Will Yellowstone's Massive Volcano Erupt Again in Our Lifetime?

  • Thread starter Myriad209
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In summary: I think we should all try to remember that when we're worrying and stressing about things.In summary, Supervolcanoes are a natural occurrence and will erupt again. However, the effects of the eruption will be felt by humanity at some point in the future, and the Earth will probably survive the event.
  • #1
Does anyone have any idea about when it might erupt again?

I'd like to be prepared since the magma chamber of this thing will prolly wipe out the entire earth.
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #3
It will go bang one day - could be thousands of years yet, or next year, but it won't wipe out the Earth! It's effects, if it goes in a big way, will be world-wide, that's for sure. The Earth will probably cool and crops will fail, causing death for millions. But, hey, everything will come back again within a decade.
  • #5
Oi - always look on the bright side of life!
  • #6
As a precaution, we should fill out pockets with jam, cause we're going to be toast.
  • #7
Ah, cheer up, something else is almost certain to kill you before Yellowstone does. :biggrin:
  • #8
The Discovery Channel had a recent program about the super volcano under Yellow Stone. The records showed a massive eruption occurred every few hundered thousand years. While we know it will happen again, we have no clear way of determening when. In fact, due to the plates shifting, it is believed there is the possibility that by the next eruption will not take place under Yellow Stone, but under the Rocky Mountains. An eruption occurring with the Rockies on top of the magma chamber would likely mean we wouldn't feel the devistating effects of such a chaotic event, according to the Discovery program anyway.

Still, if an eruption did occur humanity would be in for a Hell of a ride. :bugeye:
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  • #9
I think we're all forgetting the fact that by the time Yellowstone does go boom, we will be masters of space and time and have unlimited technological boundaries, also the we may have accidentally destroyed the Earth by then. :-p
  • #10
Discovery Channel has been airing the Super Volcano show a number of times over the years. (I recall taping it 4 yrs ago) They like to sensationalize mega-disaster imagery to try and flip us out. I've often seen it paired with another armageddon scenario Mega-Tsunamis.

The US Geological Survey published their thoughts about Yellowstone Caldera

The current rates of seismicity, ground deformation, and hydrothermal activity at Yellowstone, although high by most geologic standards, are probably typical of long time periods between eruptions and therefore not a reason for immediate concern. Potentially damaging earthquakes are likely to continue occurring every few decades, as they have in the recent past. Eventually Yellowstone will erupt again, but there is no indication that an eruption is imminent or what kind of eruption may come next.
  • #11
Hi all I'm very new to this site and it's just the place for me as I love science. I to share concerns over the supervolcano, but realize there will be something beneficial from it. Life can start from a fresh again. I know it will be hard on nature but nature will probably survive better than us. I have a little saying, "For a every negative there's a positve" and basically it means there an advantage to many negative situations. And of course vice versa.

FAQ: Will Yellowstone's Massive Volcano Erupt Again in Our Lifetime?

What is Yellowstone's massive volcano?

Yellowstone's massive volcano is a supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park. It is one of the largest and most active volcanic systems in the world, with a caldera that measures approximately 45 miles across.

Is Yellowstone's massive volcano active?

Yes, Yellowstone's massive volcano is considered active. While it has not erupted in over 70,000 years, it is still considered a threat due to its past eruption history and continued geothermal activity.

When is Yellowstone's massive volcano expected to erupt?

Scientists cannot accurately predict when Yellowstone's massive volcano will erupt. The last three major eruptions occurred approximately 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago, and 640,000 years ago. However, the geological record suggests that the volcano erupts on an average of every 600,000 years.

What would happen if Yellowstone's massive volcano erupted?

If Yellowstone's massive volcano were to erupt, it would have global impacts. The eruption would release a massive amount of ash and volcanic gases, causing a temporary climate change and potentially damaging infrastructure and agriculture in the surrounding areas.

Is there a plan in place for a potential eruption of Yellowstone's massive volcano?

Yes, there is a contingency plan in place for a potential eruption of Yellowstone's massive volcano. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) closely monitors the volcano and has an emergency response plan in place in case of an eruption. This plan includes warning systems, evacuation routes, and communication strategies.

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