Induced voltage with coil between 2 magnets

In summary, Dave thinks that the difference in induced voltage into a coil between 2 magnets when the magnets are orientated to attract or repel is insignificant.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
2023 Award
hi gang,

Just building a seismometer I have 2 x 2.5cm disc rare Earth magnets spaced far enough apart for a coil of wire to move between them.

Would you expect there to be any difference in induced voltage into a coil between 2 magnets when the magnets are orientated to attract or repel ?
I'm thinking no difference, but really have no idea

see pic for idea of what I'm doing. ignore that fact the builder of shown unit is using 4 x disc magnets, 2 top and 2 bottom.


if there is a difference between the two options ... why ?



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  • #2
Well.. can't see any picture. Got link to it ?
  • #3
GRRR sorry about that

I posted it and saw the pic, thought nothing more of it
then after your comment in the email, I visited the page and saw the pic was missing
Should be ok now :)

  • #4
I'm not very familiar with that kind of stuff.. but.. from general elekctromagnetics:

I take that magnets are on opposite sides of coil and when there is earthquake you have some coil-magnets movement, correct ?
If yes then there are significant diffrences for diffrent magnets setups. You can observe signal because there is some movement between magnets and coils. Magnetic flux changes and this induces voltage in coil. The essence here is the magnetic flux generated by magnets. If they are set up in the same side N-S-N-S (or S-N-S-N) the flux is flowing, but if You set them up like N-S-S-N (or S-N-N-S) the magnetic flux will be near zero (it's like two sources set opposite). No flux = no signal.
  • #5
gerbi said:
I'm not very familiar with that kind of stuff.. but.. from general elekctromagnetics:

I take that magnets are on opposite sides of coil and when there is earthquake you have some coil-magnets movement, correct ?
If yes then there are significant diffrences for diffrent magnets setups. You can observe signal because there is some movement between magnets and coils. Magnetic flux changes and this induces voltage in coil.

yes, that's correct. Some guys use horseshoe magnets. But strong and physically relatively small ones are not readily available. So the other main choice these days are to use several rare Earth disc magnets.

The essence here is the magnetic flux generated by magnets. If they are set up in the same side N-S-N-S (or S-N-S-N) the flux is flowing, but if You set them up like N-S-S-N (or S-N-N-S) the magnetic flux will be near zero (it's like two sources set opposite). No flux = no signal.

Just for your info... at the other end of the "red" assembly there are more magnets mounted. They have a piece of aluminium between them. This is used for dampening of the pendulum arm, so that it doesn't go into free natural oscillation. Else you are just recording the motion of the pendulum and not the earth.
Tecnically its the frame of the seismometer that is moving, not the pendulum, due to the large mass on the end of the pendulum arm. but because the pendulum isn't totally isolated from the frame it will start to oscillate as well.

Thanks for your insights :)


FAQ: Induced voltage with coil between 2 magnets

1. What is induced voltage with a coil between two magnets?

Induced voltage with a coil between two magnets is a phenomenon where an electromotive force is created in a coil of wire when it moves through a magnetic field created by two permanent magnets.

2. How is induced voltage created in this setup?

When the coil of wire moves through the magnetic field, the changing magnetic flux induces a current in the wire, creating a voltage. This is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

3. What factors affect the induced voltage in this setup?

The strength of the magnets, the speed of the coil's movement, the number of turns in the coil, and the angle between the coil and magnetic field all affect the induced voltage in this setup.

4. What is the purpose of inducing voltage with a coil between two magnets?

This setup is commonly used in devices such as generators and electric motors to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is also used in sensors and other electronic devices.

5. Can the induced voltage be increased by changing the materials of the magnets or coil?

Yes, using stronger magnets or a coil with more turns can increase the induced voltage. Additionally, using materials with higher magnetic permeability can also increase the induced voltage.
