How can we protect ourselves from the harmful effects of UV rays?

In summary, UV rays have harmful effects on humans, including skin cancer and sunburn. There are ways to protect oneself from UV rays, including using sunglasses, long-sleeve clothes, and a sunblock. People with XP should avoid the sun completely, and children should be particularly careful.
  • #1
azlan naeem
How can we safe us from ultraviolet rays? Guide me which diseases caused by ultraviolet rays?
Biology news on
  • #3
The organ affected by uv rays is the skin and from the skin involve the used of long-sleeve,hand glove,uv skin block,and any opaque object shield us from uv.For eye protection we used polycarbonate safety glass.
The disease cause by uv ray include cancer,sun burn(erythema),skin aging this is to the skin .
But for the eye it include corneal burn(keratoconjuctivitis)
Thank you azlan.
  • #4
azlan naeem said:
How can we safe us from ultraviolet rays? Guide me which diseases caused by ultraviolet rays?

First off, I don't use wikipedia. Nor did I locate the following in it, which means that someone at wikipedia might use what I am about to share with you. My problem is I wish to share this with you but am concerned when new information comes out then wikipedia is using me. lol! (Tim, this is why I frown on wikipedia.:frown: Wikipedia = encyclopedia. :biggrin: An encyclopedia is a large volume of information.)

Azlan naeem, the National Institutes of Health states the following about one disease that might be of interest to you:

What is xeroderma pigmentosum(XP)?

Xeroderma pigmentosum (pronounced:zer-o-der-ma/pig-men-toe-sum), XP, is a very rare inherited disease that causes extreme sensitivity to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Unless patients with XP are protected from sunlight, their skin and eyes maybe severely damaged. This damage may lead to cancers of the skin and eye. XP has been identified in people of every ethnic group all over the world.
Please read on . . .
  • #5
Ultraviolet rays have suffiecient energy that they can damage the DNA of the skin cells causing various forms of cellular dysfunction .The most dreadful is skin carcinoma which occurs commonly in light skinned individuals , Burns also occur due to damage to the skin structures and subsequent inflammation . However UV rays exposure is essential for skin health and to guard against vitamin D deficiency . vitamin D is necessary to keep bone strengh.UV rays are sometimes dangerous to the eyes in some predisposed individuals and may lead to diminution of vision
  • #6
zahero_2007 said:
However UV rays exposure is essential for skin health and to guard against vitamin D deficiency .

Brief note pertaining to my previous contribution regarding the disease xeroderma pigmentosum(XP). If you had read the entire page by using the link (url) I provided, you would have read:

• Children with XP should not play outdoors during the day unless they areunder ultraviolet light-blocking sheltersand away from reflective surfaces suchas snow, sand, or w a t e r. Clouds do not block out harmful rays.
• Special arrangements for children withXP should be made at school to ensure that they are not exposed to sunlight from an open window, that they are not exposed to any unfiltered(bare) fluorescent light bulbs, and that they are not permitted outside for gym,recess, fire drills, or other activities.

Also, the USDA Food and Nutrition Center provides teachers' "SCIENCE lessons for K-4 grades":

Avoid Skin Cancer! Practice SAFE SUN!
• Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States.
• Melanoma is a deadly skin cancer that is caused by UV radiation from the sun or artificial tanning booths.
• Melanoma is linked to excessive sun exposure in the first 18 years of life.
• Avoid sunburns by practicing SAFE SUN!
What about your body’s need for vitamin D? Remember you need only 15 minutes of sun three times a week to produce vitamin D. You can also take in vitamin D through vitamin-D fortified foods, salmon, or a multivitamin that has 600-800 units of vitamin D.
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FAQ: How can we protect ourselves from the harmful effects of UV rays?

1. What are ultraviolet (UV) rays and how do they affect our health?

UV rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. There are three types of UV rays - UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVC rays are mostly absorbed by the Earth's ozone layer and do not reach the surface. UVA and UVB rays, however, can penetrate the Earth's atmosphere and can cause damage to our skin and eyes. UVA rays are linked to skin aging and wrinkling, while UVB rays are responsible for sunburns and can contribute to skin cancer.

2. What are the main health risks associated with UV ray exposure?

The main health risks associated with UV ray exposure include sunburn, premature aging of the skin, cataracts, and skin cancer. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can also weaken the immune system and increase the risk of developing other types of cancer.

3. How can we protect ourselves from the harmful effects of UV rays?

The best way to protect ourselves from UV rays is to limit our exposure to the sun. This can be done by seeking shade, especially during the peak hours of 10 am to 4 pm when UV rays are strongest. Wearing protective clothing such as hats, long-sleeved shirts, and sunglasses can also help. Additionally, it is important to use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher, and to reapply it every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

4. Can UV rays cause other diseases besides skin cancer?

Yes, UV rays can also contribute to the development of other diseases such as cataracts, immune system deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders. UV exposure has also been linked to the exacerbation of certain skin conditions such as lupus and eczema.

5. Is there a safe level of UV ray exposure?

While some exposure to UV rays is necessary for the production of vitamin D, there is no safe level of UV ray exposure. Even small amounts of UV exposure can cause damage to our skin and increase the risk of developing skin cancer. It is important to always protect ourselves from UV rays, regardless of the season or weather conditions.
