Index of refraction of the plexyglass

In summary, when the ratio of sine values in Snell's law is reversed, it means that the index of refraction of the second medium is being calculated. In this context, it means that the index of refraction of the plexyglass is being measured in the physics lab activity using polar paper, pins, and plexyglass. The index of refraction of air is usually considered to be 1.0.
  • #1

Sin(theta r)/Sin(theta i) is reversed from Sin(theta i)/Sin(theta r) = n, what does this mean? I'm quite confused since I'm doing a physics lab, and the class was told to make a graph where we measured angles with polar paper, pins and plexyglass. Could it possibly the index of refraction of air?

Thanks so much.
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  • #2
Snell's law

That n is the index of refraction of the plexyglass. Here's the explanation. First, Snell's law of refraction is this:
[tex]n_1 sin\theta_1 = n_2 sin\theta_2[/tex]
Where 1 and 2 represent the two different media. If you are going from air (1) to plexyglass (2), then you can rewrite this as:
[tex]sin\theta_i = n_2 sin\theta_r[/tex]
(Note that the index of refraction of air is n = 1.)
So... you can solve for the index of refraction of the plexyglass:
[tex]n_2 = \frac{sin\theta_i}{sin\theta_r}[/tex]
  • #3

The index of refraction of plexiglass, also known as acrylic, is approximately 1.49. This means that light travels slower through plexiglass than it does through air, which has an index of refraction of 1. Therefore, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence (theta i) to the sine of the angle of refraction (theta r) is equal to the index of refraction (n).

However, if you reverse the ratio, the result would be the inverse of the index of refraction. This could potentially mean that you are measuring the index of refraction of air, as air has an index of refraction of approximately 1. The graph you are creating with the polar paper, pins, and plexiglass is likely demonstrating Snell's law, which relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the index of refraction of the material.

If you are still unsure, it would be best to consult with your instructor or a classmate for clarification. It is always important to make sure you fully understand the concepts in a lab before proceeding with the experiment. Good luck with your lab!

FAQ: Index of refraction of the plexyglass

1. What is the index of refraction of plexiglass?

The index of refraction of plexiglass is typically around 1.49.

2. How is the index of refraction of plexiglass measured?

The index of refraction of plexiglass can be measured using a refractometer, which measures the angle at which light bends as it passes through the plexiglass.

3. What factors affect the index of refraction of plexiglass?

The index of refraction of plexiglass is affected by the chemical composition, density, and temperature of the material.

4. What is the significance of the index of refraction of plexiglass?

The index of refraction of plexiglass is important in determining the optical properties of the material, such as how light will be transmitted and refracted through it.

5. How does the index of refraction of plexiglass compare to other materials?

The index of refraction of plexiglass is lower than that of glass, but higher than that of air. It is also similar to the index of refraction of water.

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