Exploring DM-Radiation Relation on Page 190 of Dodelson's Book

In summary, the relation between radiation density and matter density is as follows: back in the past, when a=0.1 and distances were 1/10 what they are today, the density of dark matter was 1000 times what it is today and the density of rad was 10000 times what it is today.
  • #1
I am read the pag 190 of Dodelson bock, where use the following relation

[tex] \rho_{DM}= \rho \frac{y}{y+1} [/tex]. where [tex] y= a/a_{eq}=\rho_{DM}/\rho_{rad}[/tex]

i tried using the tipically relation [tex] \rho = \rho_{rad} a^-4+ \rho_{DM} [/tex]

but, i don't understand,

healp please
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  • #2
alejandrito29 said:
I am read the pag 190 of Dodelson bock, where use the following relation

[tex] \rho_{DM}= \rho \frac{y}{y+1} [/tex]. where [tex] y= a/a_{eq}=\rho_{DM}/\rho_{rad}[/tex]

i tried using the tipically relation [tex] \rho = \rho_{rad}a^{-4}+ \rho_{DM}[[[a^{-3}]]] [/tex]

but, i don't understand,

healp please
[tex] \rho = \rho_{rad}a^{-4}+ \rho_{DM}a^{-3} [/tex]Doesn't DM mean dark matter? So density goes up with smaller volume.

You seem to be omitting ORDINARY matter in this example. Also you have no dark energy in the picture. Maybe this is some special case of Dodelson? A different universe with no DE and no ordinary matter? Only DM and rad? OK.

You had better say what you think the symbols stand for.

Back in the past,when a= 0.1 and distances were 1/10 what they are today,
the density of dark matter was 1000 times what it is today

ρDM(back then) = ρDM(now) a-3

and the density of rad was 10000 times what it is today
ρrad(back then) = ρrad(now) a-4

Any questions about that?
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  • #3
marcus said:
[tex] \rho = \rho_{rad}a^{-4}+ \rho_{DM}a^{-3} [/tex]

Doesn't DM mean dark matter? So density goes up with smaller volume.

You seem to be omitting ORDINARY matter in this example. Also you have no dark energy in the picture. Maybe this is some special case of Dodelson? A different universe with no DE and no ordinary matter? Only DM and rad? OK.

You had better say what you think the symbols stand for.

Back in the past,when a= 0.1 and distances were 1/10 what they are today,
the density of dark matter was 1000 times what it is today

ρDM(back then) = ρDM(now) a-3

and the density of rad was 10000 times what it is today
ρrad(back then) = ρrad(now) a-4

Any questions about that?

very thank, but, with this relation [tex] \rho = \rho_{rad}a^{-4}+ \rho_{DM}a^{-3} [/tex]

i still do not understant why [tex] \rho_{DM}= \rho \frac{y}{y+1} [/tex]
  • #4
I suggested that you tell us what you think the symbols stand for. Does rho_rad stand for the radiation density at some particular time? Like the epoch of matter-radiation equality? Or the present?
Likewise rho_DM.

You have not explained why you are not including ordinary matter and dark energy. Is this example about the very early universe, when one might consider DM and radiation to dominate and neglect DE and ordinary matter small contribution? Since I don't have the Dodelson book, I don't know the particulars that would help make sense of the problem.

I assume that a_eq is the scale factor at matter-radiation equality,which is about 1/3400. That would be the conventional interpretation. Is that what you think it stands for in this case?
  • #5
marcus said:
I suggested that you tell us what you think the symbols stand for. Does rho_rad stand for the radiation density at some particular time? Like the epoch of matter-radiation equality? Or the present?
Likewise rho_DM.

You have not explained why you are not including ordinary matter and dark energy. Is this example about the very early universe, when one might consider DM and radiation to dominate and neglect DE and ordinary matter small contribution? Since I don't have the Dodelson book, I don't know the particulars that would help make sense of the problem.

I assume that a_eq is the scale factor at matter-radiation equality,which is about 1/3400. That would be the conventional interpretation. Is that what you think it stands for in this case?

I looked at my copy of Dodelson"s modern cosmology but the revision must be different. Marcus raised the key points,

Is this a single or multi-component universe example? Ie early universe prior to matter formation etc. or a De-sitter universe? the other possibility is that he is isolating the individual influences

Dodelson may show how he derived the first equation earlier on in the book, as my revision is different I have no way of knowing.
  • #6
alejandrito29 said:
I am read the pag 190 of Dodelson bock, where use the following relation

[tex] \rho_{DM}= \rho \frac{y}{y+1} [/tex]. where [tex] y= a/a_{eq}=\rho_{DM}/\rho_{rad}[/tex]

i tried using the tipically relation [tex] \rho = \rho_{rad} a^-4+ \rho_{DM} [/tex]

but, i don't understand,

healp please

You don't actually state what you want to understand!

That first equation is easily verified. Assuming that [itex]\rho=\rho_{\rm rad}+\rho_{\rm DM}[/itex], then just substitute y into your equation and you can see that it is satisfied. I also don't have the book at hand, so can't place this in context.
  • #7
Having looked at the text, it's just a change of variables from t to y where y = rho_dm/rho_r. As I said above, you can verify it by direct substitution.

FAQ: Exploring DM-Radiation Relation on Page 190 of Dodelson's Book

1. What is the purpose of exploring the DM-radiation relation on page 190 of Dodelson's book?

The purpose of exploring the DM-radiation relation is to understand the relationship between dark matter and radiation in the early universe. This can provide insights into the structure and evolution of the universe.

2. How is the DM-radiation relation related to the Big Bang theory?

The DM-radiation relation is related to the Big Bang theory because it helps to explain the distribution of matter and energy in the early universe. This is a key component of the Big Bang theory.

3. What is the significance of page 190 in Dodelson's book in regards to the DM-radiation relation?

Page 190 of Dodelson's book specifically discusses the effects of radiation on the distribution of dark matter. This is significant because it helps to explain the observed structure of the universe and provides evidence for the existence of dark matter.

4. What are some potential implications of the DM-radiation relation?

The DM-radiation relation has several potential implications, including providing a better understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies and large-scale structures in the universe. It may also shed light on the nature of dark matter and help to refine current theories of the universe's origins.

5. Are there any current or future experiments that will further explore the DM-radiation relation?

Yes, there are several experiments and observations planned or currently underway that will further explore the DM-radiation relation. These include the Dark Energy Survey, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, and the European Space Agency's Euclid mission.
