Is light pollution causing wasted energy and costing billions of dollars?

  • Thread starter Bobbywhy
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In summary, the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) believes that wasted outdoor lighting wastes energy and money, pollutes the night sky, and affects safety and security. There are simple suggestions on how to reduce energy wasted in lighting the outdoors at night.
  • #1
Gold Member
Each and every photon of light we send upward into space at night pollutes the night sky and is wasted. This is excerpted from the Energy Brochure of the International Dark Sky Association (IDA):

“Wasted outdoor lighting, that shines directly upward, is estimated at 22,000 gigawatt-hours a year. At an average of $0.10 per kilowatt-hour the cost of that wasted energy is $2.2 billion a year. In terms of how that affects our carbon footprint, here’s the math:
• 3,412 Btu to generate one kilowatt-hour
• 1 ton of coal = 20.1 million Btu
• 1 barrel of oil = 5.8 million Btu
• 3.6 million tons of coal, or 12.9 million barrels of oil are wasted every year to generate the energy for this lost light.”

Night lights map:

For a detailed technical description of the light emitted upward into space see:

For very high resolution images of the night lights download the “hi res” images from:

The IDA offers simple suggestions on how to diminish the energy wasted in lighting the outdoors at night. The United States could save much energy and money by adopting more sensible lighting schemes. We would thereby reduce our need for foreign energy imports and decrease our carbon emissions footprint. Safety and security lighting would not be affected; only the light sent into outer space would decrease. And the night skies in all their splendor would become more visible.

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  • #2
Bobbywhy said:
The IDA offers simple suggestions on how to diminish the energy wasted in lighting the outdoors at night.
What are these suggestions?
  • #3
  • #4
The wording in the OP is a little problematic: light reflected off the ground is not necessarily wasted, it is only light directed upwards.

So anyway, it turns out that the light pollution problem is largely going to mitigate itself due to the energy cost implications. On the commercial/industrial end, anyway: people still don't put much effort into it residentially.
  • #5
russ_watters said:
... So anyway, it turns out that the light pollution problem is largely going to mitigate itself due to the energy cost implications ...

I'd say you got THAT right. For example, I've never seen parking lot lights that don't direct all of their light downwards by having reflectors above the bulbs. for that matter I don't think I've ever seen common street lights that direct any light upwards.

I don't argue that we might save a bit with residential outdoor lighting but it strikes me that as a percentage of all lighting in the US ... all commercial, residential indoor, and residential outdoor, it would be approximately zero. Does anyone think I have this wrong?

FAQ: Is light pollution causing wasted energy and costing billions of dollars?

1. What is light pollution?

Light pollution refers to the excessive and unnecessary artificial light that is emitted into the environment, often from outdoor lighting fixtures. This light can cause a variety of negative effects, such as disrupting natural ecosystems, wasting energy, and impacting human health.

2. How does light pollution contribute to wasted energy?

Light pollution contributes to wasted energy in several ways. First, it often involves using bright, inefficient lighting fixtures that use more energy than necessary. Additionally, much of the light emitted is directed upwards or sideways, where it is not needed, instead of downwards to light the intended area. This means that a significant portion of the energy used to produce the light is wasted.

3. What are some examples of light pollution?

Examples of light pollution include streetlights that are too bright or poorly aimed, outdoor advertising signs that are overly bright or lit all night, and excessive lighting from buildings or homes. Even small sources of light pollution, such as porch lights that are left on all night, can contribute to the problem.

4. How does light pollution impact the environment?

Light pollution has a negative impact on the environment in several ways. It can disrupt the natural cycles of plants and animals, including causing confusion for migrating birds and interfering with the reproduction of certain species. Light pollution can also contribute to air and water pollution, and can even disrupt the behavior and health of marine animals.

5. What can be done to reduce light pollution and save energy?

To reduce light pollution and save energy, individuals and communities can take several steps. This can include using energy-efficient lighting fixtures, installing motion sensors or timers for outdoor lighting, and ensuring that lights are aimed downwards and not directed into the sky. It is also important to raise awareness about the issue and advocate for responsible lighting practices in public spaces.

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