Regarding heat property of electromagnetic waves

In summary: But the sun is so much brighter that it is brighter in the visible colors than any other source, and that's why we don't think of a flashlight as being a "heat" source.In summary, the conversation discusses the confusion around the heat properties of electromagnetic radiation. According to Wiki, any electromagnetic radiation can heat a material when it is absorbed, which implies that even visible light can increase the temperature of an object. However, the question arises as to why visible light alone does not have the same heating effect as sunlight. The experts clarify that while EM radiation can transport heat energy, it is not the same as heat energy itself. They also explain that the sun emits a higher fraction of its radiation in the visible range, making it
  • #1
I am confused regarding the heat properties of electromagnetic radiation. Wiki states "Any electromagnetic radiation can heat a material when it is absorbed.". Does this imply radiation with wavelengths in the visible light region can also heat a material, that is, increase its temperature? From wiki again: "heat is the process of energy transfer from one body or system due to thermal contact, which in turn is defined as an energy transfer to a body in any ". As light is energy, this should imply that light is heat?

If that is the case, why does purely visible light without any additional radiation not raise the temperature of the object it shines on? Or does it, so small that it isn't noticable without measuring instruments?
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  • #2
srvs said:
I am confused regarding the heat properties of electromagnetic radiation. Wiki states "Any electromagnetic radiation can heat a material when it is absorbed.". Does this imply radiation with wavelengths in the visible light region can also heat a material, that is, increase its temperature? From wiki again: "heat is the process of energy transfer from one body or system due to thermal contact, which in turn is defined as an energy transfer to a body in any ". As light is energy, this should imply that light is heat?

If that is the case, why does purely visible light without any additional radiation not raise the temperature of the object it shines on? Or does it, so small that it isn't noticable without measuring instruments?

Energy is energy. Visible light DOES raise carry energy. Have you never stood outside in the sunlight? It is detectible by your brain, without instruments. Sun shines on your body, you get warm. In a sense the statement that light=heat is true. Both are forms of pure energy.
  • #3
I figured that since the sun emits a large portion in the IR region that it was the IR that caused the heating, since something that emits just light like say, a flashlight, doesn't have the same effect like standing outside. Not even a really big flashlight. Guess it's just a difference in magnitude then. Thank you.
  • #4
As far as the molecular absorbion spectra of your skin I don't know. Can someone else speak to this, and is the absorbtion caused by the energy levels of molecular rotational modes or random translational motion both or something else? Also I'm guessing that a flashlight emits a fair amount of its radiation in the infrared range, its going to emit approximately as a blackbody.
  • #5
It's a misnomer to say that infrared radiation (or any EM radiation) is the same as heat. Heat energy as due to the random motion of a collection of molecules, atoms, or other collection of masses.

Objects which possesses heat energy (i.e. anything with a temperature above 0 K, i.e. anything period) convert some of the heat into electromagnetic radiation. The radiation may then be absorbed by another object and converted to heat energy in the second object ... so EM radiation is a form of transport for heat energy. But that's different than saying it is heat energy.

srvs said:
I figured that since the sun emits a large portion in the IR region that it was the IR that caused the heating, since something that emits just light like say, a flashlight, doesn't have the same effect like standing outside. Not even a really big flashlight. Guess it's just a difference in magnitude then. Thank you.

Phyisab**** said:
As far as the molecular absorbion spectra of your skin I don't know. Can someone else speak to this, and is the absorbtion caused by the energy levels of molecular rotational modes or random translational motion both or something else? Also I'm guessing that a flashlight emits a fair amount of its radiation in the infrared range, its going to emit approximately as a blackbody.
Yes. Any standard filament lamp emits a higher fraction of it's radiation in the IR than does the sun, with a peak emission wavelength of about 1.0 μm. Compare that to the sun's peak emission at around 500-550 nm.
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FAQ: Regarding heat property of electromagnetic waves

1. What is the relationship between heat and electromagnetic waves?

The heat property of electromagnetic waves refers to the ability of these waves to transfer energy as heat. When electromagnetic waves, such as infrared radiation, are absorbed by an object, the energy from the waves is converted into heat, causing an increase in temperature.

2. How does the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave affect its heat property?

The wavelength of an electromagnetic wave is directly related to its heat property. Shorter wavelengths, such as those of gamma rays and X-rays, have higher frequencies and carry more energy, making them more efficient at transferring heat. On the other hand, longer wavelengths, such as those of radio waves, have lower frequencies and carry less energy, making them less effective at transferring heat.

3. Can electromagnetic waves transfer heat through a vacuum?

Yes, electromagnetic waves can transfer heat through a vacuum. This is because they do not require a medium to travel through, unlike conduction and convection, which require a medium such as air or water for heat transfer to occur. This is why we can feel the heat from the sun even though it is millions of kilometers away in the vacuum of space.

4. What are some examples of how electromagnetic waves are used for heat transfer?

Electromagnetic waves are used for heat transfer in various applications, such as cooking with microwaves, heating homes with infrared radiation, and sterilizing medical equipment with ultraviolet radiation. They are also used in industrial processes, such as welding and heat treatment.

5. How does the intensity of an electromagnetic wave affect its heat property?

The intensity of an electromagnetic wave, which is determined by its amplitude, also affects its heat property. Higher intensity waves, with larger amplitudes, carry more energy and can transfer more heat. This is why standing too close to a powerful microwave or a strong source of infrared radiation can result in burns, as the intensity of these waves is high enough to transfer a significant amount of heat to our skin.
