Estimating Diffusivity of Freon using known Diffusivity of Methane

  • Thread starter lewdtenant
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In summary, diffusivity is a measure of how quickly a substance spreads through a medium and can be influenced by various factors. It can be measured experimentally or calculated using mathematical models. Freon, a type of refrigerant, has important implications due to its diffusivity in the environment. Its diffusivity is typically higher than that of methane, another gas, but can be estimated using the known diffusivity of methane as a reference.
  • #1
How can I estimate the diffusivity of a compound such as CCl2F2 (freon-12) using the known diffusivity of methane?

I would like to estimate it for both air and water. I have a diffusivity value of methane for each medium.

Any advice/help is much appreciated.
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  • #2
Ok so I figured it out, after an extensive google search.

You have to use Graham's law, which states:

Rate1/Rate2 = (M2/M1)^1/2

M = Molecular Weight

(For anyone that cares)
  • #3

To estimate the diffusivity of CCl2F2 (freon-12) using the known diffusivity of methane, you can use the concept of molecular weight and the Kinetic Theory of Gases. The diffusivity of a gas is inversely proportional to its molecular weight, meaning that a lighter gas will diffuse faster than a heavier gas in the same medium.

First, you can calculate the molecular weight of methane (CH4) and CCl2F2 (freon-12) using the periodic table. The molecular weight of methane is 16 g/mol, and the molecular weight of CCl2F2 is 120 g/mol.

Next, you can use the following formula to estimate the diffusivity of CCl2F2 in air and water:

Diffusivity of CCl2F2 = (Molecular weight of methane / Molecular weight of CCl2F2) * Diffusivity of methane

For example, if the diffusivity of methane in air is 0.2 cm^2/s, the estimated diffusivity of CCl2F2 in air would be:

Diffusivity of CCl2F2 = (16 g/mol / 120 g/mol) * 0.2 cm^2/s = 0.0267 cm^2/s

Similarly, for water, if the diffusivity of methane is 0.1 cm^2/s, the estimated diffusivity of CCl2F2 in water would be:

Diffusivity of CCl2F2 = (16 g/mol / 120 g/mol) * 0.1 cm^2/s = 0.0133 cm^2/s

Please note that these are only estimated values and may not be completely accurate. Other factors such as temperature and pressure can also affect the diffusivity of a gas. It is always recommended to conduct experiments to determine the actual diffusivity of a compound in a specific medium.

FAQ: Estimating Diffusivity of Freon using known Diffusivity of Methane

1. What is diffusivity?

Diffusivity is a measure of how quickly a substance will diffuse or spread out through a medium, such as air or water. It is a property that is influenced by the size and shape of the particles, as well as the temperature and pressure of the medium.

2. How is diffusivity measured?

Diffusivity can be measured experimentally by observing the rate at which a substance diffuses through a medium over time. It can also be calculated using mathematical models based on the properties of the substance and the medium it is diffusing through.

3. What is Freon and why is its diffusivity important?

Freon is a type of refrigerant used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Its diffusivity is important because it affects how quickly it can spread and disperse in the environment, which can have implications for its environmental impact and safety.

4. How does the diffusivity of Freon compare to that of methane?

The diffusivity of Freon is typically higher than that of methane. This means that Freon will diffuse more quickly through a medium compared to methane. However, the exact diffusivity values can vary depending on the specific conditions and properties of the substances being compared.

5. How can the known diffusivity of methane be used to estimate the diffusivity of Freon?

Since both methane and Freon are gases, they will have similar properties that affect diffusivity, such as molecular weight and size. By using mathematical relationships and experimental data, the known diffusivity of methane can be used as a reference to estimate the diffusivity of Freon under similar conditions.
