Kernel and Image of Matrix AB

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the kernel and image of matrices A and B, and solving for the product AB. It is determined that AB must equal the zero matrix based on the properties of the kernel and image. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of clear and precise explanation in mathematical solutions.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Kernel and Image

Homework Statement

Ker(A) = Im(B)
AB = ?

A is an m x p matrix. B is a p x n matrix.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Since Ker(A) is the subset of the domain of B and Im(B) is the subset of the codomain of B, AB = I. I = identity matrix.

Is this right? It doesn't seem to make sense. There must be a mathematical (symbolic) way to solve for AB, right?
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  • #2
I'm assuming this means B:R^n->R^p. A:R^p->R^m. That way at least Ker(A) and Im(B) live in the same space. Now what do you say AB:R^n->R^m is?
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  • #3
Is AB the p x m identity matrix?
  • #4
Bad guess. AB is nxm. Consider AB(v). B(v) is in Im(B)=Ker(A). Guess again. Uh, what do you mean by 'identity matrix' anyway. There is no pxm identity matrix. Do you mean the zero matrix?
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  • #5
Since Im(B) = Ker(A), does that imply that A and B are invertible? Then if B(v) is in the Ker(A) and Ker(A) = {0}, then AB = 0. Is that right?
  • #6
Only one thing you said is right. Why should anything be invertible and why should Ker(A)={0}? If B(v) is in Ker(A) what's A(B(v))? If you think AB=0 then try and put together an argument that will convince me. In your own words.
  • #7
Since B(v) is in Ker(A) and T(v) = A * ker(A) = 0, then AB must be zero.
  • #8
What's T? I think you MIGHT know what you are trying to say, but that's just a guess. If that's what you are planning to turn in as a solution, I don't think it will work. Can't you put that more clearly?
  • #9
The book defines the kernel as a subspace x and T(x) = Ax = 0 and ker(A) = x. T(x) is the linear transformation and A is the matrix. Should I not put the book's equation T(x) = Ax in my solution?

So in the solution I wrote in my homework, I wrote: BX is in ker(A) and AX = 0, X is in ker(A), therefore AB = 0, is that a good explanation?
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  • #10
I don't have your book. What's the linear transformation associated with Bx? Is it also T? What's the linear transformation associated with AB(x). If it's T, I'll scream. You aren't expressing yourself clearly. That's all I'll say.
  • #11
bubbles said:
So in the solution I wrote in my homework, I wrote: BX is in ker(A) and AX = 0, X is in ker(A), therefore AB = 0, is that a good explanation?

It's getting there. Try saying this. For any vector x, Bx is in Im(B). Since Im(B)=Ker(A) then Bx is in Ker(A). If Bx is in Ker(A) then A(Bx)=0. So ABx=0 for all x. So AB=0. How does that sound?
  • #12
Thank you for your help! I understand what you mean about my vague explanation. I will try to clarify things a bit on my paper.
  • #13
You're welcome. Thanks for letting me scream. Good luck!

FAQ: Kernel and Image of Matrix AB

What is the kernel of matrix AB?

The kernel of matrix AB, denoted as ker(AB), is the set of all vectors x for which the product AB equals the zero vector. In other words, it is the set of all solutions to the homogeneous equation ABx = 0.

What is the image of matrix AB?

The image of matrix AB, denoted as im(AB), is the set of all vectors b that can be written as the product ABx for some vector x. In other words, it is the set of all possible outputs of the matrix multiplication AB.

How do I find the kernel of matrix AB?

To find the kernel of matrix AB, first set up the homogeneous equation ABx = 0. Then, solve for the variables in terms of the remaining free variables to find the general solution. The resulting vectors will form the basis of the kernel of AB.

How do I find the image of matrix AB?

To find the image of matrix AB, first compute the product AB. The resulting matrix will have the same number of rows as A and the same number of columns as B. The columns of this matrix will form the basis of the image of AB.

What is the relationship between the kernel and image of matrix AB?

The kernel and image of matrix AB are related by the rank-nullity theorem, which states that the dimension of the kernel plus the dimension of the image equals the number of columns in matrix A. In other words, the dimension of the kernel and the dimension of the image are complementary.

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