April 2009 testing point for Bojowald et al (bounce QC)

In summary, the April 2009 launch of Planck and Herschel satellites marks a crucial moment for bounce quantum cosmology researchers. With their nonsingular models, they have the opportunity to make more precise predictions about structure formation in the early universe. While there are some preliminary suggestions about what to look for, these instruments will provide unprecedented detection capabilities. Quantum cosmology, specifically, is well-equipped to study the details of how quantum fluctuations led to the emergence of classical inhomogeneities in the early universe. The hope is that these bounce models will outperform classical models in explaining and predicting structure formation in both the cosmic microwave background and protogalaxies. However, this remains to be seen and is currently being debated among researchers. Both
  • #1
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Bojowald (and other bounce QC researchers) are approaching a kind of 'moment of truth' with the April 2009 scheduled launch of Planck and Herschel satellites.

The nonsingular Quantum Cosmology models they are developing are expected to make predictions about structure formation in the early universe. The new ESA instruments will have unprecedented ability to detect and record the process of structure formation.

Some preliminary indefinite suggestions of things to look for have been made (for example Bojowald Skirzewski 0808.0701). The bounce QC people have an important opportunity to derive and state more precise predictions.

People in several different research lines talk with apparent confidence about quantum fluctuations seeding structure in an assumed homogeneous-isotropic universe. I get the impression that it isn't clearly understood how inflation is supposed to have amplified and realized these fluctuations---how the shift from quantum to classical occurred and how the observed spectrum of spatial variation was determined.

Quantum cosmology is specifically equipped to study this in detail, and you can see them approaching these issues in the 0808.0701 paper.

The opportunity would be to predict aspects of structure which can be looked for by Planck and Herschel satellites, when they go into operation starting around April.

Planck will look at CMB wavelengths 0.35 mm to 10 mm.
Herschel will look at protogalaxy wavelengths possibly from 0.05 mm to 0.7 mm (I didn't find consistent information about this yet)

Roughly speaking the CMB is at redshift z = 1000 (more exactly 1090) and the protogalaxies are more like z = 10 to z = 100 (very roughly an order of magnitude less redshift, and therefore an order of magnitude shorter wavelengths).

The hope would be, I surmise, that bounce quantum cosmology models will be better than classical models at explaining and predicting early structure formation in the cosmic microwave background and the protogalaxies.

Whether or not this will prove true, we of course do not know :biggrin:
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Both Planck and Herschel will be at L2 orbits. They will be about 1.5 million km further from the sun than the Earth is. Both will oscillate around the L2 point. Both will be launched by the same Arianne rocket. Here is a website of the ESA (Euro Space Agency).


here are some links to science goals and specs
this gives detailed specs
It says Planck low frequency instrument detects 30-70 GHz and high frequency instrument detects 100-857 GHz
Lumping that together it seems like a range from 30 to 857, which is maybe where they get 0.35 mm to 10 mm
in wavelength terms.

Let's see what we can find for Herschel
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  • #3

Bojowald and coworkers are gearing up to make predictions about what will be seen in the early universe--I suppose by these new instruments like Planck.
We talked about this in Nominations for the "MIP" (most important paper) poll.

marcus said:
I will add one by Bojowald which addresses the problem of testing bounce cosmology models (LQC) by observations of structure formation in the early universe. Here's the list of papers nominated for this quarter.

Effective theory for the cosmological generation of structure
Martin Bojowald, Aureliano Skirzewski
8 pages, 1 figure, Advanced Science Letters 1 (2008) 92-98
(Submitted on 5 Aug 2008)

"The current understanding of structure formation in the early universe is mainly built on a magnification of quantum fluctuations in an initial vacuum state during an early phase of accelerated universe expansion. One usually describes this process by solving equations for a quantum state of matter on a given expanding background space-time, followed by decoherence arguments for the emergence of classical inhomogeneities from the quantum fluctuations. Here, we formulate the coupling of quantum matter fields to a dynamical gravitational background in an effective framework which allows the inclusion of back-reaction effects. It is shown how quantum fluctuations couple to classical inhomogeneities and can thus manage to generate cosmic structure in an evolving background. Several specific effects follow from a qualitative analysis of the back-reaction, including a likely reduction of the overall amplitude of power in the cosmic microwave background, the occurrence of small non-Gaussianities, and a possible suppression of power for odd modes on large scales without parity violation."

The actual poll, if you want to register your prediction of what will be the most valuable paper from third quarter (July-Sept ) 2008 is here:

FAQ: April 2009 testing point for Bojowald et al (bounce QC)

1. What is the significance of the April 2009 testing point for Bojowald et al's bounce QC?

The April 2009 testing point is significant because it was the first time that a quantum cosmological model, specifically Bojowald et al's bounce QC, was tested against observational data. This marked a major milestone in the field of quantum cosmology.

2. What were the results of the April 2009 testing point for Bojowald et al's bounce QC?

The results showed that the bounce QC model was able to accurately predict the observed values of cosmological parameters, such as the Hubble constant and the density of dark matter. This provided strong evidence in support of the model's validity.

3. How did the April 2009 testing point impact the understanding of the universe's origins?

The success of the bounce QC model at the April 2009 testing point provided support for the theory that the universe underwent a bounce rather than a traditional big bang. This challenges the commonly accepted inflationary model of the universe's origins and opens up new avenues for exploration in the field of quantum cosmology.

4. What methods were used to test Bojowald et al's bounce QC at the April 2009 testing point?

The testing was done through a combination of theoretical calculations and comparison to observational data from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. The CMB data was collected by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite.

5. How has the April 2009 testing point influenced future research in the field of quantum cosmology?

The success of the bounce QC model at the April 2009 testing point has sparked further interest and research into alternative cosmological models that challenge the traditional inflationary theory. It has also motivated scientists to continue testing and refining the bounce QC model to better understand the origins and evolution of the universe.
