Using gas engine's residual heat to power a Stirling engine.

In summary, while using residual heat to power a Stirling engine and store energy in a battery may seem attractive, the efficiency and cost of installing the necessary hardware may not make it a practical solution. Heat recovery for hot water or steam may be a more effective alternative, as well as turbine heat recovery. Additionally, using a gas engine to power a Sterling engine for accessories can actually add to total losses and require more work to generate the necessary heat. A study on this concept using a steam cycle showed limited success.
  • #1
It does not sound bad, does not It??.
Using the residual heat it would be possible to power a Stirling engine,
producing energy to be stored in the battery. Getting
less power from the gas engine, (less time alternator running), less gas used, higher efficiency.
How does it sound??
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  • #2
Yeah, it works, but you can't get a great deal of useful energy out of it though through a Sterling cycle, and it's usually not worth it for the extra cost of installing the hardware. Heat recovery (for hot water or steam) works quite nicely though, as does turbine heat recovery.
  • #3
crazySpic said:
It does not sound bad, does not It??.
Using the residual heat it would be possible to power a Stirling engine,
producing energy to be stored in the battery. Getting
less power from the gas engine, (less time alternator running), less gas used, higher efficiency.
How does it sound??

You are forgetting that you have to build heat to run the sterling engine.
The engine is not very efficient
If you use a gas engine to run a sterling engine to run accessories then you are adding to the total losses of the system - not gaining anything.
The gas engine is actually doing MORE work to make the heat required by the sterling engine in order to do the work to run the accessories.

Its like putting an alternator on the wheels of an electric car to charge the battery to run the car. More losses and a power requirement that goes up due to the drag of the alternator.
  • #5

This idea of using residual heat from a gas engine to power a Stirling engine sounds promising. It could potentially increase the overall efficiency of the system by reducing the amount of gas needed and the time the alternator runs. However, further research and testing would be needed to determine the feasibility and practicality of implementing this technology. Additionally, consideration should also be given to the potential cost and environmental impact of using a Stirling engine in this way. Overall, this concept has potential and warrants further investigation.

FAQ: Using gas engine's residual heat to power a Stirling engine.

1. What is a Stirling engine?

A Stirling engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclically compressing and expanding air or other gas at different temperatures. It was invented in 1816 by Robert Stirling and is known for its high efficiency and low noise compared to other heat engines.

2. How does using gas engine's residual heat to power a Stirling engine work?

The process involves redirecting the waste heat produced by a gas engine to heat the working gas in a Stirling engine. The heated gas expands and drives a piston, which in turn rotates a crankshaft and generates power. This utilizes the otherwise wasted heat and increases the overall efficiency of the system.

3. What are the benefits of using this method?

Using gas engine's residual heat to power a Stirling engine can significantly increase the overall efficiency of the system, reducing fuel consumption and emissions. It also provides a more sustainable and cost-effective energy solution.

4. Are there any limitations to this method?

One limitation is that the gas engine and Stirling engine need to be properly sized and matched in order for the process to work effectively. Additionally, the system may require additional maintenance and equipment costs.

5. In what industries or applications is this method commonly used?

This method is commonly used in combined heat and power (CHP) systems, where both electricity and heat are produced simultaneously. It is also used in industrial processes, such as in waste heat recovery systems in manufacturing plants, as well as in residential and commercial buildings for heating and cooling purposes.
