What those words on yearly performance review realy mean

In summary, the boss is praised for his dedication and work ethic, as well as his creativity and adaptability. However, their judgment and intelligence may be questionable at times. Despite this, their integrity is seen as fitting for a political position.
  • #1
Gold Member
Every wonder what your boss is really trying to tell on his yearly performace review...

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  • #2
"People can question his judgment, but they should never question his dedication and work ethic."

Interpretation: "No matter how hard he tries, he's still dumber than rocks."
"His creative and innovative methods are impossible to duplicate."

Interpretation: "How he could lock the keys inside the closet when you need the key to lock the closet is beyond me!"
"Quick learner who is able to adapt to unique situations."

Interpretation: "Yeah, sure, he should have set the parking brake, but learning how to unlock the door of a van as it bounces backward down a hill over uneven terrain on a moonless night can't be an easy task to master."
"A man whose integrity qualifies him for political office."

Interpretation: (none needed)
  • #3

I understand the importance of clear and precise communication, especially in a professional setting such as a yearly performance review. While it may seem that your boss's words may be vague or difficult to decipher, it is important to remember that their intention is to provide constructive feedback and help you improve in your role.

When your boss says you are "meeting expectations," it means that you are performing your job duties satisfactorily and meeting the requirements set for your position. This is a positive feedback and means that you are doing a good job.

If your boss says you are "exceeding expectations," it means that you are performing above and beyond what is expected of you in your role. This is a great compliment and shows that your hard work and dedication are being noticed.

On the other hand, if your boss says you are "falling short of expectations," it means that there are areas in which you need to improve in order to meet the standards set for your position. This is an opportunity for growth and development, and it is important to ask for specific feedback and create a plan to address these areas.

Overall, it is important to approach your yearly performance review with an open mind and a willingness to learn and improve. Your boss's words are meant to help you grow and succeed in your role, and as a scientist, I know that continuous improvement is crucial for success in any field.

FAQ: What those words on yearly performance review realy mean

1. What do the words "meets expectations" on a yearly performance review mean?

Typically, "meets expectations" means that the employee has met the minimum requirements for their job duties and has performed adequately. This rating indicates that the employee has not exceeded expectations but has also not fallen short in any significant way.

2. What does "exceeds expectations" mean on a yearly performance review?

An employee who receives an "exceeds expectations" rating has gone above and beyond their job duties and has performed exceptionally well. This rating is typically reserved for employees who have consistently shown exceptional skills, knowledge, and contributions to their role and the company.

3. What do the words "needs improvement" signify on a yearly performance review?

"Needs improvement" means that the employee's performance has fallen below expectations in certain areas. This could be due to a lack of skills or knowledge, poor performance, or not meeting specific goals. It is important for the employee to take this feedback seriously and work towards improving their performance.

4. What does "unsatisfactory" mean on a yearly performance review?

An "unsatisfactory" rating indicates that the employee's performance has consistently fallen short and has not met the minimum requirements for their job duties. This rating is usually a cause for concern and may result in further disciplinary action or a performance improvement plan for the employee.

5. What is the difference between "meets expectations" and "exceeds expectations" on a yearly performance review?

The main difference between these two ratings is the level of performance. While "meets expectations" indicates that the employee has performed adequately, "exceeds expectations" signifies exceptional performance. Employees who receive an "exceeds expectations" rating may be considered for promotions or bonuses, while those who receive a "meets expectations" rating may not.

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