Intro Topology - Cardinality of a subset of N

In summary, the proof shows that for any subset A of natural numbers, either A is finite or A has the same cardinality as the set of natural numbers. This is shown by constructing a bijective function g from the set of natural numbers to A, where each element in A is mapped to by an element in the set of natural numbers. This holds true even if A is a proper subset of the set of natural numbers.
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Homework Statement

Every subset of [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] is either finite
or has the same cardinality as [tex] \mathbb{N}[/tex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Let [tex]A \subseteq \mathbb{N}[/tex] and [tex]A[/tex] not be finite. [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] is countable, trivially, which means there is a bijective function [tex]f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}[/tex]. There is a mapping, [tex] g: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow A[/tex] that is one-to-one and onto. The set [tex]A[/tex] is a subset of [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex], so if we define [tex]g[/tex] to have the same mapping between [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] and [tex]A[/tex] as [tex]f[/tex] did for [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] and [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex], but only for the terms in [tex]A[/tex], we will have built in the onto and one-to-one mapping into [tex]g[/tex] that we need.

To show the function is onto, let [tex]a \in A \subseteq \mathbb{N} [/tex]. [tex]f[/tex] ensures that there exists an [tex]n\in \mathbb{N}[/tex] such that [tex]f(n)=a[/tex]. Since we defined [tex]g[/tex] to map the same way [tex]f[/tex] did, we know that there also exists the same [tex]n \in \mathbb{N}[/tex] such that [tex]g(n)=a[/tex]. Thus the function [tex]g[/tex] is onto.

To show the one-to-one mapping, let [tex]a, b \in A \subseteq \mathbb{N}[/tex] such that [tex]a \not = b[/tex], this implies [tex]f(a) \not = f(b)[/tex], but since we defined [tex]g[/tex] to map the same as [tex]f[/tex], [tex]g(a) \not = g(b)[/tex].

There is a bijection between [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] and [tex]A[/tex] and thus they have the same cardinality.

Now I feel as though, I've proved it successfully, but at the same time, I'm having problems with it. Let me explain. I'm imagining the mapping from the natural numbers to the natural numbers as a diagram with the arrows of f going between the two sets. Now removing the some of the elements in the range (say the odd ones) and the corresponding arrows. This is an example of a possible mapping between the natural numbers and A. There are now elements in the domain that don't have arrows (such as, all the odds in this example). There are arrows going to everything in the range still. This is the diagram of what I've done above in the proof. I think in order to show the same cardinality, each element in the natural numbers should go to A. What I've done is different. However, I've shown a clear bijection between the two sets, so the proof is right. Can anyone help clarify my confusion? I wish I could draw a picture to help explain this.
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  • #2
[STRIKE]You do not need your function f, you could simply say:

Define [tex] g: \mathbb{N} \to A[/tex], given by [tex] x \mapsto x[/tex].
Then show, as you did, that this is a bijection.[/STRIKE] see Petek's response below

dyrich said:
Now I feel as though, I've proved it successfully, but at the same time, I'm having problems with it. Let me explain. I'm imagining the mapping from the natural numbers to the natural numbers as a diagram with the arrows of f going between the two sets. Now removing the some of the elements in the range (say the odd ones) and the corresponding arrows. This is an example of a possible mapping between the natural numbers and A. There are now elements in the domain that don't have arrows (such as, all the odds in this example). There are arrows going to everything in the range still. This is the diagram of what I've done above in the proof. I think in order to show the same cardinality, each element in the natural numbers should go to A. What I've done is different. However, I've shown a clear bijection between the two sets, so the proof is right. Can anyone help clarify my confusion? I wish I could draw a picture to help explain this.

This is just a, perhaps unexpected, thing that can be the case in infinite sets. There can be subsets that are not equal to the set but that do have the same cardinality as the set. The even positive integers do have the same cardinality as N:

Say B is set of positive even integers.
Define [tex] g: \mathbb{N} \to B[/tex], given by [tex] x \mapsto 2x[/tex]

g is onto: for every b in B there is an element in N that maps to it, namely b/2.
g is one-to-one: say a and a' in N both map to the same element b in B, then a=b/2 and a'=b/2 so a=a'.
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  • #3
@gerben: Regarding your definition of the function g, what if we select an x that isn't an element of A? Then g(x) = x isn't in A so g doesn't map [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex] to A.

@dyrich: Your solution doesn't seem to use the assumption that A is infinite. Also, your definition of the function g isn't clear to me. Given any natural number n, what is g(n)?

Here's a quick sketch of a proof. Let [itex]a_1[/itex] be the least element of A (well-ordering principle). Then let [itex]a_2[/itex] be the least element of A - {[itex]a_1[/itex]}, and so on. Show that the map f defined by f(n) = [itex]a_n[/itex] is a bijection from [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex] to A.


  • #4
I originally tried that way (using the well ordering principal), where I got stuck was proving the surjection of [tex] f(n)=a_n [/tex]. That's why I switched to the method that I posted. Any suggestions would be helpful. I know that it would start by saying let [tex] a_n \in A [/tex] for an [tex] n \in \mathbb{N} [/tex]. But showing that an n exists in the natural numbers that maps to it escapes me.

I mean, can I say that the n described in this post, is the one that maps to it? That seems to unclear, I feel I would need more.
  • #5
dyrich said:
I originally tried that way (using the well ordering principal), where I got stuck was proving the surjection of [tex] f(n)=a_n [/tex]. That's why I switched to the method that I posted. Any suggestions would be helpful. I know that it would start by saying let [tex] a_n \in A [/tex] for an [tex] n \in \mathbb{N} [/tex]. But showing that an n exists in the natural numbers that maps to it escapes me.

I mean, can I say that the n described in this post, is the one that maps to it? That seems to unclear, I feel I would need more.

That's a reasonable good point. Isn't there a simpler way? Uh, I don't know what theorems you are using, but f:A->N defined by f(x)=x is an injection from A to N, isn't it? Doesn't that make card(A)<=card(N)?
  • #6
You certainly don't need to construct an explicit bijection, but if you want to

an is the nth largest element of A. We know this exists by well ordering. Now if the map is not surjective, it means there is a smallest element of A that we missed (the set of all elements not in the image has a smallest element by well ordering). On the other hand, we couldn't have missed it since it's only larger than finitely many elements of the sequence, which means that it was the next one after them
  • #7
I was about to post a comment similar to Office_Shredder's, but he expressed the idea much better. One minor point for dyrich to consider: Where does the assumption that A isn't finite come into play?

  • #8
Petek said:
I was about to post a comment similar to Office_Shredder's, but he expressed the idea much better. One minor point for dyrich to consider: Where does the assumption that A isn't finite come into play?


In order to use the well ordering principal the set must be non-empty. Since the set isn't finite, it can't possibly be empty and thus we can use the well ordering principal. Was this the point?
  • #9
dyrich said:
In order to use the well ordering principal the set must be non-empty. Since the set isn't finite, it can't possibly be empty and thus we can use the well ordering principal. Was this the point?

Kind of. We also need that the sets A - {[itex]a_1[/itex]}, A - {[itex]a_1, a_2[/itex]} and so on are non-empty. Can you prove that if A is infinite, then so is A - {[itex]a_1[/itex]}? It seems obvious, but a proof should be provided for the sake of rigor.


FAQ: Intro Topology - Cardinality of a subset of N

1. What is the definition of cardinality in topology?

Cardinality in topology refers to the number of elements in a set. It is a measure of the size or magnitude of a set, and is denoted by the symbol |A| where A is the set in question. In other words, it is the number of distinct elements in a set.

2. How is the cardinality of a subset of N related to the cardinality of N?

The cardinality of a subset of N is always less than or equal to the cardinality of N. In other words, the number of elements in a subset of N cannot be greater than the number of elements in N itself. This is because a subset is a set that contains only elements from the original set, and thus cannot have more elements than the original set.

3. Can the cardinality of a subset of N be infinite?

Yes, the cardinality of a subset of N can be infinite. This is possible when the subset contains an infinite number of elements. For example, the subset of even numbers in N has an infinite cardinality because there are an infinite number of even numbers in N.

4. How is the cardinality of a subset of N affected by the removal of elements?

The cardinality of a subset of N is decreased when elements are removed from the subset. This is because the number of elements in the subset is reduced, and thus the size or magnitude of the subset is also reduced. However, if the removed elements are not present in the original set N, then the cardinality of the subset remains the same.

5. Can two subsets of N have the same cardinality?

Yes, two subsets of N can have the same cardinality. This is possible when the two subsets have the same number of elements. For example, the subsets of even and odd numbers in N both have the same cardinality, as they both contain an equal number of elements.
