Series capacitance added to parallel resonant tank changing the resonant freq?

In summary, adding a capacitor in series with a parallel tank circuit at resonance will not change the resonant frequency, but will introduce a new series resonance at a lower frequency. However, a suitable resistor must be added in series with the signal source to see this effect. Additionally, adding a diode to the circuit will cause very little output due to the charging of C2 and the reverse biasing of the diode.
  • #1
HI all,

A parallel tank circuit at resonance has a theoretical infinite impedance. However due to the resistance of L and C some power is dissipated so a small current will flow from the source.

If a parallel tank circuit is oscillated at it's resonant frequency and a capacitor (C2) is added in series the circuit's impedance will change. But will it change the resonant frequency?



If the circuit has a diode (D1) in it the parallel tank will still resonante since the resonance takes place between the parallel L and C. So if a capacitor (C2) is added to the circuit will the resonant frequency change?


Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Putting a capacitor in series with the parallel tuned circuit will not change the parallel resonant frequency, but it will introduce a new series resonance at a lower frequency.

To see an effect, though, you would need to add a suitable resistor in series with the signal source.

I simulated it with 5000 ohms in series with your circuit. Both capacitors were 64 pF and the inductor was 16 µH.

Parallel resonance was at 5 MHz and series resonance was at 3.5 MHz

Adding a diode will cause C2 to charge up and reverse bias the diode for most of the input waveform. So there will be little or no output.

FAQ: Series capacitance added to parallel resonant tank changing the resonant freq?

1. How does adding a series capacitance affect the resonant frequency of a parallel resonant tank?

Adding a series capacitance to a parallel resonant tank increases the resonant frequency. This is because the added capacitance decreases the overall impedance of the circuit, allowing more current to flow through and increasing the resonant frequency.

2. What is the purpose of adding a series capacitance to a parallel resonant tank?

The purpose of adding a series capacitance to a parallel resonant tank is to fine-tune the resonant frequency of the circuit. This allows for more precise control over the frequency response of the circuit and can be useful in applications such as filters and oscillators.

3. What happens to the impedance of the circuit when a series capacitance is added to a parallel resonant tank?

Adding a series capacitance decreases the overall impedance of the circuit. This is because the added capacitance creates a low-impedance path for current to flow through, reducing the overall impedance of the circuit.

4. How does the value of the added series capacitance affect the resonant frequency of a parallel resonant tank?

The value of the added series capacitance directly affects the resonant frequency of a parallel resonant tank. A larger capacitance value will result in a higher resonant frequency, while a smaller capacitance value will result in a lower resonant frequency.

5. Can adding a series capacitance to a parallel resonant tank change the Q factor of the circuit?

Yes, adding a series capacitance to a parallel resonant tank can change the Q factor of the circuit. The Q factor is a measure of the sharpness of the resonance in a circuit, and adding a series capacitance can alter the impedance and therefore affect the Q factor.
