Polytropic exponent, thermodynamics question

In summary: But I'm not so sure that's what happened in this case. I'm stumped. :(Polytropic exponent for an adiabatic process is 1.0. For a process where temperature is constant, PV = mRT = constant, the polytropic exponent is 1.0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Air is compressed to 6% of its initial volume in the cylinder of a diesel engine. In the process, its pressure increased from 1 bar to 41 bar.

Calculate the polytropic exponent for this process and comment on the associated heat transfer.

Homework Equations

PV^λ = constant

The Attempt at a Solution

Pinital (Vinital)^λ = Pfinal(Vfinal)^λ

Pinitial = 1 bar
P final = 41 bar
V initial = 100%
V final = 94%

Well I'm pretty much not sure if I'm going about solving this (probably simple) problem in the right way. Anyone care to help?

Also do you have to change the units from bar to pascals?

Thanks dudes and dudettes
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  • #2
Whew! "Polytropic exponent!" Ya live & you learn!

OK, so you know p1 and V1, giving you one equation with unknowns C and n:
p1V1^n = C
Then, what are p2(p1) and V2(V1)? Write the equation involving pp2 and V2 in therms of p1 and V1. That's a second equation with two unknowns C and n.

Solve pre h.s. algebra.

Now for part 2: if you assume an ideal gas, you can compute T1 and T2 (assume w.l.o.g. 1 mole of air), use the 1st law to express ΔU = (const.)ΔT, then work = ∫pdV and finally ΔQ = ΔU + W.
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  • #3
rude man said:
Whew! "Polytropic exponent!" Ya live & you learn!

OK, so you know p1 and V1, giving you one equation with unknowns C and n:
p1V1^n = C
Then, what is p2(p1

I don't quite understand, do I know V1? :S

No volume is given in the question but can you just use percentage values instead?

So I'll have

P1V1^n = C


P2V2^n = C


Thanks by the way rude man!
  • #4
Hi Studios,
Studious_stud said:

The Attempt at a Solution

Pinital (Vinital)^λ = Pfinal(Vfinal)^λ

Pinitial = 1 bar
P final = 41 bar
V initial = 100%
V final = 94%
You have the right equation to solve for the polytropic exponent, but you need to better define Vi and Vf. If "Air is compressed to 6% of its initial volume..." then can you write a very short equation that relates Vi and Vf? Something like Vi = Vf C where C is a constant? Once you do that, you can find initial and final conditions so you can solve for the polytropic exponent.

Do you know how the polytropic exponent varies depending on heat flux? For an adiabatic (no heat transfer) process, the process is isentropic, so what do you think the polytropic exponent would be equal to in that case? For the case where temperature is constant, PV = mRT = constant, right? In that case, what would be the polytropic exponent and how would you describe the heat transfer to the air during the process?
  • #5
Sorry, my post was totally incomplete.

Q Goest is giving you good leads.

One thing that bothers me is I think we're all assuming an adiabatic process, which was not given but maybe was so defined in the relevant chapter of the textbook. I believe that assumption is generally made, so maybe I'm just being picky. For that matter we weren't given authority to assumean ideal gas either - but what can one accomplish without that?

I suppose if n computes to cp/cv for air then we're entitled to assume isentropy.
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FAQ: Polytropic exponent, thermodynamics question

1. What is the polytropic exponent in thermodynamics?

The polytropic exponent is a measure of the relationship between pressure and volume in a thermodynamic process. It is represented by the symbol n and is defined as the ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) for a given gas.

2. How is the polytropic exponent calculated?

The polytropic exponent can be calculated by taking the logarithm of the pressure-volume ratio in a polytropic process and dividing it by the logarithm of the volume ratio. This can also be expressed as n = (log P2/P1)/(log V2/V1).

3. What is the significance of the polytropic exponent in thermodynamics?

The polytropic exponent is an important parameter in thermodynamics as it helps to characterize the behavior of a gas in a polytropic process. It can also be used to determine the work and heat transfer in such a process.

4. What are the typical values for the polytropic exponent?

The value of the polytropic exponent depends on the type of gas and the specific process being studied. For an ideal gas, the polytropic exponent is equal to the specific heat ratio, which is typically between 1.2 and 1.7.

5. How does the polytropic exponent affect the efficiency of a process?

The polytropic exponent can have a significant impact on the efficiency of a process. In general, a lower polytropic exponent indicates a more efficient process, as it represents a smaller change in pressure for a given change in volume. This is particularly important in thermodynamic processes such as compression and expansion, where the goal is to minimize energy losses.

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