Homo Sapien vs. Chimpanzee - Divergence Timeline

In summary, the conversation discusses the genetic makeup and evolution of humans and chimpanzees. It is mentioned that the two species share a common ancestor and have been evolving for an equal amount of time. There is a 3% difference in their genetic makeup and the number of different base pairs that would have to manifest for them to be different is estimated to be around 923,953. However, this number is not as unreasonable as it may seem and in fact, some estimates suggest a higher number of mutations.
  • #1
What is wrong with this logic?

Homo Sapien

1. 46 (diploid) chromosomes
2. 32,185 genes
3. 3,079,843,747 bases (DNA bases A,C,T,G)
4. Homo sapines diverged from chimpanzees 6 million years ago.
5. There is a 3% difference in the genetic makeup of a homo sapien and a chimpanzee.
6. 3,079,843,747 x .03 = 615,968 (number of different bases, in the correct order, that would have to manifest via random mutation and natural selection for homo sapiens to be different from chimpanzees.)

The first error is that 3,079,843,747 x .03 = 923,953

So we have 923,953 different base pairs, in the correct order, that would have to manifest via random mutation and natural selection in only 6 million years.
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  • #2
Murdstone said:
What is wrong with this logic?4. Homo sapines diverged from chimpanzees 6 million years ago.

Really? What's the evidence for that? Chimpanzees and humans have a common ancestor. The earliest known ancestor in the human line is thought to be Austalopithecus followed by H. habilis, H.erectus/ergaster and then H. sapiens.
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  • #3
As ever with posts like yours, Murdstone, the strong suspicion has to be that you have a prior agenda and don't really want to listen to the rational, logical, scientific answers to your objection. If you really do want to understand, then my strong recommendation to you is to read a couple of books by a guy called Sean Carroll. He is a front line researcher and writes wonderfully accessible books. The two you need to look for are called 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful' and 'The Making of the Fittest'. In those books, Carroll deals excellently with the whole misunderstanding of what a gene is and what a gene does that leads to a better understanding of why the Human and Chimpanzee gernomes are so similar and yet the morphologies of those two species are so different.
  • #4
Murdstone said:
What is wrong with this logic?

Homo Sapien

1. 46 (diploid) chromosomes
2. 32,185 genes
3. 3,079,843,747 bases (DNA bases A,C,T,G)
4. Homo sapines diverged from chimpanzees 6 million years ago.
5. There is a 3% difference in the genetic makeup of a homo sapien and a chimpanzee.
6. 3,079,843,747 x .03 = 615,968 (number of different bases, in the correct order, that would have to manifest via random mutation and natural selection for homo sapiens to be different from chimpanzees.)

The first error is that 3,079,843,747 x .03 = 923,953

So we have 923,953 different base pairs, in the correct order, that would have to manifest via random mutation and natural selection in only 6 million years.

3 things; first, can you clarify what your question is?

Second: don't forget that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. We didn't evolve from them, so its not as if their genome has remained static this past 5-6 million years either. We've both been evolving from the last common ancestor for equal amounts of time.

Third: the "degree" of similarity between humans and chimpanzees depends upon the "resolution" we are viewing the genome through. Are we talking coding genes? Chromosome homology? Genomes? Etc.
  • #5
bobze said:
Second: don't forget that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. We didn't evolve from them, so its not as if their genome has remained static this past 5-6 million years either. We've both been evolving from the last common ancestor for equal amounts of time.
bobze said:
Third: the "degree" of similarity between humans and chimpanzees depends upon the "resolution" we are viewing the genome through. Are we talking coding genes? Chromosome homology? Genomes? Etc.
Despite our over 98% similarity to the chimp genome our proteome shares only ~80% similarity as those genomic differences are amplified by slightly different alternative splicing, polyadenylation, post-transcriptional modification, post-translational modification etc.
Murdstone said:
Homo sapines diverged from chimpanzees 6 million years ago
Homo sapiens are only 200,000 years old. The homo genus is only ~2.5 million years old. A variety of different genus and species have evolved since we last shared a common ancestor with chimps.
Murdstone said:
So we have 923,953 different base pairs, in the correct order, that would have to manifest via random mutation and natural selection in only 6 million years.
That number isn't as ridiculous as you seem to be implying. Taking a generation as 20 years then 6,000,000/20 = 300,000 generations. This amounts to roughly 3 mutations per generation or 1.5 mutations in the human side of the divergence and 1.5 in the chimp side. That's not unreasonable at all and actually far less than some estimates.
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FAQ: Homo Sapien vs. Chimpanzee - Divergence Timeline

What is the estimated timeline for the divergence between Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees?

The estimated timeline for the divergence between Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees is believed to be between 6 and 7 million years ago.

How were the timelines for the divergence of Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees determined?

The timelines for the divergence of Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees were determined through various methods, including fossil evidence, genetic analysis, and molecular clock dating.

What are the main physical differences between Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees?

The main physical differences between Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees include skeletal structure, brain size and shape, and body hair. Homo sapiens also have a more upright posture and opposable thumbs, while Chimpanzees have longer arms and a more pronounced brow ridge.

How do the behaviors of Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees compare?

Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees share many behaviors, including the use of tools, complex communication, and social structures. However, Homo sapiens have developed more advanced cultural and technological advancements.

What impact did the divergence of Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees have on human evolution?

The divergence of Homo sapiens and Chimpanzees played a crucial role in human evolution, leading to the development of unique traits and abilities such as language, tool-making, and complex social structures. It also allowed for the evolution of the human brain, leading to increased intelligence and adaptability.

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