What is the difference between a mass state and an interaction state ?

In summary, a "mass state" is an eigenstate of H0 and an "interaction state" is an eigenstate of H0 + Hint. These terms are often used in the context of mixing phenomena, such as neutrino oscillations or quark mixing. A mass state is a linear combination of states that propagates like a state with a definite mass, while an interaction state is a linear combination that is produced by some interaction. These terms are related by a matrix and can lead to oscillations between different states.
  • #1
what is the difference between a "mass state" and an "interaction state"?

I've encountered these terms a few times with no explanation, and googling around turns up absolutely nothing. Can anyone give me a brief description of the two terms, suitable for undergraduate level?
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  • #2

I've never heard the terms used, but maybe a mass state is an eigenstate of H0 and an interaction state is an eigenstate of H0 + Hint.
  • #3

In which context have you heard these somewhat strange notions?

Perhaps you refer to mixing phenomena (nowadays mostly coming up in the context of neutrino oscillations), where the mass-eigen states are different from the charge-eigen states of the interaction in which these particles are involved? In the case of neutrinos the mass eigenstates that admit to define asymptotically free Fock states are different from the flavor-eigen states, i.e., an electron antineutrino (coming, e.g., from the beta decay of a neutron) is a superposition of antineutrino-mass eigenstates.

Longer known is the mixing of the quarks, where the corresponding unitary matrix which transforms from the flavor-eigen state basis to the mass-eigen state basis is named the CKM matrix (named after Cabibbo, Kobayashi, and Maskawa).
  • #4

fpa2011 said:
I've encountered these terms a few times with no explanation, and googling around turns up absolutely nothing. Can anyone give me a brief description of the two terms, suitable for undergraduate level?
The terms are when their are two or more states that are connected by some, usually small, interaction.
The "mass state" in the linear combination of the states that propagates like a state with definite mass. The "interaction state" is the linear combination that is produced by some interation.

For example, two different neutral K meson states are produced in a strong interaction.
The "interaction states" are K_1 which decays to two pions, and K_2 which decays to three pions. The "mass states" are K_short and K_long which move at slightly different velocities with the same energy. The mass and interaction states are related by a 2X2 matrix, and this leads to oscillation between the K_1 and K_2 states.

FAQ: What is the difference between a mass state and an interaction state ?

What is the difference between a mass state and an interaction state?

A mass state refers to the physical properties of a particle, specifically its mass and its spin. It is a fundamental property of a particle that does not change. An interaction state, on the other hand, refers to the way a particle behaves in relation to other particles or fields. It can change depending on the interactions it experiences.

Do all particles have both a mass state and an interaction state?

Yes, all particles have a mass state as it is a fundamental property. However, not all particles have an interaction state. For example, photons do not have an interaction state as they do not experience interactions with other particles.

How do mass states and interaction states affect particle behavior?

Mass states affect the overall behavior of a particle, such as its movement and stability. Interaction states, on the other hand, determine how a particle interacts with other particles or fields, which can affect its energy and momentum.

Can a particle's mass state change?

No, a particle's mass state is a fundamental property that does not change. However, a particle's perceived mass may appear to change depending on its speed and the observer's frame of reference due to the effects of relativity.

How are mass states and interaction states related?

Mass states and interaction states are related in that they both contribute to the overall behavior of a particle. The mass state determines the intrinsic properties of a particle, while the interaction state determines how it behaves in relation to other particles or fields.
