Polynomial, trigonometric, exponential and fractal curves

In summary, there are many other curves that cannot be described using the trigonometric functions discussed above. This includes functions such as the Weierstrass curve, infinite series, solutions of differential forms, proprietary functions like the Lambert W-function, and a vast array of nowhere analytic curves that cannot be represented by any analytic function. This shows the limitations of using trigonometric functions as a general case for describing curves.
  • #1
Loren Booda
What other curves are there that cannot be described by the above? Are trigonometric functions actually a special case of exponentials with complex powers?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Since the trigonometric functions can be written as combinations of sines and the sine function can be written as a complex exponential, we have exponential and logarithmic functions covering them and their inverses.
The Weierstrass curve and other functions represented by infinite series and solutions of differential forms give an infinitude of curves that cannot be described by finite means. Proprietary functions such as the Lambert W-function also abound. As another addition, there is also a vast jungle of nowhere analytic curves that cannot be described with any analytic function.
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Polynomial curves are algebraic curves that can be described by a finite number of terms in a single variable, such as x^2 + 2x + 3. Trigonometric curves are curves that involve trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine, and can be used to model periodic phenomena. Exponential curves are curves that involve exponential functions, such as y = e^x, and can be used to model growth or decay. Fractal curves are curves that exhibit self-similarity at different scales, such as the famous Mandelbrot set.

Other curves that cannot be described by the above include logarithmic curves, hyperbolic curves, and parametric curves. Logarithmic curves involve logarithmic functions, such as y = log(x), and can be used to model relationships between variables that are not linear. Hyperbolic curves involve hyperbolic functions, such as y = sinh(x), and can be used to model various physical phenomena, such as the shape of a hanging chain. Parametric curves are curves that are described by a set of parametric equations, such as the cycloid curve.

It is true that trigonometric functions can be expressed using complex exponential functions. This is known as Euler's formula, which states that e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x), where i is the imaginary unit. Therefore, trigonometric functions can be seen as a special case of exponential functions with complex powers. However, this does not diminish the importance and usefulness of trigonometric functions in mathematics and other fields.

FAQ: Polynomial, trigonometric, exponential and fractal curves

1. What is a polynomial curve?

A polynomial curve is a mathematical function that is expressed as a finite sum of terms, where each term consists of a variable raised to a non-negative integer power and multiplied by a coefficient. It can have various degrees, which represent the highest power of the variable in the function.

2. How are trigonometric curves used?

Trigonometric curves are used to represent periodic functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent. They are commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics to model and analyze real-world phenomena that exhibit periodic behavior.

3. What is an exponential curve?

An exponential curve is a mathematical function in which the independent variable appears in the exponent. It is characterized by a rapid increase or decrease in value, as the value of the independent variable changes. It is often used to model growth or decay processes.

4. How are fractal curves different from other curves?

Fractal curves are different from other curves because they have a non-integer dimension, meaning they do not fit into traditional geometric categories such as lines, squares, or cubes. They also exhibit self-similarity, meaning they have the same shape at different scales.

5. What are some real-world applications of fractal curves?

Fractal curves have many real-world applications, such as in computer graphics, where they are used to create realistic-looking landscapes and textures. They are also used in image compression algorithms, where they help reduce the file size of images without losing quality. In addition, fractal curves are used in the study of natural phenomena, such as coastlines, clouds, and galaxies.
