How is the Energy of a Star's Atoms Calculated and Related to its Temperature?

In summary, stars are made mostly of gas, and the energy of each atom is 1/2mv^2. Kinetic energy is not always pure, but that has nothing to do with the ideal gas law. Temperature is related to the kinetic energy of the motion of the atoms and molecules, and that is what is used to determine pressure.
  • #1
1) As a star is composed of a huge number of atoms and molecules in the sate of gas, how is it near to reality to consider it as an ideal gas?
2) Is the energy of these atoms pure kinetic? I mean is the energy of each atom/molecule 1/2mv^2?
3) how is KT related to the energy of these atoms?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Most of the matter (mostly hydrogen and helium) in stars is plasma, that is the conditions are so hot, and there is so much electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma and X-rays, that most matter is in the form free nuclei and electrons.

There is a spectrum of kinetic energies.
  • #3
shirin said:
1) As a star is composed of a huge number of atoms and molecules in the sate of gas, how is it near to reality to consider it as an ideal gas?
The concept of ideal gas actually works better the more molecules and atoms there are, as long as the density does not get too high (and stars usually don't). The two things that break the concept are interparticle forces and having steep "gradients" (meaning, the environment changes dramatically between nearby locations, where "nearby" means on the scale of the distance between particles-- a distance that gets shorter, and less of an issue, if the density of particles is high). It sounds like you are confusing the problem presented by forces between particles, which become an issue if they are important over the scale of the distance between particles (so that's where high density can be a problem, but stars in many cases don't get dense enough for that to matter), with the "modes of energy" that can be held internally to the particles (like the binding and excitation of atoms and molecules).

The issue of internal energy modes does not relate directly to the ideal gas law, because the ideal gas law is fundamentally just a relationship between the temperature and the kinetic energy of each particle on average, and that can be used to determine the pressure simply if one assumes the particles have a much higher rest energy (mc2) than kinetic energy. So that doesn't have anything to do with what might be going on inside that atom or molecule, it's all about the motion of the whole particle, and the reasons why the kinetic energy of that motion will be 3KT/2 in statistical equilibrium at temperature T. Internal energy is something different, and if thermalized and treated classically, it will also be related to the kinetic energy of motion-- for example, a diatomic molecule gets kT of internal energy to go along with its 3kT/2 energy of motion. Atoms and molecules have additional internal energy owing to their electrons, but that must be treated quantum mechanically, and typically only requires that the degree of ionization be tracked, as a function of T, to understand its energy consequences. Again, that does not affect the 3kT/2 energy of motion of the particle as a whole, which is all you need for the pressure contribution, which is all you need for the ideal gas law.
2) Is the energy of these atoms pure kinetic?
It should be clear now that it is not, especially in regions of the star where everything is not fully ionized, or where there are molecules present (stars typically only have molecules very close to the surface, being generally pretty hot places). But the point here is, even though the energy usually is pure kinetic, even in situations where it is not this has nothing to do with the ideal gas law. Internal energies don't affect the ideal gas law, because those deal in intraparticle forces and only interparticle forces ruin that law.

3) how is KT related to the energy of these atoms?
That was answered above, but if you didn't see the link, there is 3kT/2 of kinetic energy in each particle, on average. That fact stems entirely from the absence of interparticle forces, the assumption of statistical equilibrium, the free motion in 3 dimensions, and the meaning of temperature.
  • #4
Thank you very much for your full answer.
  • #5
for your question. I would like to provide some insights on the energy of a star's atoms.

1) It is important to note that when considering a star as an ideal gas, we are simplifying the complex nature of a star's interior. While it is not a perfect representation, it can still provide valuable insights and predictions about the behavior of stars. This is because the atoms and molecules in a star's interior are in a highly energized state, similar to an ideal gas, and they follow similar thermodynamic principles.

2) The energy of a single atom or molecule in a star is not purely kinetic. In addition to the kinetic energy of its motion, it also has potential energy due to its position in the star's gravitational field. Furthermore, the energy of these atoms and molecules also includes contributions from their internal energy, such as their electronic and vibrational energy levels. Therefore, the total energy of a single atom or molecule in a star is not simply 1/2mv^2.

3) The kinetic energy of atoms and molecules in a star is related to the temperature of the star through the kinetic theory of gases. According to this theory, the average kinetic energy of a gas particle is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas. Therefore, as the temperature of a star increases, the average kinetic energy of its atoms and molecules also increases.

I hope this helps to clarify the energy of a star's atoms. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

FAQ: How is the Energy of a Star's Atoms Calculated and Related to its Temperature?

1. What is the energy source for a star's atoms?

The primary source of energy for a star's atoms is nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy, which is what keeps a star shining.

2. How does the energy of a star's atoms affect its lifespan?

The amount of energy a star's atoms produce directly impacts its lifespan. Stars with more massive atoms, such as blue giants, have a shorter lifespan because they burn through their fuel at a faster rate. On the other hand, smaller and cooler stars, like red dwarfs, have a longer lifespan due to their smaller and less energetic atoms.

3. Can the energy of a star's atoms be measured?

Yes, the energy output of a star can be measured using a variety of methods, such as spectroscopy and photometry. Scientists can also use mathematical models and simulations to estimate the energy production of a star's atoms.

4. How is the energy of a star's atoms related to its temperature?

The energy of a star's atoms is directly related to its temperature. The higher the temperature, the more energetic the atoms become, leading to a higher rate of nuclear fusion and a brighter and hotter star. This is why blue stars, with their higher surface temperatures, are much hotter and brighter than cooler red stars.

5. Can the energy of a star's atoms run out?

Yes, eventually the fuel that powers a star's atoms will run out. Once a star fuses all of its hydrogen into helium, it will begin to fuse helium into heavier elements, and this process will continue until the star can no longer sustain nuclear fusion. At this point, the star will run out of energy and may either collapse or fade away into a white dwarf or a black hole.
