Newton's Law Help: Solving for Acceleration & Force in a Pulley System

In summary, a child sitting in a chair connected to a rope is able to lift a weight of 49 kg using only the tension in the rope.
  • #1
Hi, I have been given this problem to do as extra credit:

An inventive child named Pat wants to reach an apple in a tree without climbing the tree. Sitting in a chair connected to a rope that passes over a frictionless pulley, Pat pulls on the loose end of the rope with such a force that the spring scale reads 250 N. Pat’s true weight is 320 N, and the chair weights 160 N.

Show that the acceleration of the system of Pat and the chair is upward and find its magnitude.

Find the force Pat exerts on the chair.


I made 3 free body diagrams, one of the child with the chair, one of the spring scale and one of the spring inside the spring scale, but am at a loss to generate the necessary equations and am stuck.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2
The scale tells you the tension in the rope. The rope pulls on the child with the same force as the child pulls on the rope - which is the same as tension.
Moreover, the chair is also pulled by the rope with the same force. So the total upward force on the child is twice of the tension in the rope.

The total downward force is known. So, the answer is easily calculated.

  • #3
I made a free body diagram and solved part A to be .408 m/s/s
Pat and Chair ^A
49 kg
480 N

500 - 480 = 49a
20 = 49a
a = .408

How do you solve part B?
  • #4
I think when Pat pulls the loose end of the rope, the downward forces acting on the scale will be the pulling force of 250 N plus the weigh of Pat and the chair. If the scale is consider to be massless, the from Newton's 2nd Law :
T= 250 N + 320 N +160N=730N
  • #5
Hey Leong,

if Pat exerts 730 Newtons on the chair then the whole system would fly down.

The answer is somewhere between 50 and 100 Newtons.
  • #6
Pat doesn't exert 730 N, he only exerts 250 N the rest is coming from his and the chair weight.
  • #7
If what i assume is correct, then the accleration will be 5.11 m/s^2 and the normal force Pat exerts on the chair is 487 N.
  • #8
The tension in the rope is 2T = 250 *2 = 500 because it's a pulley system. I think you made a mistake somewhere because the answer is between 50 and 100 Newtons.
  • #9
Sorry if i have misguided you.
  • #10
no problem, I thank you for your efforts because this is not an easy problem. That's the whole point of these forums, to get people to try to help others on hard problems. Trying is the important part.
  • #11
I went to a bookstore today to buy a book but it wasn't there anymore. because i was there already, i went through a few physics book to find a similar problem to yours and i found exactly the same question in one book and it had the answers. a=0.409 m/s^2 and N=83.3 N.
consider the chair : there are 3 forces acting on the chair. The normal force, N, Pat exerts on the chair, its weight and the tension of the rope. so, from Newton's 2nd Law :
then, N=83.3 N
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  • #12
Pat weighs 320 N but since he/she is pulling down on the rope with 250 N the rope is pulling up on him with 250 N. He is "pressing down" on the chair with 320-250= 70 N. The total weight he has to lift is 70+ 160= 230 N. Since that's less than 250 N, there is a "lifting" force of 250-230= 20 N.

FAQ: Newton's Law Help: Solving for Acceleration & Force in a Pulley System

1. What is Newton's first law of motion?

Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

2. How does Newton's second law of motion relate force, mass, and acceleration?

Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration will be, and the more massive an object is, the less its acceleration will be.

3. Can Newton's third law of motion be applied to everyday situations?

Yes, Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal and opposite force back. This can be seen in everyday situations such as pushing against a wall or when a swimmer pushes against the water to move forward.

4. What is the difference between mass and weight according to Newton's laws?

Mass is a measure of an object's inertia or resistance to change in motion, while weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. Newton's laws of motion do not mention weight, as they only deal with the forces acting on an object and its resulting motion.

5. How do Newton's laws of motion apply to the real world?

Newton's laws of motion are fundamental principles that explain the behavior of objects in the physical world. They are used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and mechanics to understand and predict the motion of objects. For example, they are used to design structures, vehicles, and machines that can withstand and utilize forces in a safe and efficient manner.

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