Can Quantum Mechanics Explain the Moon's Potential to Jump Locations?

  • Thread starter Gza
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In summary, based on the axioms of quantum mechanics, there is a nonzero possibility that the moon could suddenly "jump" to a different spatial location. However, this probability is so small that it would take many times the age of the universe for it to become a reasonable chance. Additionally, quantum motion is different from classical motion in many degrees of accuracy, and for a system as large as the moon, the quantum behavior can be safely neglected. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle also shows that the uncertainty in the moon's position is incredibly small, making the possibility of a quantum jump almost negligible.
  • #1
There is a person I know that believes that there is a nonzero possiblity that the moon will suddenly "jump" to a different spatial location, based on the axioms of quantum mechanics. I present their argument/thought process in it's entirety as worded by the person, with the hopes of seeing how people with knowledge of the field would counter this argument, within terms that the layperson can understand (I have my own reasoning, just want to see if it's heuristically sound):

"What many of you are confusing is that there is no such thing as a system of particles in QM. There is only one wave equation for a system, not a wave equation for every particle which are then added together. The existence of other particles always shift the nature of any single particle( such as photons tend to move toward each other, the concept that leads to the technology of lasers) and this is indeed why on large scales the random movements of quantum particles in the moon do truly cancel out to make it impossible for it to quantum jump as a massive object. This concept has been a part of science sinse prior to QM and is the basis of all thermomechanical theory and has never been questioned in respect to the random movement of molecules which still follow absolute deterministic laws( such as entorpy). Another misunderstood idea is that quantum motion is inherently different than "classical motion" as if an electron making a jump from a certain energy state to another is different than the moons orbit. In fact QM teaches us all movement everywhere is only of the quantum jump vairety and for this reason if all the particles in the moon happened to begin to select in a single direction toward the other side of the Earth it would necisarily have the effect of the moon actually beginning to collide with the Earth and the effects of inertia and gravity would force the overall average movement of the moon to remain as it has been for quite some time now. The main point to understand here is that we can not consider any particle as a single entity, this is in fact demanded by QM, instead we can only view every particle of the moon as part of a system which indeed does have 0 probability as a whole to move anywhere but along the path described by general relativity. Any single particle will have some probability to appear in many different seemingly bizarre places, but we must remember this does not mean we can ignore their nature as a whole and hypothesis an extremely minute probablity of the moon itself performing a quantum jump. "
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  • #2
someones been reading God's Debris :P
  • #3
FunkyDwarf said:
someones been reading God's Debris :P

nope, have no idea what book that is, but if you have something constructive to contribute, by all means...
  • #4
Gza said:
There is a person I know that believes that there is a nonzero possiblity that the moon will suddenly "jump" to a different spatial location, based on the axioms of quantum mechanics.

The propbability is nonzero by QM, but is so small that it would take probably many and many times the age of the universe to become a reasonable chance to make such a leap (even a mm probably).

Gza said:
Another misunderstood idea is that quantum motion is inherently different than "classical motion" as if an electron making a jump from a certain energy state to another is different than the moons orbit.

It is actually quite different, maybe not in principle but at least to many degrees of accuracy. For the many particles of which the moon consists, the quantum behaviuor can be safely neglected and we can speak of it's position and followed path and orbit.

Gza said:
The main point to understand here is that we can not consider any particle as a single entity, this is in fact demanded by QM, instead we can only view every particle of the moon as part of a system which indeed does have 0 probability as a whole to move anywhere but along the path described by general relativity.

In principle still nonzero, only unimaginably small.

If you (by followoing this persons argument) you would consider the moon as one entity with a single wavefunction (which is quite reasonable) with this wavefunction a huge mass is associated. By Heisenbergs uncertainty principle there is a very small uncertainty in the the verlocity and position of the moon. In a formula

[tex]\Delta x \Delta v < \hbar/2m [/tex]

So the product of uncertainties in velocity and position of the moon is smaller than the unimaginably small number on the right. For all purposes the unvcertainty in position (and thus the chance of the moon leaping to some different position) is negligible.
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FAQ: Can Quantum Mechanics Explain the Moon's Potential to Jump Locations?

1. What is "Reasoning QM"?

Reasoning QM, or Reasoning Quantum Mechanics, is a branch of science that deals with the fundamental principles and laws governing the behavior of matter and energy at the microscopic level. It is a mathematical framework that describes the behavior of particles and systems on a quantum scale, and is a key component of many modern technologies, such as computers and lasers.

2. Why is it important to understand Reasoning QM?

Understanding Reasoning QM is important because it allows us to accurately predict and manipulate the behavior of particles and systems on a quantum scale. This is essential for the development of advanced technologies and for gaining a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

3. Can non-scientists understand Reasoning QM?

While Reasoning QM can be a complex and abstract subject, with some effort and dedication, non-scientists can develop a basic understanding of its principles and applications. Many popular science books and online resources are available to help explain the concepts in a more accessible way.

4. How does Reasoning QM differ from classical physics?

Classical physics, also known as Newtonian physics, describes the behavior of macroscopic objects and is based on the principles of causality and determinism. On the other hand, Reasoning QM describes the behavior of particles and systems on a quantum scale, where the laws of causality and determinism do not always apply. Instead, it introduces concepts such as superposition and uncertainty.

5. What are some real-world applications of Reasoning QM?

Reasoning QM has many real-world applications, such as in the development of new technologies like transistors, lasers, and MRI machines. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as chemistry, material science, and quantum computing. Additionally, many modern technologies, such as smartphones and GPS systems, rely on the principles of Reasoning QM for their functionality.

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