Why Does L1 Regularization Lead to Sparse Solutions Unlike L2?

In summary, L1 and L2 regularization are two methods used in OLS to control for overfitting. L2 introduces a spherical constraint on the coefficients while L1 uses a rectangular constraint. L1 regularization can lead to a sparse solution, while L2 does not have this effect. This can be seen in the 1D minimization problem, where L1 has a "thresholding" effect while L2 does not. In higher dimensions, L1 regularization can result in a sparse solution if there is no strong reason for the coefficients to be nonzero.
  • #1
I am trying to understand the difference between L1 vs. L2 regularization in OLS. I understand the concept of center of ellipsoid being the optimal solution and ellipse itself being contours of constant squared errors. And when we use L2 regularization we introduce a spherical constraint on coefficient and when we use L1 the constraints are rectangle in R2 representation.

In all corresponding pictorial representation of the above in literature,etc, the representation in R2 always shows ellipsoid intersecting the circle in first quadrant but the square on one of the axis i.e at corners. How come in L1 regularization the ellipsoid intersects the square only on corners but in case of L2 any point on the sphere. Wouldn't we get a sparse solution for L2 as well if ellipse intersects the circle (R2 representation) at axis.

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  • #2
The best intuition I've found comes from considering a special case, the 1D minimization problem
argmin_x |x| + a/2(x-1)^2.

The absolute value term tries to put the minimum at x=0, and the quadratic term tries to put the minimum at x=1. The constant 'a' determines the relative influence of the quadratic term compared to the absolute value term, and so as you change 'a', the minimum will move between 0 and 1.

However a really interesting "thresholding" phenomenon occurs. The minimum stays at exact zero for 'a' < 1, and only when 'a'=1 does the minimum start increasing. Draw some pictures to convince yourself this is true. This is because the absolute value function has many "subderivatives" (tangent lines lying beneath the function) at zero, and so it can absorb changes to other terms derivatives, but only up to a certain limit. It is convenient, since it says that 'x' should be exactly zero unless there is a really good reason for it to not be, and the threshold for letting it be nonzero is determined by the parameter 'a'.

On the other hand, if the first term was differentiable instead of absolute value, even for a very small 'a', the minimum would be slightly positive (recall that the minimum is where the derivative of quantity to be minimized is zero). Thus there is no thresholding effect if both terms are differentiable.

l1 regularization is basically a multidimensional generalization of this principle.

FAQ: Why Does L1 Regularization Lead to Sparse Solutions Unlike L2?

1. What is L1 Regularization?

L1 Regularization, also known as Lasso Regression, is a technique used in machine learning to reduce the complexity of a model and prevent overfitting. It works by adding a penalty term to the cost function, which penalizes large coefficients in the model and encourages sparsity.

2. How does L1 Regularization differ from L2 Regularization?

L1 Regularization differs from L2 Regularization in the type of penalty used. While L1 uses the absolute value of the coefficients, L2 uses the squared value. This results in L1 producing sparse solutions, while L2 produces more evenly distributed coefficients.

3. When should L1 Regularization be used?

L1 Regularization should be used when the dataset has a large number of features and there is a need for feature selection. It is also useful when the dataset is noisy, as it can help reduce the impact of irrelevant features on the model.

4. What are the benefits of using L1 Regularization?

L1 Regularization helps prevent overfitting and improves the generalization of a model. It also helps in feature selection by identifying and eliminating irrelevant features, resulting in a more interpretable and simpler model.

5. Are there any limitations of L1 Regularization?

One limitation of L1 Regularization is that it can result in a sparse model, which may not perform well if the dataset is small or if there are important features that are not captured in the model. L1 Regularization also requires tuning of the regularization parameter, which can be time-consuming.

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