Comparison of attraction/repulsion measures

  • Thread starter fer2000
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In summary, the speaker is seeking a statistical or mathematical procedure to measure changes in attraction/repulsion among a large set of items, as well as comparing subsets of the data. They provide matrices of data and mention the possibility of using a paired-comparison t-test or ANOVA, but emphasize the need for more details about the experiment. They also mention that the matrices are symmetrical and the diagonal is not relevant.
  • #1
Hello everybody!

I have a large set of items and, two-by-two, there exists some kind of attraction/repulsion that I have measured.
Under different circumstances this attraction/repulsion changes.
So, what kind of statistical/mathematical procedure can I use to measure whether the changes (for the whole set) are “large/small”, as well as if a subset of them (lets say the first ten items) the attraction is larger than in another subset (lets say the last ten items)?.

Thanks in advance
Physics news on
  • #2
First, you should provide a much more detailed description of your experiment. My initial thought would be a paired-comparison t-test; possibly an ANOVA approach. Much depends on what you do -- if time is involved, then the analysis can be tricky because of possible autocorrelations. Details, details, details.
Reilly Atkinson
  • #3
Hello, first of all, thanks for your answer.
The situation is as follows,

My data are comprised in different matrices (each of the situations provide that information).
First one
x 1.3 -1.5 . . . . . .
1.3 x 1.2 . . . . . .
-1.5 1.2 x . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Second one
x 1.1 1.3 . . . . . .
1.1 x -0.2 . . . . . .
1.3 -0.2 x . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Third one
x -0.1 0.3 . . . . . .
-0.1 x 0.4 . . . . . .
0.3 0.4 x . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

All of them are symmetrical and the diagonal does not make sense (I could write any number). Note that the dimension will be around 300 x 300 for each matrix.

How can I say if first one is closer (and how closer is) to second one than to third one (as well as any other combination)?
I do not mind the lapse of time between each of the situations (that provide each of the matrices), but an external condition that is the same for all the pairs that generate the matrix.

Thanks again.
  • #4
Just out of curiosity, what is the connection of this with quantum physics?

FAQ: Comparison of attraction/repulsion measures

1. What is the purpose of comparing attraction and repulsion measures?

The purpose of comparing attraction and repulsion measures is to understand the forces that govern the behavior of particles or objects in a given system. By comparing these measures, we can gain insight into the interactions between particles and how they affect the overall dynamics of the system.

2. What are the most commonly used attraction and repulsion measures?

The most commonly used attraction and repulsion measures include Coulomb's law, Lennard-Jones potential, and van der Waals forces. These measures are commonly used in physics, chemistry, and other fields to describe the forces between particles or molecules.

3. How do attraction and repulsion measures affect the stability of a system?

The balance between attraction and repulsion measures is crucial for the stability of a system. If the attraction forces are too strong, the particles may clump together, leading to a collapse of the system. On the other hand, if the repulsion forces are too strong, the particles may repel each other so strongly that they cannot form any stable structures.

4. Can attraction and repulsion measures be manipulated or controlled?

Yes, attraction and repulsion measures can be manipulated or controlled to a certain extent. For example, in chemistry, the strength of attraction and repulsion forces between molecules can be altered by changing the temperature or pressure of the system. In nanotechnology, researchers can also manipulate these forces to control the assembly of particles into desired structures.

5. How do attraction and repulsion measures impact real-world applications?

The understanding of attraction and repulsion measures has a significant impact on various real-world applications. For example, in materials science, the manipulation of these forces is crucial for designing new materials with specific properties. In biophysics, the study of attraction and repulsion forces is essential for understanding the behavior of biological molecules and their interactions with each other.

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