Rotation in 3 dimensions about a point

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of defining a rotation in 3 dimensions about the origin and whether or not it is necessary to define an axis of rotation. It is mentioned that every rotation in 3 dimensions has an axis of rotation, and in higher odd dimensions there may not be a single axis. In even dimensions, rotations do not fix any points except for the origin, and a translation may be needed if the reference frame does not correspond to the real origin. The conversation also delves into the specifics of a rotation, including its characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues.
  • #1

I was wondering whether it's possible to define a rotation in 3 dimensions about the origin. Is it necessary to define an axis of rotation or would it be legal to say that you rotate abput the origin (like a phasor in 3 dimensions.)

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  • #2
Every rotation in 3 dimensions leaves a line through the origin unchanged, and we call it the "axis of rotation". It's true in all the higher odd dimensions as well, although in that case there may not be a single uniquely defined axis for a given rotation.

In even dimensions, most rotations do not fix any points (except for the origin, of course).
  • #3
Hey tut_einstein.

Since your origin of the reference frame corresponds to the real origin, no translation is needed. If this wasn't the case you would need to perform two translations before and after your rotation in terms of a linear composition (i.e. matrices to be pre and post multiplied)

For specifics of the rotation, take a look at this:
  • #4
a rotation is a specific distance preserving and orientation preserving linear transformation. Thus all its eigenvalues have length one and their product is 1.

In three - space the characteristic polynomial whose roots are the eigenvalues is a cubic with real coefficients. Thus it has at least one real root, either 1 or -1. Either way, the line spanned by the corresponding eigenvector is mapped into itself.

The case of a rotation is the one in which the real eigenvalue is 1, and the other two roots are complex conjugates. The only case when they are also real for a rotation, is an 180 degree rotation where they are both equal to -1. Thus for a rotation, the line spanned by the eigenvector with eigenvalue 1, is not only preserved but fixed pointwise.

If you define a "rotation" simply to mean an orientation preserving, distance preserving, linear map, then it is not hard to write down a matrix in even dimensions, which has orthogonal rows and determinant one, but no characteristic root equal to 1. Try it.

In fact you should be able to make the characteristic polynomial a power of X^2+1.
  • #5


Yes, it is possible to define a rotation in 3 dimensions about the origin. In fact, rotations in 3 dimensions are often defined in relation to the origin as it is a fixed point in space. However, it is also possible to define a rotation about any point in 3 dimensions, not just the origin. This is known as a point of rotation or center of rotation.

To answer your question, it is necessary to define an axis of rotation in order to fully specify a rotation in 3 dimensions. This axis is a line that passes through the point of rotation and remains fixed during the rotation. The direction of the axis determines the direction of the rotation, and the magnitude of the rotation is determined by the angle of rotation about the axis.

In terms of a phasor in 3 dimensions, it is important to note that a phasor is a mathematical representation of a rotating vector in 2 dimensions. In 3 dimensions, we would need to define an axis of rotation and the angle of rotation about that axis to fully describe the rotation.

I hope this helps clarify your question. Let me know if you have any further inquiries.

FAQ: Rotation in 3 dimensions about a point

1. What is rotation in 3 dimensions about a point?

Rotation in 3 dimensions about a point is a mathematical concept in which an object or shape is rotated around a fixed point in three-dimensional space. This means that the object's position and orientation change relative to the fixed point, but the overall shape and size of the object remain the same.

2. How is rotation in 3 dimensions about a point different from rotation in 2 dimensions?

In 2 dimensions, rotation occurs around a single axis or line. However, in 3 dimensions, rotation occurs around an entire plane or axis, making it more complex and difficult to visualize. Additionally, 3D rotation involves rotation in multiple directions, while 2D rotation is limited to one direction.

3. What are the three types of rotation in 3 dimensions?

The three types of rotation in 3 dimensions are roll, pitch, and yaw. Roll is rotation around the x-axis, pitch is rotation around the y-axis, and yaw is rotation around the z-axis. These rotations can be combined to achieve any desired orientation in 3D space.

4. How is rotation in 3 dimensions about a point represented mathematically?

In mathematics, rotation in 3 dimensions about a point is typically represented using a 3x3 rotation matrix. This matrix contains values that describe how the coordinates of the object will change after rotation around the fixed point. Another common representation is the use of Euler angles, which describe the rotation in terms of three separate angles.

5. What are some real-world applications of rotation in 3 dimensions about a point?

Rotation in 3 dimensions about a point has many practical applications, including in computer graphics, robotics, and aerospace engineering. In computer graphics, 3D rotation is used to create realistic and dynamic animations. In robotics, it is used to control the movement of robotic arms and joints. In aerospace engineering, it is used to calculate the trajectory of spacecraft and satellites. Additionally, understanding 3D rotation is crucial in fields such as physics and mechanics.

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