Classifying Amphoteric Oxides - Li_2O, BeO, P_4O_6, Cl_2O, etc.

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In summary, the conversation discusses identifying amphoteric oxides, which act as both Lewis acids and bases. The compounds Li_2O, Al_2O_3, SnO_2, and PbO_2 are known to be amphoteric, while BeO and CO_2 are only Lewis acids and P_4O_6, Cl_2O, and Br_2O_7 are acidic. The group discusses using Lewis structures to determine if a compound is amphoteric and the importance of non-bonding electrons and empty orbitals in the process. They also mention the neutralization reaction between an acidic oxide and a basic oxide.
  • #1
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could help me with classing the following oxides as AMPHOTERIC.
Ie) They act as both lewis acids and bases.
My textbook does not have a very thorough description.
Here's the list, with the ones I already know.



CO_2 -Only a Lewis Acid



Al_2O_3 -Amphoteric


SnO_2 -Amphoteric


PbO_2 -Amphoteric

Cheers for any help,
It will be much appreciated.
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  • #2
to get an idea, try drawing out the lewis structure
  • #3
Basic: alkali metals, alkali Earth metals (except Be), and Tl
Amphoteric: Be, Al, Ga, In, Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi
Acidic: chalcogens, halogens, B, C, Si, N, P
Transitional Metals depend on oxidation state.

Li2O + H2O --> 2LiOH

BeO + 2H+ --> Be+2 + H2O
BeO + H2O + 2OH- --> [Be(OH)4]2-

Al2O3 + 6 H+ --> 2 Al3+ + 3 H2O
Al2O3 + 3 H2O + 2 OH- --> 2 [Al(OH)4-]

SnO2 + 4H+ --> Sn+4 + 2H2O
SnO2 + 2H2O + 2OH- --> [Sn(OH)6]2-

PbO(s) + 2H+ --> Pb+2 + H2O
PbO(s) + H2O + 2OH- --> [Pb(OH)4]2-

CO2 + H2O --> H2CO3
P4O6 + 6H2O --> 4H3PO4
ClO2 + 2H2O --> 2HOCl
Br2O7 + H2O --> 2HBrO4
  • #4
Thanks for the help both of you.

So if I draw a Lewis-structure to discern if a compound is amphoteric, then how exactly do I know,

Is it that the molecule requires a non-bonding pair of electrons to be a Lewis-Acid, and that it also requires an completely empty orbital to accept a pair of electrons, hence also being a Lewis-Base?

I mean, is that what makes a compound amphoteric?

Cheers again.
  • #5
metal oxides are usually basic oxides, while those oxides of non-metals are acidic oxides such as carbon dioxide. You should review the equations in your text between the reaction of these oxides with water, and even a reaction of an acidic oxide with that of an basic oxide and compare it with the reaction of a strong arrhenius acid/base neutralization. Water for instance is amphoteric in a sense since it can be protonated (as a lewis base) and has a slightly basic arrhenius proton.
  • #6
Ya for example you can have a neutralization reaction between an acidic oxide and a basic oxide to produce a salt:

2MgO + SiO2 --> Mg2SiO4

FAQ: Classifying Amphoteric Oxides - Li_2O, BeO, P_4O_6, Cl_2O, etc.

1. What are amphoteric oxides?

Amphoteric oxides are oxides that can act as both acids and bases. This means they can react with both acids and bases to form salts.

2. How do you classify amphoteric oxides?

Amphoteric oxides are classified based on their ability to react with both acids and bases. This is determined by their chemical structure and the availability of electrons for bonding.

3. Why are Li2O, BeO, P4O6, Cl2O, etc. considered amphoteric oxides?

These oxides have the ability to react with both acids and bases due to their electron configuration. Li2O and BeO have available electrons for bonding with acids, while P4O6 and Cl2O can accept protons from bases.

4. What are some examples of amphoteric oxides?

Aside from the ones mentioned above, other examples of amphoteric oxides include Al2O3, ZnO, and SnO2. These oxides have similar properties and can react with both acids and bases.

5. How are amphoteric oxides used in industry?

Amphoteric oxides are used in various industrial processes, such as the production of ceramics, glass, and metal alloys. They are also used in the production of detergents, as well as in the treatment of wastewater and flue gases.
