Alternative way to replace CFC?

  • Thread starter scilover89
  • Start date
In summary, there are alternatives to using CFCs in refrigeration, such as hydrocarbons and ammonia. The Montreal Protocol has been put in place to phase out the use of CFCs in refrigerators. Using water as a substitute would require a Tcold greater than 0°C and there are safety concerns with using ammonia in household refrigeration systems. Ultrasonic refrigeration is a potential alternative method, but further research is needed. Designing a pressurized water circuit to avoid freezing may not be practical.
  • #1
Since CFC is hazardous to our atmosphere, are there any better substitute to replaced CFC in fridge, air conditioner etc.?
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  • #2
I always though you could use water because of its high heat capacity. Nuclear power plants do this, except in this case, for a fridge, an antifreeze would prbably half to be added. And some way of cycling the water, through something that could cool it off quickly, so it could gather more heat again.
Thats my though anyways.
  • #3
The Montreal Protocol is already in place, the purpose of which is to phase out CFC uses, particularly in refrigerators. It may be interesting to note that the insulating foam used in the construction of a fridge can contain as much as four times as many CFCs as are used for the refrigerant itself.

Other substances are already being used, since the use of CFCs in fridges is now outlawed in many countries. Various hydrocarbons can be used as refrigerants along with ammonia. R134a is an example of a HFC which is now widely used for refrigeration, R717 is ammonia. R12 is now widely disused for fridge manufacture.

Any more information, google up the Montreal Protocol.
  • #4
SwAnK said:
I always though you could use water because of its high heat capacity. Nuclear power plants do this, except in this case, for a fridge, an antifreeze would prbably half to be added. And some way of cycling the water, through something that could cool it off quickly, so it could gather more heat again.

Two things to consider - heat transfer - which is a function of [itex]\Delta T[/itex], and the absolute temperature - Tcold.

Using water (without antifreeze) would require a Tcold greater than 0°C (32°F).

Instead of CFC, ammonia can be (and is) used in industrial refrigeration systems. There are however inherent safety issues - e.g. leaking of ammonia (forms ammonium hydroxide, is flammable, harmful if inhaled) - for application in households.

An alternative to the conventional refrigeration cycle is "Ultrasonic Refrigeration" based on "Thermoacoustics" -

It is recommened to search Google using "Thermoacoustics".
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  • #5
Astronuc said:
Using water (without antifreeze) would require a Tcold greater than 0°C (32°F).

Would it not be possible (practical) to design a pressurized water circuit to avoid its freezing?. I mean, if you work with a pressure little above of the atmospheric one, the evaporator could reach less temperature than 0ºC.
  • #6
Clausius2 said:
Would it not be possible (practical) to design a pressurized water circuit to avoid its freezing?. I mean, if you work with a pressure little above of the atmospheric one, the evaporator could reach less temperature than 0ºC.
Offhand, I don't believe that it would be practical (but I could be wrong). What pressure level would one consider?

FAQ: Alternative way to replace CFC?

What is the purpose of finding an alternative to CFC?

The primary purpose of finding an alternative to CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is to protect the Earth's ozone layer. CFCs have been found to contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful UV radiation.

What are some alternatives to CFC?

There are several alternatives to CFC that have been developed, including HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons), HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), and natural refrigerants such as ammonia and carbon dioxide.

Do these alternatives have any negative impacts?

While these alternatives do not contribute to ozone depletion, they may still have negative impacts on the environment. For example, HFCs are potent greenhouse gases and contribute to climate change. It is important to carefully consider the environmental impact of any alternative to CFC.

Are there any safety concerns with using alternatives to CFC?

Some alternatives to CFC may have safety concerns, such as flammability or toxicity. It is important to carefully handle and use these alternatives according to safety guidelines to prevent any accidents or harm to individuals or the environment.

Is it feasible to completely replace CFC with alternatives?

While it is possible to replace CFC with alternatives, it may not be feasible in all industries or countries. Some alternatives may be more expensive or may require significant changes in equipment and infrastructure. It is important to carefully evaluate the feasibility and impact of replacing CFC with alternatives on a case-by-case basis.

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