Slopes of a Force vs. Charge and Force vs. Distance Graph

In summary, the conversation discusses a lab where two balls with different charges were used to observe the effects of distance and charge on force. The graphs showed a direct and inverse relationship between force and distance/charge respectively. The units for force/distance were N/m, while the units for force/charge were N/C. The conversation suggests that the lab was testing Coulomb's law.
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Homework Statement

We did a lab using two balls (one with a neutral charge and one with a negative charge). The independent variables were distance between the two balls and charge, while the dependent variable was force. We were to hang the neutral ball so that the negatively charged ball could affect the distance. We moved the negatively charged ball closer to the neutrally charged one, and usually a repulsion occurred. We found that the force vs. distance graph was directly proportional and the force vs. charge graph was inversely proportional. What do the slopes of each graph represent?

Homework Equations

Force/Distance = ?
Force/Charge = ?

The Attempt at a Solution

Force's units divided by distance's units = N/m.
Then for the charge graph, I'm not sure what the units of charge even are.
Physics news on
  • #2
heatherann said:
Force's units divided by distance's units = N/m.
Then for the charge graph, I'm not sure what the units of charge even are.

For the one with Force vs charge. The units are N/C... Recall what the force exerted per coulomb of unit +ve charge placed at a point represents..

But what it seems that you were doing was testing Coulomb's law of

[tex]F=\frac{Q_1Q_2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}[/tex]
  • #3

I would first clarify the units of charge being used in the experiment. Depending on the system of units being used, charge could be measured in coulombs (C), electrons (e), or other units. Once the units are clarified, I would explain that the slopes of the graphs represent the relationship between the two variables being plotted. In this case, the slope of the force vs. distance graph represents the force constant, which is a measure of the strength of the interaction between the two charged objects. The steeper the slope, the greater the force constant and the stronger the interaction between the objects.

On the other hand, the slope of the force vs. charge graph represents the inverse of the distance between the two objects. This is because, as the distance between the objects decreases, the force between them increases. Therefore, the slope of the graph becomes steeper as the distance decreases, indicating a stronger force between the objects.

In summary, the slopes of the graphs in this experiment represent the strength of the interaction between the charged objects, with the force constant and inverse distance being the factors affecting the slopes in the force vs. distance and force vs. charge graphs, respectively.

FAQ: Slopes of a Force vs. Charge and Force vs. Distance Graph

1. What is the relationship between force and charge on a graph?

The relationship between force and charge on a graph is directly proportional. This means that as the charge increases, the force also increases, and vice versa.

2. How does the slope of a force vs. charge graph relate to the strength of the force?

The slope of a force vs. charge graph represents the magnitude of the force. A steeper slope indicates a stronger force, while a flatter slope indicates a weaker force.

3. How can the slope of a force vs. distance graph be used to determine the type of force present?

The slope of a force vs. distance graph can be used to determine the type of force present by looking at the direction of the slope. If the slope is positive, the force is attractive, and if the slope is negative, the force is repulsive.

4. What does a horizontal line on a force vs. distance graph indicate?

A horizontal line on a force vs. distance graph indicates that there is no force acting on the object. This could be due to the charges being at a distance where the force is negligible, or if the charges have the same sign and the force is cancelled out.

5. How does the distance between two charges affect the strength of the force on a force vs. distance graph?

The distance between two charges has an inverse relationship with the strength of the force. This means that as the distance between the charges increases, the force decreases, and as the distance decreases, the force increases.
