Why would inflation slow down because of gravity?

In summary: So even if we were to assume that dark energy is the right answer, there's no guarantee that the theory actually predicts the correct amount.In summary, the expansion of the universe's radius is faster than c, but gravity could eventually slow it down if enough matter was added. However, there is still uncertainty about what the correct answer is for dark energy.
  • #1
This is a basic question. If the expansion of the universe's radius is faster than c, and that speed is increasing or staying constant, how would gravity ever slow the expansion down? Gravitational fields propagate at c, so why would anyone even wonder why it's not slowing down due to gravity (if they thinks gravity effects the "edge" of the universe)?
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  • #2
The inflation is only faster than c when you compare parts of the universe that are billions of light years away from each other. Closer than that and the inflation isn't faster than c for the local area. And at those vast distances the gravity is extremely weak anyways.
  • #3
guss said:
This is a basic question. If the expansion of the universe's radius is faster than c, and that speed is increasing or staying constant, how would gravity ever slow the expansion down?
Expansion isn't a speed, it's a rate. So expansion cannot be faster (or slower) than the speed of light.

Furthermore, the speed of light is only a local phenomenon. There simply isn't any well-defined way to talk about speeds of far-away objects in General Relativity.

guss said:
Gravitational fields propagate at c, so why would anyone even wonder why it's not slowing down due to gravity (if they thinks gravity effects the "edge" of the universe)?
Well, if you fill space with a uniform distribution of normal matter, and see what happens given General Relativity (which does fully take into account the finite speed of gravity), you get a universe that necessarily slows down its expansion. If you add radiation, you get a universe whose expansion slows down even more rapidly. To get a universe that speeds up, you need some sort of exotic energy density filling space.
  • #4
Thanks guys.
Chalnoth said:
To get a universe that speeds up, you need some sort of exotic energy density filling space.
...which is what our universe is doing, so this is why there must be "dark" energy, correct?
  • #5
guss said:
Thanks guys.

...which is what our universe is doing, so this is why there must be "dark" energy, correct?
Correct. That or some form of modified gravity. But the theorists are having a very difficult time finding modified gravity theories that both explain the accelerated expansion and also don't clearly contradict solar system experiments.

Dark energy is easy, though: just propose a cosmological constant. It fits all observations, and is only one single parameter in the theory. Plus it's a parameter that is in the theory regardless, because we know of no way for it to be set to zero, so there actually isn't any added complexity to assuming the acceleration is caused by a cosmological constant.

There also turn out to be a number of models from quantum mechanics that mimic a cosmological constant, but they tend to be rather ad-hoc.

FAQ: Why would inflation slow down because of gravity?

1. What is inflation and how does it relate to gravity?

Inflation is a theory in cosmology which describes the rapid expansion of the universe in the first few moments after the Big Bang. This expansion is often attributed to a repulsive force called "inflation field". Gravity, on the other hand, is a fundamental force that governs the motion of objects in the universe. In the context of inflation, gravity plays a crucial role in determining the rate of expansion of the universe.

2. How does gravity affect the expansion rate of the universe during inflation?

Gravity has a slowing effect on the expansion of the universe during inflation. This is because gravity is an attractive force, and as the universe expands, the gravitational force between objects becomes weaker. This leads to a decrease in the rate of expansion.

3. Can gravity completely stop the expansion of the universe during inflation?

No, gravity cannot completely stop the expansion of the universe during inflation. While gravity does have a slowing effect, there are other factors, such as the repulsive force of the inflation field, that contribute to the expansion. Therefore, the expansion of the universe cannot be completely halted by gravity alone.

4. How does the strength of gravity affect the rate of inflation?

The strength of gravity plays a significant role in determining the rate of inflation. In general, a stronger gravitational force will lead to a slower rate of inflation. This is because a stronger gravitational force will counteract the repulsive force of the inflation field, causing the expansion of the universe to slow down.

5. Are there any other factors besides gravity that can slow down inflation?

Yes, there are other factors that can slow down inflation besides gravity. These include the energy density of the universe and the properties of the inflation field itself. The combination of these factors, along with gravity, determines the overall rate of expansion during inflation.

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