Is Causality Fundamental in the Universe?

In summary: The "concept" of infinities occurs in mathematics, but the "concept" of infinity cannot be consistently defined. Therefore, the conclusion is that infinite regress does occur.
  • #1
A causes B, and B causes A.

A changing electric field generates a magnetic field.
An electric field whose change is changing generates a changing magnetic field which itself generates an electric field.
An electric field whose changing of change is changing generates a magnetic field whose change is changing which itself generates an changing electric field that generates a magnetic field.

If this change is infinitely rough, this pattern extends endlessly.

If A causes B, and B causes A, then is it possible for:

-inf... >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> ...+inf

The only way the change can be infinitely rough is for the pathways of energies to be infinitely rough, which require infinetesimal forces and accelerations, and hence infinitesimal energies. The largest possible thing is something that cannot change, something that is not subject to acceleration, or a change in path - that would have to be infinity (non-object).

Are all things in the universe caused by things that cause things like themselves?
Space news on
  • #2
What do you mean by 'infinitely rough'?
  • #3
kmarinas86 said:
Are all things in the universe caused by things that cause things like themselves?
You are a thing in the universe. You were caused by what ? Suppose you say sexual actions of mother and father--then one could say that you were caused by two things that caused a thing (you) like themselves. But there is another view. Suppose we hold that you were caused by union of DNA in egg and sperm cells. In that view, you as a thing are not like that which caused you for each agent of cause only contained 1/2 of the DNA material required to form you. Thus, to answer your question we need to know what you mean by the word "cause".
  • #4
It would also be useful to know what 'things like themselves' actually consist of. Most people think that all things consist of one basic something-ness.
  • #5
Paul Martin said:
What do you mean by 'infinitely rough'?

Meaning that if you take the derivative again, again, again, again, again, ag... etc. you'll never have a constant. Infinite detail - like a Mandelbrot.
  • #6
kmarinas86 said:
Meaning that if you take the derivative again, again, again, again, again, ag... etc. you'll never have a constant.
Think about this. If you take the derivative, you will get a constant. If you take the derivative again, you will get another constant. If you take the derivative yet again, you will get yet another constant.

"if you take the derivative again, again, again, again, again, ag... etc." you'll have a constant at each and every step.

The question is, exactly who or what is the "you" who is taking all these derivatives? If it is literally you, or me, or any other person, then I think you would agree that any of us could only take a finite number of such derivatives, in which case we'll always have a constant. If the "you" is a computer, or any other mechanism you can think of which is capable of taking derivatives, it too will only be capable of doing a finite number of iterations and will only produce a succession of constants.

What else could you mean?
kmarinas86 said:
Infinite detail - like a Mandelbrot.
What makes you think so? Take any program that let's you examine the Mandelbrot set in finer and finer detail and keep zooming in on any area you like. You will discover that in five or eight (or some other small number of) iterations, the image appears to reach a plateau in which it becomes uniform. The detail disappears. Yes, this is an artifact of the word size of the particular computer, but it clearly shows the limitations I am trying to show will always exist. My point is that there is no reality to the commonly accepted conclusion that infinite regress occurs under any circumstances.

Of course, mathematicians will quickly point out that infinities occur in mathematics, and I agree that the "concept" of infinities occur in mathematics. The "concept" of unicorns also appears in literature.

I just happen to disagree with most mathematicians that a consistent definition of infinity can be made. The typical approach is to accept the Axiom of Choice, or some equivalent axiom, which in essence posits the existence of some kind of agent which can carry out your sequence of "again, again, again, again, etc." to "infinity". In the views of Kronecker and Brouwer over a hundred years ago, and in my opinion now, the acceptance of such axioms leads to contradictions, and thus should be disallowed. Kronecker and Brouwer lost the argument and are now dead. In the meantime, Goedel proved that any axiomatic system robust enough to contain the infinite set of integers, must either be incomplete or inconsistent and you can't tell which. To me, that theorem should have been interpreted as vindication for Kronecker and Brouwer, but it wasn't.

In my view, physics and philosophy would be better served by a "grainy" mathematics with no infinities than with the continuous math of Cantor et. al. (See )

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  • #7
Paul Martin said:
Think about this. If you take the derivative, you will get a constant. If you take the derivative again, you will get another constant. If you take the derivative yet again, you will get yet another constant.

"if you take the derivative again, again, again, again, again, ag... etc." you'll have a constant at each and every step.

Though what I meant was that the entire expression be a constant (i.e. no variables). For example, for 2x^2 + 3x + 2, you have to take the second derivative before the whole thing is a constant (=4). For a polynomial with an near-infinite degree, you would have to have take the deriviative a near-infinite number of times.

The question is, exactly who or what is the "you" who is taking all these derivatives?

No who is necessary here. Also, what exactly is causing these actions (in general) to exist. I don't know.

If it is literally you, or me, or any other person, then I think you would agree that any of us could only take a finite number of such derivatives, in which case we'll always have a constant.


If the "you" is a computer, or any other mechanism you can think of which is capable of taking derivatives, it too will only be capable of doing a finite number of iterations and will only produce a succession of constants.


What else could you mean?
What makes you think so? Take any program that let's you examine the Mandelbrot set in finer and finer detail and keep zooming in on any area you like. You will discover that in five or eight (or some other small number of) iterations, the image appears to reach a plateau in which it becomes uniform. The detail disappears. Yes, this is an artifact of the word size of the particular computer, but it clearly shows the limitations I am trying to show will always exist.

The Mandelbrot is not a perfect analog of reality.
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  • #8
kmarinas86 said:
A causes B, and B causes A.

A changing electric field generates a magnetic field.
An electric field whose change is changing generates a changing magnetic field which itself generates an electric field.
An electric field whose changing of change is changing generates a magnetic field whose change is changing which itself generates an changing electric field that generates a magnetic field.

If this change is infinitely rough, this pattern extends endlessly.

If A causes B, and B causes A, then is it possible for:

-inf... >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> B >> A >> ...+inf
What is shown here is a possible "inter-relatedness" between A and B, I'm not sure I would call it "cause and effect".

At the quantum level, it seems that there may be no "cause and effect", and what we interpret in the macroscopic world as "cause and effect" may be an (intuitive) illusion.

Best Regards

  • #9
The Universe appears to be 'acausal'...

Sufficient Reason reveals itself to be Insufficient...

Cause is an assumption... : )

I am not sure but Bells Theorum comes into play somewhere about now..
  • #10
Only the uncaused can cause the caused.
  • #11

FAQ: Is Causality Fundamental in the Universe?

1. What is the concept of causality in the universe?

Causality is the relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is a direct consequence of the first. This means that one event causes another to happen, and can be observed in various phenomena throughout the universe.

2. Are all things in the universe caused by other things?

According to the principle of causality, every effect must have a cause. This means that everything in the universe must have a cause, whether it is a physical object or a natural phenomenon. However, the exact nature of these causes is still a subject of debate in the scientific community.

3. Can something cause itself?

According to the principle of causality, something cannot cause itself. This is because something must exist in order to cause something else, and therefore cannot create itself. This is also known as the principle of non-self-causation.

4. Are there any exceptions to the principle of causality?

Some scientists argue that there are certain quantum phenomena that appear to violate the principle of causality. For example, quantum entanglement suggests that particles can influence each other instantaneously, even if they are separated by vast distances. However, the exact mechanisms behind these phenomena are still being studied and debated.

5. How does the principle of causality relate to the origins of the universe?

The principle of causality does not provide a definitive answer to the origins of the universe, as it is still a topic of scientific debate. Some theories suggest that the universe was created by a single cause, while others propose multiple causes or even the idea of a cyclical universe with no clear beginning or end. The exact nature of the cause (or causes) of the universe is still a subject of ongoing research and exploration.

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