It would however be good to see a ship for traveling between the inner planets like these guys are proposing:
  • #7
Tanelorn said:
Alpha Centauri would take 165,000 years
With a space-shuttle-like rocket. Well, you don't want to use that for interstellar travel.
Something like the Orion project could achieve ~2.5-5% the speed of light (including slowdown at the target), reaching Alpha Centauri in about 100-200 years.

FAQ: Interstellar travel is impossible, moore's law is finite, the heat dea

1. Is interstellar travel truly impossible?

At this point in time, interstellar travel is not possible with our current technology. The distances between stars are vast and the speed of light, which is the fastest speed possible, is still not fast enough to make interstellar travel feasible. However, with advancements in technology and theoretical physics, it may be possible in the distant future.

2. What is Moore's Law and how does it relate to interstellar travel?

Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on a microchip will double approximately every two years, leading to exponential growth in computing power. This is important for interstellar travel because it allows for the development of faster and more advanced spacecrafts and technology that could potentially make interstellar travel more feasible.

3. Why is the heat death of the universe a concern for interstellar travel?

The heat death of the universe is a theoretical concept that suggests that eventually, all energy in the universe will be evenly distributed, resulting in the end of all life and activity. This poses a challenge for interstellar travel as it would require immense amounts of energy to travel long distances, and the heat death of the universe may limit our ability to sustain this energy for long periods of time.

4. How does the concept of time dilation affect interstellar travel?

Time dilation is the phenomenon where time passes slower for objects in motion compared to those at rest. This means that the closer an object travels to the speed of light, the slower time will pass for it. This poses a challenge for interstellar travel as it would require immense speeds to reach other star systems in a reasonable amount of time, resulting in significant time dilation and potential consequences for the travelers.

5. Are there any potential solutions or theories for making interstellar travel possible?

There are several theories and concepts being explored by scientists and researchers to make interstellar travel possible. Some include the use of advanced propulsion systems, such as nuclear or antimatter engines, and the development of faster-than-light travel, such as through wormholes or warp drive. However, these ideas are still in the theoretical stage and would require significant advancements in technology to become a reality.

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