Double integral of mass of circular cone

In summary, density varies directly with distance from the vertex in a standard coordinate system; this is a triple integral problem.
  • #1
Find the mass of a right circular cone of base radius r and height h given that the density varies directly with the distance from the vertex

does this mean that density function = K sqrt (x^2 + y^2 + z^2) ?
is it a triple integral problem?
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  • #2
Strictly speaking, no, because you are not given a coordinate system!

However, I understand what you mean. You have set up a "standard" coordinate system so that the vertex of the cone is at (0,0,0) and the central axis of the cone is on the positive z- axis. Yes, in this choice of coordinate system, "density varies directly with distance from the vertex" means that density= k[itex]\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}[/itex].

Yes, this is a triple integral (not the double integral your title implies).
  • #3
you can write it also as double integral
[tex] \rho \propto \sqrt{r^2 +z^2} [/tex], and then write the volume element as [tex]dV=2\pi r dr dz [/tex]
  • #4
you would have problems with limits calculating this integral in x,y,z system.
  • #5
how do you get dV = 2pi r dr dz
p ~ sqrt (r^2 + z^2)
p ~ sqrt (p^2)
so p ~ p

limit on phi:
z = sqrt (x^2 + y^2) (cone)
z = sqrt (p^2 sin^2 phi)
z = p sin phi
p cos phi = r = p sin phi
cos phi = sin phi
phi = pi/4
so limit of phi is 0 -> pi/4

limit of theta is 0 -> 2pi

[tex]\int^{2pi}_{0}\int^{pi/4}_{0}\int^{}_{} p dp dphi dtheta[/tex]

is this correct so far?
  • #6
how do i go about looking for the limit of p?

also it is suppose to say : p dp dphi dtheta in integral
  • #7
you should do it this way.
[tex]\rho \propto \sqrt {r^2+z^2}~~~~(r^2 = x^2+y^2) [/tex]
then write how radius r depend on height z. It's [tex] r=r_0(1-\frac{z}{h}) [/tex]
Now you are integrating: [tex] 2\pi \int_{0}^{h}\int_{0}^{r_0(1-\frac{z}{h})} \sqrt{r^2+z^2} ~ r dr dz [/tex], first over r and then over z.
2 pi comes from integrating over phi since problem has axial symmetry so volume element is 2 pi r dr dz.

Hope I was clear enough

FAQ: Double integral of mass of circular cone

1. What is the formula for calculating the double integral of mass of a circular cone?

The formula for the double integral of mass of a circular cone is M = ρ ∫∫ r dr dθ, where ρ is the density, r is the radius, and θ is the angle in polar coordinates.

2. How is the double integral of mass of a circular cone related to the cone's volume?

The double integral of mass of a circular cone is directly proportional to the cone's volume. This means that as the mass increases, so does the volume, and vice versa.

3. Why is the double integral of mass of a circular cone important in physics and engineering?

The double integral of mass of a circular cone is important because it allows us to calculate the distribution of mass within the cone. This information is crucial in understanding the cone's stability, strength, and overall behavior in different situations.

4. Can the double integral of mass of a circular cone be used to find the center of mass of the cone?

Yes, the double integral of mass of a circular cone can be used to find the center of mass. By setting up the integral with respect to the x and y coordinates, we can find the average point where the mass is distributed in the cone.

5. How does the shape of a circular cone affect its double integral of mass?

The shape of a circular cone can greatly affect its double integral of mass. For example, a cone with a larger base radius will have a higher mass and therefore a larger double integral of mass compared to a cone with a smaller base radius. Similarly, a taller cone will have a higher double integral of mass than a shorter cone, assuming all other factors are the same.
