Will Detection Of Higgs Boson Complete Standard Model?

In summary, the LHC experiment holds great promise for detecting the Higgs boson and completing the standard model. However, it is important to have a robust theoretical model in order to properly interpret the data. The standard model is silent on many important issues, such as the origin of the Higgs field, why particles have different masses, and the mechanism of interaction between particles and the Higgs field. Additionally, there is still much debate and uncertainty in cosmology, and it is important to consider all possible theories when examining the Higgs field. Going into these experiments with an open mind and a definite plan is crucial in order to avoid missing important discoveries.
  • #1
We are pinning high hopes on LHC experiment. One of the expected results of the experiment is detection of Higgs Boson that would complete the standard model. In fact, discovery of Higgs Boson would complicate the theoretical issues because then we will need to find out..

a. origin of Higgs field. Higgs Boson has to be the first particle to be created almost simultaneously with big bang (Then only it can meet our theoretical requirements).

b. Higgs mechanism suggests that particles have mass less existence before they interact with Higgs field. What are these particles?

c. Why different particles have different masses and why interaction generates two different sets of particles (Quarks and Leptons)?

d. Interaction between particles and Higgs field has to be the most fundamental interaction in nature. Standard Model is silent on the mechanism of this interaction.
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  • #2
LHC will go up to 1 TEV. so an oppportunity to not only look for supersymmetry quanta, but also new fermion families. There is the old adage: anything not forbidden, will occur. it is as if nature as a built in bias to maximize the number of quanta interactions. Entropy again? it survived QFT and GRT revolutions.
  • #3

a) The Higgs boson will be created somewhere during the electroweak symmetry breaking transition in the early universe (~10^-12 seconds or so), not before.

b) All particles in the SM except for the neutrino (which gains its mass in a sense through a different mechanism)

c) The Higgs is silent on *why* particle A is more or less massive than particle B, except that it can generate the observed (put in by hand) Yukawa coupling. The explanatory power is the same eg it is what it is.

d) The mechanism is understood quite well, I am not sure what you are trying to get at.
  • #4
About d), perhaps HIMANSHU777 wants to argue that the Higgs field is not a gauge field so any "first principles justification" of the gauge fields do not justify the existence of the higgs coupling. On the other hand, I have seen some work telling that the Higgs can be understood as a Kaluza Klein field along a discrete direction, while gauge fields can be understood as KK along continuous directions.

About b), there is a subtle thing about the massless particles: the CKM matrix does not seem to exist, because we can choose mass eigenstates coinciding with the charge eigenstates. Can we?
  • #5
arivero said:
About d), perhaps HIMANSHU777 wants to argue that the Higgs field is not a gauge field so any "first principles justification" of the gauge fields do not justify the existence of the higgs coupling. On the other hand, I have seen some work telling that the Higgs can be understood as a Kaluza Klein field along a discrete direction, while gauge fields can be understood as KK along continuous directions.

About b), there is a subtle thing about the massless particles: the CKM matrix does not seem to exist, because we can choose mass eigenstates coinciding with the charge eigenstates. Can we?

Let me elaborate on what I have stated.

LHC experiment is likely to generate enough data to prove the validity of big bang theory as well as detect the Higgs boson to complete the standard model.

Before we get into such extraordinary experiments we must have a robust theoretical model that could be tested. An experiment in itself would be worthless if the data is not interpreted properly. In ordinary experiments data is generated is within manageable range and hence no filtering is required and we can examine all aspects, however, filtering of information would be an important part of the whole excercise related with LHC experiment and it is quite possible that we may miss out on some important information because we are just not looking for it.

Standard model is silent not only on why particle 'A' is more massive than particle 'B', it is also silent on a number of other issues that must be sorted out.

First, it is extremely important to know why particle 'A' is more massive than particle 'B'.

Since, LHC experiment would be trying to detect that little variation that exists between matter and anti-matter, therefore, detecting Higgs field itself would not be sufficient but important part would be to observe its behavior before it decays.

SM suggests that Higgs Boson is its own anti particle and even CP. Doesn't it require explanation?

While we are certain about when to look for the Higgs Boson, we have to explain the concept not in experiment conditions and have to combine the knowledge gained through the experiment in real conditions. There is absolutely no unanimity on most of the concepts in Cosmology and we are not sure what expansion of universe mean and the mechanism of expansion. Once we (scientists) have a unanimity on basic issues then only we can determine how the Higgs field keeps up with the ever expanding universe.

Big bang theory states that nothing existed before singularity appeared. Matter, anti matter, dark matter, energy, dark energy, time, and space were non-existent. It is in light of this statement that we need to examine every aspect concerning Higgs field.

One cannot be selective. Higgs field is not a gauge field and as pointed out by arivero, 'First Principle Justification' does not justify the existence of Higgs coupling. These are important issues even though they may appear to be minor.

It is indeed important that we must go into such experiments with open mind but it is also important to go into such experiments with definite plan and it is equally important to test not just one theory but all possible theories.

As we all know, Familab is reported to have found a bump in their data that might be Higgs particle. Familab scientists are working overtime to get to the right conclusions beore LHC experiment gets going.

We need to avoid such situations where we may miss on something important.
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FAQ: Will Detection Of Higgs Boson Complete Standard Model?

What is the Higgs Boson?

The Higgs Boson is a subatomic particle that was predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. It is believed to be responsible for giving other particles their mass.

Why is the detection of the Higgs Boson important?

The detection of the Higgs Boson is important because it helps to confirm the Standard Model of particle physics and provides insights into the fundamental nature of the universe. It also helps to explain the origin of mass in the universe.

How was the Higgs Boson detected?

The Higgs Boson was detected through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Scientists used high-energy particle collisions to recreate the conditions of the early universe and observe the production of the Higgs Boson.

What impact does the detection of the Higgs Boson have on the Standard Model?

The detection of the Higgs Boson completes the Standard Model, as it was the last predicted particle that had not been observed. It also helps to validate the Standard Model and opens up new avenues for research in particle physics.

What are the implications of the detection of the Higgs Boson?

The detection of the Higgs Boson has many implications, including furthering our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe, and potentially leading to new technologies and advancements in science and technology.

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